Lazy Gardener's Little Town Farm


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 29, 2018
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East Texas - Zone 8b
I hope you have a good season this year. How is your Dad doing at the veterans home? I know the transition can be hard. It was hard on my Mamaw when Mom had to put her in a home. She kept her for 3 years before putting her in.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
Thanks for asking. He's gotten through the 2 week quarantine. I took his wife to visit him last week. It was emotionally exhausting. He cried through the whole visit. We had to keep 6' distance and were not allowed to touch him. He sobbed like a baby. He does not understand why he has to stay there, why he can't just come home with me. Doesn't understand why we can't hire the help to take care of him. Hubby and I were not able to manage his needs. 24/7 care, having to be constantly alert, day and night. He was falling at least 1x/week b/c he was sneaky, getting up, never asking for assistance. When it got to the point where I was having chest pain every night b/c of the anxiety, I knew it was time to throw in the towel. Dad WILL adjust. Other people make the transition. It's not what I want for him, but it got to the point where I had to take care of hubby and I, or we were going to kill ourselves taking care of Dad.

Unless you've gone through caring for a loved one with dementia, you will not understand just how taxing it can be. Your Mom was a special lady, being able to do that for 3 years. We did it for almost 6 months, and it was gruelingly exhausting.... the emotional overhead. How long did your MeeMaw live after she went into the home? How mobile was she?

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
I totally understand! After 4.5 yrs of my mom and altzheimers, she had to go to a facility! It will take some time for you to adjust...emotionally. mom passed at 91.5 after 14 months in their care...excellent care but, the dementia causes other issues health wise. It is hard to watch, live it, physically, emotionally and financially. I feel your pain. :hugs. Your dad can't understand it all but, they do also forget quickly!

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Yesterday, I had 2 health care workers ask me if they could give my Dad (95 y.o. hospice patient in long term care facility) the covid vaccine. Both times I refused. If you don't want information regarding the covid vaccine and associated VAERS reports, please read no further. Here's the most recent report of REPORTED adverse effects to covid vaccines. VAERS REPORTS

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 5, 2021
Reaction score
Auburn CA
Yesterday, I had 2 health care workers ask me if they could give my Dad (95 y.o. hospice patient in long term care facility) the covid vaccine. Both times I refused. If you don't want information regarding the covid vaccine and associated VAERS reports, please read no further. Here's the most recent report of REPORTED adverse effects to covid vaccines. VAERS REPORTS
Thanks for the info. Sending prayers for your dad :hugs


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 29, 2018
Reaction score
East Texas - Zone 8b
She was mobile when she went in. That was part of the problem. If she wasn't watched 24/7, she would wander off. She was in the home almost 2 years before passing.

She was such a sweet, wonderful Mamaw. She loved her family & God. I think that is what bothered her most about being in a home. She wasn't able to go to her church.


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, Va
@Lazy Gardener ; I know it was tough to put your dad in the nursing facility. He is in hospice care.... why are they pushing the covid vaccine? I don't mean this to sound cruel or uncaring.... but he has limited time as it is.... why are they being so insistent on the vaccine as he is going to pass from this world sometime soon? When it is his time it won't matter if he has has the covid vaccine.... if he was a basically healthy person, it might be something to consider... but not in his condition. Make him comfortable, as happy as he can be considering the circumstances and you not being able to continue his 24/7 care..... and let God decide when and how.....
I agree with your refusal 1000%....

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Jan, there is nothing cruel or uncaring AT ALL about you asking the question. They are pushing the vaccine b/c IMO, it is part of the agenda. Death rate in 2020 has been LESS than it was in 2018, 2019.Create the crisis, then... create the cure. Instill the fear of death on the population, force lock downs and masks which have a negative impact on immunity. There is absolutely nothing logical about giving covid vaccine to a 95 y.o. hospice patient. IMO, it is not logical to give the vaccine to ANYONE. But, here in my state, people are standing in line, and fighting to get in line for the vaccine. Now, they are pushing to give it to children as young as 6 months of age, when the death rate from infection is somewhere around .02%. They are doing weekly swabs of all staff AND patients in the nursing homes. Dad has had a good life. He loves Jesus. He hates being in the nursing home. He's ready to "go home". God will decide when he does go home. When we brought him home from the hospital the week after Labor Day, the docs, nurses as well as myself (I've worked skilled nursing facilities for more than 2 decades) were convinced that Dad would pass within a couple of weeks. Obviously, God has other plans. Dad is stronger now than he was prior to that hospitalization.


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, Va
I agree that it is the agenda. And I will not take it. Have had some real negative feedback from some friends because I will not take it. I normally don't wear a mask except for the seldom trip into Walmart to just stop all the BS and people getting in my face. And PT requires it and I need that to help keep the joints working and to try to help with the pain some.
Not complying per se... I pick my battles and Walmart is one not worth the energy to fight over. Don't go in there hardly ever now. I don't wear it in Lowe's. None of my farmers wear a mask milking... lots of hired help.
I've seen one guy at the stockyard here wearing one. Never have worn one in there; or the feed store.....
I'm just not going to do it. Haven't seen my parents in ages and won't if the caregivers insist on a mask. If I go to see them I want to be able to hug and give them a kiss on the cheek. Seeing from a distance is not right. Brother is pushing it because they have exposure to others.
At this point I wish my mom could just go to sleep one night and not wake up. She isn't my mom... she is an empty shell that neither communicates nor reacts to anyone. I remember her as she was.....
I didn't want you to think I was uncaring that your dad was in there and that with his hospice care, he is facing an end sometime that might be sooner than someone that doesn't have issues. What I was trying to get across is that it is STUPID for him to get the shot.....
All the ones here keep talking about how they want to go get the shot.... It is not a true vaccine..... it is supposed to be effective for 3-6 months... and it will LESSEN the effects because you can still get it....???? If I get a vaccine, you da#@ sure better believe that I want to make sure it is because it will PREVENT ME from getting the disease....Yet for people who have had it, the Red Cross here is asking for people who have had it and have the antibodies in their blood to PLEASE come and give blood so they can extract those antibodies.....


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
Reaction score
My sister is boycotting Easter because it is a large gathering - what? Mom, Dad, Me, DH, my sister and her husband, and their daughter. That is 7 people, 9 if they show up.
I think part of it is that DH and I won't have our vaccinations by then. Mom and Dad will though. and both my sisters have been vaccinated - one is in health care and the other in teaching.

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