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- #2,161
Epicurean Goddess
OFG - I wish I would have kept my wits about me last Thursday. I have been doing the "woulda/shoulda/coulda" thought process since the swarm.ohiofarmgirl said:wow on the swarm! and good/quick thinking to grab them.. hopefully they will work. will you feed them to see if they will make it thru the winter?
Instead of calling friend, I could have just taken a medium super off the original hive to dump the swarm into. I used friend's deep 10 frame super; but all my equipment is for 8 frame mediums. So the Miller Feeder I have is smaller than the deep super (8 frame vs 10 frame). So I have jerry-rigged a way to feed them, but I noticed yesterday that there were some yellow jackets harassing the deep super hive. So I am going to have to do something this week-end.
We are getting rain until Friday I think. I am thinking that after a check of the original hive I will have make sure there is no queen in the original hive, kill any queen cells I find, add some more supers and combine the two hives into one.
I wish others in the Beek Assoc were using 8 frame equipment - everyone seems to be using 10 frame.