Your niece is such a cutie!
My chickens are too wound up to sit still much less relax and nap.
Last year we rented one of those SOS on-site storage units and parked it in our yard. We were having a massively big fireplace built in our living room and it just made it easier to clear the area.
At one point I was getting something out of the unit and noticed some cloth items were frozen stiff. There was a leak in this $250 mo unit and much was ruined. My insurance wouldn't pay for it and neither would theirs due to something I signed, grrrr! Why did I bother?
I needed to store for another project but it was taken to a storage place for $35 mo. Live and learn.
This has been a very long cold winter. We keep losing our water.
Definitely need to tweak something. Thought we had it figured out but obviously not so back to the drawing board.
I know what you were thinking about those snowmobilers. Good they didn't go where they weren't welcome.
Yeah I always wonder what people are storing in those storage lockers.
At one point I was next to a Little Debbie's Snackcakes salesman who kept all his stock in his unit. That wasn't where I thought food items would be stored. He was a pain because his delivery truck was always parked in front of my unit and I had to wait sometimes 20 min before he'd get around to moving it.
Are you suppose to get some of this snow/ice/sleet stuff that is headed in your direction? Everyone up that way has had a tough winter. Makes me glad I live in the South.