keljonma's Front Porch - Settling in and adjusting


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
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I swear I can feel the tense mood in Ohio caused by the weather. It's getting very frustrating :he I've never seen it like this.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
Reading your posts is making me feeling a little guilty about all the nice warm sun we have been having. I would gladly share it with all of you.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Sunny and warm (relatively speaking :lol:) this afternoon! I took 1/2 vacation to putt around outside!!! This is pathetic!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
I stopped extracting honey (boy am I a sticky mess! :D ) after TR got home from work today, so that we could sit out on the porch swing, drink coffee, talk about our day, and watch the wild birds. It was TERRIFIC! The sun is nice....

We were just reminiscing that May 1st last year we had wonderful weather - warm and dry enough to install our bees. :D I was even wearing a summer shirt under my beek jacket. :p

We have had a difficult winter/spring, but with so many others around the country experiencing severe drought, wildfires, severe tornadoes and flooding..... I am not in a mood to complain too strongly. ;)


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
TR got sent home from work today. Work starts at 7am; he was home by 7:30am. An unexpected day off.

It seems TR's boss put 3 people on projects (usually TR is the one project person on Fridays), so there wasn't enough work for TR to do. Then the 4th floor was closed because they had no patients, so the boss had to find something for that person to do as well.

TR has to work this week-end through Tuesday. He is scheduled to be off on Wednesday, but as part of the patient experience satisfaction team, he has to go to work that day to work at the health fair. The bummer is he won't get paid for it.

You know how it is when someone from your past occasionally pops into your conversations as a fond memory? Well, for me and my sisters, it was Mr. Andrew J. Cassese, the principal of the elementary school that my sisters and I and my dd attended. I found out this afternoon that he passed away the other day. Mr. Cassese was a well-respected and loved person who truly loved his calling and working with children. I worked at the elementary school library for a few years (while dd was attending) and I remember how Mr. Cassese's passion for reading really got the kids excited about reading too. He was a blessing to the community and will be missed not only by his family but by us as well.

We had sunshine this morning, so TR cut the grass in the front, side, and back yards. Then he weedwacked around the house. TR was about to start on the grass near the barn...when the sun went away. (yep, it rained) :rolleyes:

While we watched the wild birds in the yard this afternoon, we caught sight of a bunny convention, which was meeting in the middle of the (still unplanted) veg garden..... there were about 6 of them in there!! Time to get the garden fence up again, I guess. :lol:

TR made easy pb cookies today since he couldn't do yard chores while it was raining.

I am still extracting honey....21 pounds so far....and still not done. And I haven't even begun cleaning wax. :D

Last year at this time it was already 70....



Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
May 6th, our youth pastor at church became a first time parent! J and his wife B had a little girl! We heard at church yesterday (Mother's Day) that B and baby girl were able to go home in time for lunch at home. Now that is a wonderful Mother's Day present! :D

I heard at church that Sophia's brother passed away at midnight on Wednesday. He had accepted Christ as his savior years ago, and Sophia is taking comfort in her faith.

TR had to work this week-end. Saturday after work, we made the most of what was left of the sun and sat on the porch swing drinking tea and eating dinner.

Sunday I dropped TR off at work before church. After church I went out to Mentor and with my sisters, went to the cemetery where our parents and where sister C's in-laws are buried. We cleaned up the headstone and bench, pulled weeds and put new plants in the planters. The cemetery was crowded.... and we were surprised about the number of people who "lost" their families.

During the day, I heard from K and the grands and from J and E. After work, TR and I had shrimp, then butternut squash ravioli from a local restaurant. TR made beautiful tossed salads with all my favorites veggies and some terrific bleu cheese dressing. :drool Then we sat outside in the sun and did our couples Bible study that we are doing on our own. It was a wonderful Mother's Day.

The temps have been in the low 60 and we have had 15 to 20 mph winds; so still jacket weather. But believe me, I am *not* complaining...this is *much* better than rain! :lol:

The temp is 66 this morning and the sun is shining! The winds have died down some - only 5 to 15 mph according to the forecast. Which, BTW, is actually calling for temps in the low 70s the rest of the week! :fl

For about 2 months, the lumbermen have been working the 30 acres of woods behind us. Anyway for the past 3 weeks, they have been starting at 6 am. I know this because they are running the bulldozer that early..... :rolleyes: There is quite a stack of wood piled up on the "road" our landlord has for that side of the farm. It is quite amazing.

TR has a meeting after work today, so he will be late. Maybe I'll make an oven meal since I don't know when he'll be home.

I have completed the applique on one quilt top. I need to decide whether to quilt first or to embroider on the family names first. While I am deciding, I will iron the backing fabric and the batting again and lay them out on the dining table.....


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Two bottom boards filled with dead bees and pollen.... :hit



Wednesday May 11 - We have temps near 75 and the sun is shining. :D According to my beek journal last spring, we are about 2 weeks behind in warm weather for the month of May.

There is nothing sadder than a yard full of dandelions and not a honeybee in sight! :(

TR weed-whacked the area where the veg garden is and spread the compost over it. He is weed-whacking Titan's grave and I will be transplanting yarrow there tomorrow, if the rain holds off. :fl

TR had today off from work but had to go to the hospital to participate in the hospital's health fair, as he is on the patient satisfaction team. While he was there, his boss told him that the schedule had to be changed this morning. The fella who works the outbuildings on modified 2nd shift didn't show up last night and didn't call in. Anyway, TR is now working modified 2nd shift tonight, Thursday and Friday. And it sounds like this might be a permanent change in his work schedule, as this employee was already under "last chance" warning before getting the axe.

But he has the week-end off and we will be visiting with QA on Saturday. :D I will be taking her a pair of white muscovies.... and probably some feeders and waterers.

I have decided to embroider the family names on the quilt before quilting it. I have pinned the backing and batting together and will add the quilt top after embroidery is done. Then basting and quilting and one quilted wall-hanging will be done.

I was talking to some of my Mary/Martha Circle church group quilter friends about adding the album squares around the family tree for the wedding guests to sign. But after much discussion, I think I will make a separate something for the signings. One friend told me her mom made her a tablecloth that everyone signed and 40 years later she and her dh are still using it for special occasions. So that is one idea.

Speaking of Mary/Martha Circle, Mary will be here soon to pick me up, so I have to go make TR's lunch for work tonight...


edited for typos...


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
the pictures of the bees just is depressing.... :(

Did the storm around 8:30 last night miss you?


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
FarmerJamie said:
the pictures of the bees just is depressing.... :(

Did the storm around 8:30 last night miss you?
Yes, those pics are depressing, which is why I only posted the two bottom board pics...... No one wants to see bees frozen in place on frames.....

No, the storm didn't miss us. The lightening, which started about 7:30 pm, was very beautiful. :p The rain didn't hit until much later. The grass was very wet and TR and I woke to find some downed tree branches in the front yard. Other than that we couldn't find any real damage.

FJ, did you get hit by the storm at all?

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