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- #111
Lady Henevere
Lovin' The Homestead

I came home from work to find this on the counter, and it cracked me up. (It's a Harry Potter reference, for those of you who don't know.)
Nice to know the raspberries don't actually need a trellis -- that makes things easier. I do need to trellis some boysenberries that are sprawling everywhere. They looked so pathetic last year that I thought they weren't going to do well in this heat, but this year they have proved me wrong -- they are huge!
I woke up yesterday thinking, "It's August. You have squash seedlings that aren't even in the ground yet. You're never getting anything out of those." Whoops. Maybe it's too late, but I planted six of them anyway. We have no frost here, but the annuals die off when the days get shorter and cooler in October/November. Maybe I'll get a squash or two out of them. If I remember to water, that is -- it's going to be hot and dry here for a few months still.
Other than that, it's busy busy busy with back-to-school (I can't believe DD is starting high school -- I feel so old!). My 15-year-old cousin is now living with us, and I have agreed to be her learning coach for online school. Not sure what to expect for that, but I hope I can do a good job and not have it create tension between us.
That's it for today. Have a lovely weekend, everyone.