keljonma's Front Porch - Settling in and adjusting


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
I got home from Mary/Martha Circle to find TR had just gotten home from the health fair. He said there were about 200 people who attended and lots of information was handed out.

He was really only home long enough for us to sit on the porch swing and eat some dinner and drink some coffee in the sun.

It sounds like there are going to be big changes made in his department as his boss changed the work schedule for the next couple of weeks. TR hasn't seen the schedule yet, but it is possible that he may be moved over to the outbuildings. The bad news is that it is hard for him to work nights and keep his part-time library job (which he really loves). The good news is that when he works modified 2nd, he is not supposed to work week-ends or holidays because those offices are closed then. I guess we'll know tomorrow ... or sometime after 2 am when he gets home. :D

Last week at Mary/Martha Circle, we matched up 5 small quilt tops, batting and backing and pinned them. This week we got 2 of the quilts tied; and one member took them home to sew the binding on. We are hoping to get 10 more small quilts done by June for BirthCare of Ashtabula County. Then we will start on large quilts for families we adopt at Christmas time. Last year Mary/Martha Circle made 45 large quilts. This is our first year of providing quilts for BirthCare, so we are not sure how many large quilts we will get completed this year.

BirthCare assists women who may be facing an unplanned pregnancy, and mothers of infants and toddlers in need, by providing everything from pregnancy tests to diapers, formula, shoes, clothing, cribs, and even toys.

One of the members was talking about making some sleeping bag quilts (aka ugly quilts) this year or next. This would be a project that would benefit the homeless in our area.

Meanwhile, I haven't done any work on the quilt tops for the wedding today. Tomorrow I **WILL** start embroidering the names. (Yes I am yelling at myself. :lol: )

There are a couple of honeybeeks in the village to the immediate south of us. There are honeybeeks in the township to the north, west, and east of us. Yet there have been NO honeybees in our farmyard at all on these just absolutely gorgeous days we have been having.

While we saw a great number of bumblebees were out in the yard, I am wondering if others suffered big losses this winter too. Our next beek meeting isn't until June 18.

I heard from a beek assoc member that he is hoping to pick up and install his packages this week-end, if the weather holds. He is getting his bees locally, and the seller is holding them until we have dry sunny weather. The forecast I saw today predicts mid 70s with rain; so I think it will be at least another week for his installation. :/

Paul and Sophia dropped off bundles of shingles the other day. So it looks like the landlord okayed at least some of the roof repairs. :clap Sophia's brother's funeral is Saturday, so I am not expecting them to show up until next week after the weather clears.

edited for typos...


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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keljonma said:
FarmerJamie said:
the pictures of the bees just is depressing.... :(

Did the storm around 8:30 last night miss you?
Yes, those pics are depressing, which is why I only posted the two bottom board pics...... No one wants to see bees frozen in place on frames.....

No, the storm didn't miss us. The lightening, which started about 7:30 pm, was very beautiful. :p The rain didn't hit until much later. The grass was very wet and TR and I woke to find some downed tree branches in the front yard. Other than that we couldn't find any real damage.

FJ, did you get hit by the storm at all?
We watched the fireworks roll in for about 30 minutes before it passed through. Lights flickered once or twice. Not much wind, about 20 minutes of a good soaking rain.

The clouds east of the storm front were something I haven't seen since seeing a summer storm in Colorado.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
12 May 2011 - Thursday

82 this afternoon (3pm), right now we're at 53% humidity. With the heat index, the temp is 83. It is supposed to be warmer and more humid this evening. The sun was shining brightly earlier, but the sky is definitely clouding over now.

This is the first day so far this year where I have actually *felt* warm! :lol:

Forecasters are saying that Ashtabula, Lake and Geauga counties are under severe thunderstorm warnings and flood watch this afternoon and evening.

Upcoming Forecasts for our neck of the woods...definitely umbrella weather! :D

Temps Forecast
Friday 76/59 60% chance thunderstorms
Saturday 70/57 60% chance thunderstorms
Sunday 59/49 60% chance thunderstorms
Monday 52/47 50% chance thunderstorms
Tuesday 56/46 30% chance rain
Wednesday 58/48 40% chance rain
Thursday 61/49 40% chance rain
Friday 61/50 20% chance rain

TR just left for work. Today we slept in. Is that the right word if you get up at 7am and have only gotten 4 hours sleep? :p

The white and purple lilacs are finally in full bloom! I was worried about the purple one, as it budded in January when we got warm weather and then all the buds froze and turned dead brown. Even though the dead brown buds are still on the tree, there are lots of new purple flowers. :D

We are filling the hummingbird feeders EVERY day....the orioles are going through the stuff like candy. :D We haven't seen any hummingbirds at any of the feeders yet this year. I think I might put some back in the hawthorn tree, as I saw a number of hummers hanging out there last year.

At church, Encounter, our contemporary "come as you are" service began last Sunday and was well attended. On the 15th and 29th of May, TR and I will be hosts at the welcoming center in the front lobby of the church. We will be offering informational brochures about things going on at the church and in the community, as well as coffee and hot tea, iced tea, iced water, fruit juices and pastries and muffins.

This week, construction started at the church for the new education wing. It is estimated that the wing will be completed by October, God willing. Our church sits in the middle of the property, with parking on the west, north and east sides. With the construction, there is no access to the east side of the building/parking lot now from the back parking lot. Last year the church purchased the land directly behind the property, and that has been made into additional parking and an exit drive to help with traffic. In the meantime, I imagine it will take a while for people to get used to the new traffic pattern.

I hear the thunder rolling in now...........


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Heavy rain, just like a typical summer storm in NE Ohio here. No tater planting tonight.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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we are having sun and humidity here! i think we're skipping spring and going straight to summer....


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Yesterday I noticed that the mulberries were starting to leaf out. Tonight the leaves are actually beginning to look like leaves. :D


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Hey darlin', about the lilac do you propegate it? Can you dig it up and replant it or can you root the cuttings? My FIL has one on his property that he got from his grandmother and they are getting ready to put the property up for sale and he doesn't want to leave it.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
lorihadams said:
Hey darlin', about the lilac do you propegate it? Can you dig it up and replant it or can you root the cuttings? My FIL has one on his property that he got from his grandmother and they are getting ready to put the property up for sale and he doesn't want to leave it.
Lori, old-fashioned lilacs are my favorites, and I can understand why your FIL wants to take it with him. :D

There are a couple ways to propagate lilacs; root suckers, layering, or seed. I have read of people having success with cutting new growth and using rooting hormone to encourage root development and planting the twig. I have not tried this.

Find shoots growing out from the main clump and dig down to expose the roots for those canes and sever between the mother plant and your new clone. Plant it in the same soil it came out of with some compost or humus added and water regularly until it starts to take off. (Again, I read somewhere that you can add rooting hormone, but it is not necessary; and I never used it for lilacs.)

Lilacs do not like to get their feet wet for a prolonged period of time. They do best on hillsides, slightly elevated areas, or level ground where there is good drainage. Their roots run deep. If you have an extended dry period of drought, water infrequently but thoroughly.

Pile mulch about 2 to 4 inches thick to retain some soil moisture and to keep weeds down, but not so thick that new shoots are hampered from sprouting and developing. Lilacs will tolerate almost any kind of soil, from clay to sand, with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0. Like any plants, lilacs will benefit from compost and humus worked into the soil to help retain water during dry spells and to provide additional nutrients.

You do not need to provide frequent fertilizer or organic feeding for your lilacs. Use a general-purpose fertilizer in early spring or one high in phosphorus to promote blooming. Too much nitrogen in the soil will result in poor blooming. Repeat the use of a general-purpose fertilizer after the flowers have died off. An old stand-by from Grandfathers day was to spread your fireplace ash around the drip line of your bush for bigger, better blooms.

There are a number of great books about lilacs. Father John L. Fiala is well-known for his work with lilacs and his books are frequently "out" at our local library. Here are the books our library has; and you may find them available at your local library as well.

Lilacs: A Gardener's Encyclopedia by Fr. John L. Fiala
Lilacs: The Genus Syringa by Fr. John L. Fiala
Lilacs for the Garden by Jennifer Bennett


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
We woke to sunshine and warm weather this morning. We took down plastic, washed windows and put up the summer curtains this morning. I washed the winter thermal panels and put them away until 4th quarter. Then TR cut the front and side yards, but didnt get to the back yard before the rain started.

We had big excitement today! First, we saw a honeybee!! She was covered in pollen and her baskets were full. She was stuck in the mud room, trying to get out the window, which doesnt open. It took some doing to get her out the door. This is the first honeybee we have seen this year. (I miss the zen of working the hive.)

Then about half an hour later, we saw our first hummingbirds! There is just something about seeing hummingbirds in NE Ohio that (along with red-wing blackbirds and robins) just screams summer is on its way. :D TR thinks there are at least two, but could be more, as they were flitting between the lilacs and the mulberries. We set up a couple more feeders (now have 4), but it seems we might need a couple more, as the orioles are using them as well as the hummers.

Those are two things to :celebrate about around here.

Thunder-boomers this afternoon; they actually shook the house! TR was napping at the time, and he said the bed shook so badly, that it woke him! :lol: Ashtabula County is under flash flood watch again tonight. We are at 64 with 93% humidity, but a great breeze coming in through the OPEN windows, so not so bad in the house.

We had a traditional breakfast fry-up for lunch this afternoon (bacon, eggs, fried potatoes, and English muffins). I also made some rhubarb crisp with the last of last years rhubarb from the freezer for dessert.

It will be a long day for TR, who has to work for 2 hours at the library tonight before heading over to the hospital for his 8 hours there.

The fella who usually cleans the outbuildings was fired, so TR will be working modified 2nd shift at least for the rest of the month. The bad news is that when you work the outbuildings, you dont work holidays or week-ends because those offices are closed then. However, with this recent firing, the environmental staff is now 3 people short of fully-staffed. This means that TR will have to work Memorial Day Monday at the hospital instead of having a 3-day week-end.

This shift change really ruins my internal clock. I havent been sleeping well, and I only got 3 hours of sleep last night. The bright side is that I did finish 4 library books! :lol: I do need to some sleep tonight, as I am sure TR will want to sleep (not drive) for the trip down to Quail_Antwerps place tomorrow.

We have some stuff here to load up to take to QAs. Plus we have to stop at Chris at 11am for a pair of white muscovies, before hitting the road. I hope I remember everything I have here to take.I will *definitely* have to make a check list tonight. :rolleyes:

I am still debating whether or not to keep my haircut appointment for early tomorrow morning; I probably will call and cancel, especially since it is just a trim. I still havent decided what to do with my hair does the MOG want to look?! :p

In my moms day card from Jon and Erin, Erin sent me a coupon for $off the MOG dress at Davids Bridal. I saw a couple of dresses online I really liked. But I need to go to Erie and see them in person, if at all possible. I havent started shopping for a dress yet. As one of the groom attendants, TR is wearing a tux, but Jon hasnt made his final choice yet.

Tuna fish and spinach salad for me tonight.

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