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- #171
Lady Henevere
Lovin' The Homestead

Yep, that's the entirety of the potato harvest. Good thing I'm not trying to live off the land!

Aside from that, the garden this year yielded a few handfuls of grape tomatoes and yellow pear tomatoes, one zucchini that was oddly shaped which I gave to the rabbits, and some herbs. There are two apples growing on one tree (I have realized I have no idea how to tell when they're ripe!). I still have some green tomatoes; I forgot what kind they are, but they are getting pretty big; maybe they will be worth eating. We still have a few months of warm weather, but the days are getting shorter and things will start to die off.
I let the chickens have the run of the garden this weekend, since there's nothing left small enough for them to demolish. They were very thankful for the freedom and the bugs. I'm pretty sure one laid an egg under a thorny bush, and now I can't find it.
The caffeine detox seems to have been successful, the headache is much better today.

Gotta go get ready for a new week. Hope you all have enjoyed the long weekend.