Frugal Homesteader

For a man, sex is extremely important, and lack of it can be extremely hard on a marriage.
For a woman, one who is experiencing difficulties such as you are, being pressured to have sex makes what you are going through even worse.
So, IME, and opinion, you need to make a commitment to change things --as in your diet. Talk to Chad, ask him if he can please not mention, hint, make gestures or anything of the like--anything sex- related for one month. During this time, the pressure will be off you, and you can set your mind to healing. make sure he knows you want to have a great sex life with him. Make sure he knows you love him, and make sure he knows you need him to help you heal. And in this month, he needs to support you, b/c when all is said and done--you both want the same thing. It is not going to be easy for either of you , but he needs reassurance right now, and you need peace. You CAN get through this.
After one month, talk again to him about how you are feeling. Hopefully things will have changed for the better.