keljonma's Front Porch - Settling in and adjusting


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Just posted on QA's journal. MY sis in law from NY is in town for a friend's wedding. She is insisting on seeing dh tomorrow morning. But since dh is at retreat all week-end I am stuck with her. She still owes us a big bunch of money, and she loves to play these games, so I guess I better go see her. So unfortunately, that means I won't be able to go help QA tomorrow. :(


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Nonsense! You should pack her up and bring her along! :p

Pack some work clothes for her to change into and tell her you have a little "charity" work scheduled to do or a little "errand" to run.

There are many ways to be "paid back"! ;) :gig


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
Your soup sounds great and better yet I have all the ingredients. I'll have to save it to my recipe file. It is a little too hot for soup here this week.
I'm thinking more along the lines of making jello and salad. Today we had south of the border style soft taco's using lots of leftovers. I only had to cook up a little ground beef.
I just hate that we are all so far apart from each other. We have so much produce and no buyers. Our pullets have started to lay, so we are getting more eggs. I'm looking forward to getting the green and blue eggs from the ameraucanas.

That mobile home sounded pretty good, too bad they want so much. It probably wasn't the right thing for you though, if you can't get it. I always feel that someone is looking out for us, when things we think we want, don't happen. Something better usually comes along or there is some other good reason.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I wish we all lived closer I could go to church with y'all at keljonma's church! :) Wouldn't that be a dream? Imagine what all us ladies could do for folks with our gardens and such! :p


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Farmfresh said:
Nonsense! You should pack her up and bring her along! :p

Pack some work clothes for her to change into and tell her you have a little "charity" work scheduled to do or a little "errand" to run.

There are many ways to be "paid back"! ;) :gig

OH and Ernie and I had another idea about the housing situation, I'll email or pm you about it later.... ;)


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Beekissed said:
I wish we all lived closer I could go to church with y'all at keljonma's church! Wouldn't that be a dream? Imagine what all us ladies could do for folks with our gardens and such!
What a great idea, Bee! I love it! Though, it is hardly MY church! It is HIS. ;)

Farmfresh said:
Nonsense! You should pack her up and bring her along!

Pack some work clothes for her to change into and tell her you have a little "charity" work scheduled to do or a little "errand" to run.

There are many ways to be "paid back"!
I would never subject any ss friend to my sil - unless maybe I was trying to lose said friend. Her combined imagined and real health issues make Stephen Hawking appear to be a decathlon athlete. And she is a whiner!

I am the owner of some more books that "saved my sil's life" financially. She must have really been in debt up to her ears! :/ She must think we are the church - she gave us a check for 1/10th of what she owes! :lol: Don't get me wrong...the money is appreciated. She has been paying this loan back since 1983, though, so I was hoping that the check would be for a larger sum. Greedy me! :lol: DH will be glad to hear we got some money when he gets home tomorrow night.

As I mentioned, this sil is in Ohio for a friend's wedding. The friend getting married is a person that grew up next door to dh and his sisters. The fella has never been married (in his late 40's or early 50's), because he was the one to stay home and care for his parents till the end. His living family consists of a niece and a sister, I believe. His bride is an only child whose only living relative is a father and some cousins. Some how my sil is in the wedding party in the same position as the mothers of groom and bride would be. She is also responsible for a wedding album for the couple. So she asked me once more if I had any pictures of the groom with dh and his sisters in the 60s and 70s. I answered her the same way I did last week, which is I dont have any pictures like that, but if I did, they are in storage.

I was going to write some more, but this sil brings out the worst in me. On the way home, I stopped by some yard and shop sales. I found some really cute dishes with rooster motif and some refrigerator glass in excellent condition, but I didnt buy anything. With 80% of what I own in storage, I really dont need anything new. :lol:

I came home to have some lunch (greens and beet salad with vinaigrette) and told Satan to back off. I started reading some of Marilyn Mebergs book, Id Rather Be Laughing. I really needed something light and spiritually joyful this afternoon!

Then I had a wonderful talk with dd. She needed help with some recipe she is making - pork and sauerkraut. :D The two older grands were outside playing catch and the youngest was napping. She talked a bit about her classes and the older grands homeschooling lessons; all going well. Her seizures have stopped, and they havent found any reason for them yet; health-wise the grands are all doing well. It was a great visit and really helped to get me out of my morning funk.

I guess I will try to catch up with what has been going on with everybody else and get some bread and desserts made.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Got some housework done last night and some more unpacking. I had the rest of the BLT soup with dinner with a piece of the whole wheat bread I made earlier. I had a peach for dessert. They are yummy, nice and sweet!

We got down to 42 overnight, so I shut most of the windows - well the ones I could shut anyway. :rolleyes: This place has old jalousie-style windows, and most dont open and the ones that do, dont shut properly. Blah!

This morning the sun is out and we are supposed to reach of high of 76 today!. :ya The dew is so heavy though, my feet got soaked through my leather tennis shoes this morning when I walked Titan. :( Where I am sitting now, the sun is warming my feet, and it feels really good! :)

I got an email from Pat that there is no Sunday class this week, so our study, You Matter More Than You Think: What A Woman Needs To Know About The Difference She Makes, by Dr. Leslie Parrot, wont start until next week. This is the write up about the study, in case anyone is interested in reading this one on their own.

This study is designed for every woman who longs to be more than part of the mainstream. Each piece of your life, no matter how haphazard, represents a part of what you do and who you are. Do you wonder if your life makes a difference in this world? Do you think you should be a clone of Mother Teresa or a replica of Catherine Booth or at least more like the woman down the street? The truth is, God created each of us as an original. Gold Medallion Award-winning author Dr. Leslie Parrott believes that whether you know it or not, you are already making a distinctive difference by the life you live. In this book she helps you see that the more you understand the difference you are making, the bigger that difference will be.
I am glad this one doesnt start until next week, I am feeling a bit punk this morning - slight fever and ear ache. I put a bit of garlic oil in my ear, so I dont want to go to church smelling like garlic bread! :lol:

I didnt make any dessert yesterday, and will probably do that this morning, so dh has some sweet for his lunches this week. I am glad dh is coming home tonight. I miss him. :love

Im thinking of making Bulgogi for dinner tonight. Hope everyone has a grand day!

Bulgogi or Pulgogi
I've seen it spelled both ways. We used to get Bulgogi sandwiches at a small place called Burger Tex in Houston. The owner said it is Korean Barbecued Beef; but more like a teriyaki beef to my mind.

4 T soy sauce
2 T sesame oil
2 T sugar
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
4 T finely chopped green onions
1 T toasted sesame seeds
1 1/2 # sirloin tip, thinly sliced into 1/2 x 2 pieces

In a large bowl, combine soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar, black pepper, garlic, green onions and sesame seeds. Add meat and mix well. Cover and refrigerate 1 - 2 hours.

Preheat oven to broil or start charcoal grill. Broil or grill meat for 2 to 3 minutes per side until brown. Serves 4

Can be served 3 ways

#1: On warm hamburger bun with lettuce, tomato, sliced onion, sliced jalapeo, and a bit of mayo.

#2 OR add the following
12 romaine lettuce leaves
1 c cooked rice
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
Place meat on lettuce leaves with 2 teaspoons hot rice and dash of cayenne pepper per leaf and roll up.

#3 OR serve with vegetable side dishes and rice

edited for typos...


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
That sounds yummy!!! Sorry to hear your ear is hurting, yuck!!! Our night time temps have been cooling off but we are still in for a couple months of Indian Summer. Sept and Oct are our worst fire danger months. I wish it would rain here!!

Have a better day!



Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well, darlin'.

I hate it when I feel ickky. We have had several days of drizzly weather here and it makes me ache all over. Not sick, just hurt all over. It's frustrating.

Glad you are getting some time to yourself but sorry you have to deal with the relative. My aunt and uncle owe my parents TONS of money and should be in jail but my father wouldn't prosecute them. They give him $100 here and there but are supposed to be paying them every month but we always get a sob story. It makes you want to scream.

I really hope you guys are able to find a better housing situation. I know Aly would miss the ladies but you would be so happy to have them home!