Lazy Gardener's Little Town Farm

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Every week, at church, we get asked: "Have you had your covid shots yet?" The looks of horror if we tell them that we will not be getting them! People here in maine are rushing to get their shots. I hope it's not so, but will not be surprised when we start hearing about so many increased cancer rates, and autoimmune issues, inability to conceive, miscarriages, and birth defects.

On the home front, Ducks come on the run when ever I go out the back door. The plastic I laid on the RB has done it's job. In spite of night time temps down to teens, and day time temps barely getting above freezing, the frost has come out of that bed, and it's ready for planting. Chickens are laying up a storm, ducks have started laying.

First Basil cuttings are ready to be potted up. I took more cuttings today. Should have enough plants for a row of basil by the time it's warm enough to set plants out. I bought a single pot of basil seedlings at grocer a few weeks ago. I divided and potted that plant along with a single rosemary, and divided pot of parsley. Harvesting for cooking, plus cuttings every week to increase the basil plants. By the time the second and third generation of basil cuttings are also producing cuttings, I will have A LOT OF PLANTS. IMO, much quicker than starting seeds.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Hubby bought me some 2 x 4's today $6.67 each. Highway robbery. Time to take my pallet buster out of the box, and go scrounging for some nice pallets in town. At the price of lumber, it will be well worth it to bust up some pallets and build from them.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Planted 6 kinds of peppers and 2 kinds of eggplant today. Most pepper seed was older, or from undependable source (grocer peppers or seed from dollar store), and eggplant was also older seed, typically has poor germination rate anyways. So... we shall see.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Sowed sage and rosemary today.

Put together the 4 x 8 base for a tunnel over one of the RB. It will be 1/2" PVC hoops held in place by conduit U straps, covered by 4 mil. construction poly.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 25, 2021
Reaction score
Natrona County, Wyoming
Thanks. I'll get that cultivar info written down, and put it in a very safe place... where I am sure to promptly loose it.. Our climate has warmed up a lot in the past decade. I also think it helps that we've taken down a lot of trees, so get more sunlight. Surrounded by trees, which creates a bit of a buffer, as well. This winter, and last have been quite mild. We also get a Jan/Feb thaw which brings the pussywillows out, then... we get a bunch of single digit days/nights. So far, my fruit trees have not been adversely affected. There are some Magnolia trees in town. I am always shocked when their buds swell to mammoth proportions during the thaws, but... they invariably survive that early warm spell and manage to bloom.

Our soil tends to be acid, so the cherries should grow well here, if I can find a spot where they won't have wet feet.
I had a pussy willow for 3 years. The year it tried to bloom during a January thaw was its last year. It did not survive the ensuing -20°F.

The early thaws and late freezes wiped out all the fruit here except those cherry trees. Even they had diminished returns last year.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Hubby bought me some 2 x 4's today $6.67 each. Highway robbery. Time to take my pallet buster out of the box, and go scrounging for some nice pallets in town. At the price of lumber, it will be well worth it to bust up some pallets and build from them.
Lumber is stupid high. I emphasize the word stupid because that's exactly what it is... It make no common sense!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 5, 2018
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Every week, at church, we get asked: "Have you had your covid shots yet?" The looks of horror if we tell them that we will not be getting them! People here in maine are rushing to get their shots. I hope it's not so, but will not be surprised when we start hearing about so many increased cancer rates, and autoimmune issues, inability to conceive, miscarriages, and birth defects.
AMEN. I believe there are good reasons to get a vaccine and generally NOT for ME or many other people. There are many good reasons for many people to take several vaccines. Like your old enough to die any way. (That was a joke.) When I found out what was in the vaccines for 1 year olds after my 2 boys already had them I was IRATE and blame some of the oldest boys recession on them.
A 9 in 1 for a 1yr old is not right.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 29, 2018
Reaction score
SW Michigan
I agree that it is the agenda. And I will not take it. Have had some real negative feedback from some friends because I will not take it. I normally don't wear a mask except for the seldom trip into Walmart to just stop all the BS and people getting in my face. And PT requires it and I need that to help keep the joints working and to try to help with the pain some.
Not complying per se... I pick my battles and Walmart is one not worth the energy to fight over. Don't go in there hardly ever now. I don't wear it in Lowe's. None of my farmers wear a mask milking... lots of hired help.
I've seen one guy at the stockyard here wearing one. Never have worn one in there; or the feed store.....
I'm just not going to do it. Haven't seen my parents in ages and won't if the caregivers insist on a mask. If I go to see them I want to be able to hug and give them a kiss on the cheek. Seeing from a distance is not right. Brother is pushing it because they have exposure to others.
At this point I wish my mom could just go to sleep one night and not wake up. She isn't my mom... she is an empty shell that neither communicates nor reacts to anyone. I remember her as she was.....
I didn't want you to think I was uncaring that your dad was in there and that with his hospice care, he is facing an end sometime that might be sooner than someone that doesn't have issues. What I was trying to get across is that it is STUPID for him to get the shot.....
All the ones here keep talking about how they want to go get the shot.... It is not a true vaccine..... it is supposed to be effective for 3-6 months... and it will LESSEN the effects because you can still get it....???? If I get a vaccine, you da#@ sure better believe that I want to make sure it is because it will PREVENT ME from getting the disease....Yet for people who have had it, the Red Cross here is asking for people who have had it and have the antibodies in their blood to PLEASE come and give blood so they can extract those antibodies.....
My mom passed away last fall, and she was a shell with alzheimer's. She also did not communicate or react to anyone. Glad she doesn't have to live in a COVID world.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 29, 2018
Reaction score
SW Michigan
Every week, at church, we get asked: "Have you had your covid shots yet?" The looks of horror if we tell them that we will not be getting them! People here in maine are rushing to get their shots. I hope it's not so, but will not be surprised when we start hearing about so many increased cancer rates, and autoimmune issues, inability to conceive, miscarriages, and birth defects.

On the home front, Ducks come on the run when ever I go out the back door. The plastic I laid on the RB has done it's job. In spite of night time temps down to teens, and day time temps barely getting above freezing, the frost has come out of that bed, and it's ready for planting. Chickens are laying up a storm, ducks have started laying.

First Basil cuttings are ready to be potted up. I took more cuttings today. Should have enough plants for a row of basil by the time it's warm enough to set plants out. I bought a single pot of basil seedlings at grocer a few weeks ago. I divided and potted that plant along with a single rosemary, and divided pot of parsley. Harvesting for cooking, plus cuttings every week to increase the basil plants. By the time the second and third generation of basil cuttings are also producing cuttings, I will have A LOT OF PLANTS. IMO, much quicker than starting seeds.
My opinion about being anyone asking if someone has gotten their Covid shots yet, is it is none of their business! It's personal medical information. Maybe they would like to offer if/when they got their last mammogram, pap smear, or colonoscopy, STD test, etc.

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