Mountain Sage
All I do is shake the jugs well before opening a freshly made batch. Usually does the trick, a little lumpy but they dissolve in the wash alright!
You mean I can use Baking Soda? I still have not found what I needed to make my own so i started buying the Arm & Hammer brand of laundry soap as it is cheap and has a nice fresh scent. I woudl really like to make my own.gettinaclue said:I put mine in a 5 gallon bucket beside the machine and scoop as needed. I don't use washing soda but use baking soda instead.
I couldn't find washing soda substituted baking soda and does a great job, but we also have pretty soft water here.
I also use dial soap instead of fels, since I can't find that either. Cleans great and I can't see be buying detergent from the store anymore.
Depends on where you find closest store sells them for $1.39, my aunt can get them for $.99, and the store one town over sells for $1.79. Check your True Value Hardware store...that's where mom gets hers so cheaply.TanksHill said:Ok new ?????? for those of you making your laundry soap with the Fels Naptha Soap. What is the going rate on a bar??? I looked them up on e bay and they are just under two dollars a bar. Does this sound about right? thanks gina