Super Self-Sufficient
@baymule I watched the link @Lazy Gardener referenced above. Maybe you can put it under your DD nose for her daughter's well being????
Hubby and I were discussing this very issue this morning. There is a plasma donor center in my nearest city. They say they will give up to $600/mo for plasma donors. I had heard that they won't accept donations from folks who have taken the jab. Not sure if that is true. Would be interesting to find out. Any how, our discussion went like this: If it comes down to the fact that those of us who have done the homework and chose not to give in to the demands of the great reset, have blood that is "highly desirable, and very valuable"... how does THAT information come in to play during these last days?????Scientific evidence. Yes.J&J not mentioned. Maybe a sample from that would be interesting. Just tells me why those who got it have issues in a definative manner.
My blood is like picture on left!
All of which brings about my questions of blood donors and transfusion recipients....ya want any of that blood on the right????![]()
I already went down that rabbit hole... I found the very first animated cartoon was created in 1908. I really have no further information than, I tracked "The Plan" to it's source, which is the YT channel I provided in my previous post. I don't even know if it really was released in 1920. Because I have no other sources to verify against.Creal, your cartoon sent me on a bunny trail. I did a few searches, and according to what I found, the first talking movies or cartoons arrived during 1927 - 28. However, those appeared to be much better quality of the cartoon you posted. I'd love to hear where you found it, and see if there is any information about it. Paul Harvey spoke at length about "how to destroy a nation" with a very apt description of what is going on right now. And, Ronald Reagan also gave warnings, as though he was reading from today's script. If you want to send me more info regarding that cartoon, and where you found it, you can do so via PM. Bee posted a very interesting movie clip to me a while ago. I'll see if I can find it for you.
In my short google search, I did find reference to Fantasmagorie, but did not find the date. IMO, first amendment rights should stand, regarding your sharing of this cartoon. The reader can choose to view or choose not to. That is what first amendment means, yes???I already went down that rabbit hole... I found the very first animated cartoon was created in 1908. I really have no further information than, I tracked "The Plan" to it's source, which is the YT channel I provided in my previous post. I don't even know if it really was released in 1920. Because I have no other sources to verify against.
There is no description in the YT page and comments are not enabled either. I don't have a YT account and won't have one either, so I can't even attempt to email the YT publisher.
I would like more information about this and any other "An Early Warning Cartoon"s produced. I find "The Plan" very interesting. And would like to add any more "An Early Warning Cartoon"s to my BW cartoon collection.
Here's the link to first animated cartoon
"French caricature artist Émile Cohl created what is considered to be the world’s first animated cartoon in 1908. His black-and-white short film, Fantasmagorie, is composed of 700 drawings that Cohl illuminated on a glass plate."
Jesus is Lord and Christ![]()
Well yeah,In my short google search, I did find reference to Fantasmagorie, but did not find the date. IMO, first amendment rights should stand, regarding your sharing of this cartoon. The reader can choose to view or choose not to. That is what first amendment means, yes???
Funny you should mention Aloe. I transplanted my wife's Aloe several months ago and she said I made it have babiesWent out this evening to put everyone to bed. Sitting about 20' from my back deck was Mr. Bugs Bunny. He sat there w/o a care in the world, and did not move until I walked up to within 10' of him and did a lunge step towards him, and clapped my hands. I'm not too proud to serve up some rabbit stew. Will most likely need to buy the veggies, since every critter that flies, walks, or creeps over/under the ground is determined to destroy my garden.
Yesterday, in our travels, we found what appears to be wild Elderberry. 3 different plants, all within reach of my clippers, on un-inhabited stretches of rural road, and no poison ivy to hamper my collection efforts. So, I clipped a few branches, brought them home to compare with my existing Elderberry plant, and am initially satisfied that they ARE elderberry. Will need to rule out the possibility of swamp or poison hemlock. They have been trimmed down to 2 nodes/cutting and are sitting in water now. If they do take root, I will most likely need to winter them over in the garage, as they will be too tender to plant out... or perhaps I could pot half of them up, and bury pots in the garden, with hdw. cloth to protect from rodents, and heavy layer of mulch. Best not to count my Elders until they hatch.
My existing, named cultivar of Elderberry has put out yet one more offset. That newest one is now about 6" tall! Oh the excitement!!!
My Aloe also has 2 pups. I've been waiting 2 years for that plant to reproduce. I may pot those, and ditch the old plant, as it's pretty leggy.