keljonma's Front Porch - Settling in and adjusting


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
lorihadams said:
Hey Kel, just wanted to let you know I got the cookbook yesterday! It looks great, thanks!
Thanks, Lori! I had fun with it; glad you like it. The squirrel recipe comes from my daughter's FIL...... and she says it is pretty good. Does Chad hunt squirrel?


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
WINTER!!! We have 2 feet of snow on the ground and it is STILL coming down. Our high temp today is supposed to be 25, but I don't think we've gotten warmer than 20.

Jon and Erin have decided to wait until after she graduates (Masters in Ed) in August to hold the wedding. .. But no set date yet. TR and I were wondering if they will wait until October (Jon will be 30 in October). My goodness, my baby is getting old!!! :lol:

We sent the kids the gold wedding bands my paternal grandparents used when they got married in 1916. They will need resized before Jon and Erin can use them.

I bought TR a pocket watch when we got married. We took it to be cleaned and a small repair made so we can give it to Jon for his wedding this year. So we're headed to the jeweler's to see what the final cost will be for that.

ETA: Here is the pic of the Nativity that TR got me for Christmas 2010 .... It lights up and is beautiful in a darkened room.



Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Cold weather... snow... single digit temps. Everything is covered in ice.

The roof in the sunroom is leaking....along the outer wall. The door frame is leaking and now the wood at the bottom of the door is starting to buckle. Mentioned it to the landlord last week....but they want to wait until spring/summer to do something about the situation. I hope the door holds out. :/

We keep the heat in the house between 55 and 60. Our natural gas bill has been between $40 and $50. So imagine the heart attack I had when I got the new bill and saw that the total is over $200!! Ironically, according to the usage chart with the bill, the total amount used is 45 % less fuel for the same time frame last winter. I am totally bummed out about this; as the only way to improve the situation is to insulate the house. (Which is definitely not going to happen this year if we have to pay for it.) We have applied for the weatherization program here but were told that it could take as long as 2 years to get accepted. Since we are just renting, I am not sure we will be here in 2 years. Boy, it sure sounds like I woke up on the grumpy side of the bed today! :D

I have been knitting prayer shawls and chickens. I am going to start on honeybee ornaments soon. Other than that, just the usual church, Bible studies, cooking, cleaning, AND drooling over seed catalogues. I have even been looking at last year's McMurray Hatchery catalogue. I am missing our Ladies.

The bee hives have about 2 feet of snow on top of them. I haven't been out to visit, since the temps are so low and mostly we haven't had any sun - so the bees will be cozy in their huddle. Hopefully, they will make it through the winter. I have been reading Bee Culture and other bee related materials.

This Saturday our church is sponsoring a Live Simply and Financially Smarter workshop (by Crown Ministries). I did sign up to help - as the church is providing the workshop for free to the community with a free lunch and free child care. I have only promised to bring some dessert and a coffee cake. TR thought I was going to help teach the live simply portion of the workshop. And my sisters are all wondering what I could learn to live more simply than we already do.

Well, I better check my email before the library closes.

Stay warm and have fun!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
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Wow, that is alot of snow, ours has all melted and I went outside today to do some simple yard work. It is a muddy mess out there.

Congratulations on the future wedding in your family!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Hey, Hen! I rarely take pics of my knitting projects (except the chicken ornaments, it seems). But I will take some of the 3 I am working on now when they are done.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA

I would love to see them as well! I am still learning even though I have been knitting awhile.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Temp was MINUS 9 last night!!!!!!! Today is brisk and cold as well. Our high today was 8. come on Spring!!! :lol:

TR and I went to the free live simply and financially smarter workshop at church today. The presenters are from another Methodist church. They gave each of us a disc of programs to use for budget purposes. I think most of them I already have on the computer at home, but will check. There was lots of great information as well. They had some books available to look through that belong to their church library. Laurie, our small ministries coordinator said she may recommend some of them for our church library as well. Most of the financial information was from the book ENOUGH and from Dave Ramsey's books (which we already have). There was a good turnout of 40 people from the community! So Laurie obviously did a great job of getting the word out in the local newspapers.

I left the two Live More Simply worksheet questionnaires blank because I couldn't think of anything to do to live more simply than we already do. :hu :D

TR and I are heading over to the Sonshine Corner to purchase a sympathy card for our friend Mindy. Her father just died this week - he has been in our prayers for a long time, as he had been sick (with multiple brain tumors) for the past 2 years. Unfortunately, I had a funeral dinner to cook yesterday for a funeral at our church, so missed the calling hours and today we missed the funeral because it was the same time as our workshop. I was on the food committee for the workshop, so couldn't cut class.....

Stay warm and have fun!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
keljonma said:
Temp was MINUS 9 last night!!!!!!! Today is brisk and cold as well. Our high today was 8. come on Spring!!! :lol:

TR and I went to the free live simply and financially smarter workshop at church today. The presenters are from another Methodist church. They gave each of us a disc of programs to use for budget purposes. I think most of them I already have on the computer at home, but will check. There was lots of great information as well. They had some books available to look through that belong to their church library. Laurie, our small ministries coordinator said she may recommend some of them for our church library as well. Most of the financial information was from the book ENOUGH and from Dave Ramsey's books (which we already have). There was a good turnout of 40 people from the community! So Laurie obviously did a great job of getting the word out in the local newspapers.

I left the two Live More Simply worksheet questionnaires blank because I couldn't think of anything to do to live more simply than we already do. :hu :D

TR and I are heading over to the Sonshine Corner to purchase a sympathy card for our friend Mindy. Her father just died this week - he has been in our prayers for a long time, as he had been sick (with multiple brain tumors) for the past 2 years. Unfortunately, I had a funeral dinner to cook yesterday for a funeral at our church, so missed the calling hours and today we missed the funeral because it was the same time as our workshop. I was on the food committee for the workshop, so couldn't cut class.....

Stay warm and have fun!
Stay warm yourself!
Would love to see pics when you can.
As for the questionnaires, you've got a head start!
Sorry about your friend's loss. :(


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Temps in the mid 20s, instead of below zero this week, so we feel like we are having a heat wave! :lol:

We have over 2 feet of snow up here - and it is still snowing.

TR is off work today - then working until next Thursday.

We've just about got all the stuff we need to get our taxes done. I got the 1099s for a couple jobs I did last year - cleaning the church and compiling cookbooks - so TR is hoping that the tax we will owe won't put a big dent into our expected refund. We'll find out in about a month.

Our big saving project this year is for our trip to Texas for Jon's and Erin's wedding.

Recently strangers have been pulling into our drive, parking and then walking out into the back of the property. I called the landlords to let them know, as they use the big cattle barn for storage. They said that they are getting some quotes to have their woods trimmed (it hasn't been done since the 1960's!) so that will be interesting. TR and I were wondering if they had any black locust out there (in the 85 acres behind us) that we could use for fence posts.....but they didn't seem too keen on the idea of fencing.......... :/ Go figure!

Well, I have 2 prayer shawls just about done. As soon as they are I will post pics.

Stay warm and have fun!

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