Lazy Gardener's Little Town Farm

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Every home needs an aloe plant. I visited my aunt a couple years ago, and she had an aloe that was the size of a small tree. I've never seen such a huge aloe. she had it in a huge pot, and had used a piece of grey pipe insulation to wrap the edge of the pot to cushion the plant as it leaned on the edge.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Morning comes early in my yard. Birds of all kinds begin their day between 4 and 4:30 AM, regardless of the time of year. This morning, it was not the usual rooster greeting joining the wild bird song. But, a hen who was distressed by something. So... out I went. All was calm in the hen house. When I went in and shined the flash light into every corner, the hens watched the light with curiosity, but stayed perched. Not time to get up yet. So... I went out and scanned the yard. All was quiet. No signs of predator. But, in the early morning light, I did get to marvel at a pair of bats who were soaring and diving over the yard. And, the bird song was glorious. Just before I came in, I caught a glimpse of the creature that caused anxiety in the chicken coop. A hawk swooped up past me, within about 10'. He was apparently hanging out, peering in the coop windows. Thank you, Lord God for the beauty of early morning. And thank you for rousing me out of bed to get to enjoy it.

It was miserably hot and humid today. Not a good day to be working outside. But, a good day, none-the-less! Today, I spent a good part of the day ripping out the strawberries in one bed and 2 walkways. for some reason, their productivity was pathetic. Perhaps due to overcrowding, or perhaps due to disease. Little round rust colored spots on all the leaves. I saved some of the "un-tarnished" runners, and will plant them. along with some garlic sets between the new planting of pole beans. Only allow 12-18 plants in the 4' x 10' bed. The newly vacated strawberry bed will be amended with lots of chicken compost, and perhaps, then covered with shavings/lawn clippings/coffee grounds to percolate until next spring.

I'm so thankful for air conditioning. It gives a good opportunity to sneak inside for a cold drink and cool down before going back out into the yard.

The panicles on my Elderberry plants are getting HUGE! I'm over the moon excited to have that plant finally producing. If the deer don't get it, I may actually get a bit of a harvest.

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
Morning comes early in my yard. Birds of all kinds begin their day between 4 and 4:30 AM, regardless of the time of year. This morning, it was not the usual rooster greeting joining the wild bird song. But, a hen who was distressed by something. So... out I went. All was calm in the hen house. When I went in and shined the flash light into every corner, the hens watched the light with curiosity, but stayed perched. Not time to get up yet. So... I went out and scanned the yard. All was quiet. No signs of predator. But, in the early morning light, I did get to marvel at a pair of bats who were soaring and diving over the yard. And, the bird song was glorious. Just before I came in, I caught a glimpse of the creature that caused anxiety in the chicken coop. A hawk swooped up past me, within about 10'. He was apparently hanging out, peering in the coop windows. Thank you, Lord God for the beauty of early morning. And thank you for rousing me out of bed to get to enjoy it.

It was miserably hot and humid today. Not a good day to be working outside. But, a good day, none-the-less! Today, I spent a good part of the day ripping out the strawberries in one bed and 2 walkways. for some reason, their productivity was pathetic. Perhaps due to overcrowding, or perhaps due to disease. Little round rust colored spots on all the leaves. I saved some of the "un-tarnished" runners, and will plant them. along with some garlic sets between the new planting of pole beans. Only allow 12-18 plants in the 4' x 10' bed. The newly vacated strawberry bed will be amended with lots of chicken compost, and perhaps, then covered with shavings/lawn clippings/coffee grounds to percolate until next spring.

I'm so thankful for air conditioning. It gives a good opportunity to sneak inside for a cold drink and cool down before going back out into the yard.

The panicles on my Elderberry plants are getting HUGE! I'm over the moon excited to have that plant finally producing. If the deer don't get it, I may actually get a bit of a harvest.

I am so glad you EB's are flowering. I FINALLY got my 5 planted yesterday. One of the is producing flowers, I take a pic next time I go outside.

would you please PM me the links to the early warning cartoons?


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Why is it, I have to give verbal instruction 3 or 4 times before some people "get it"? I speak clear plain English and dumb down my words to perhaps a 6 grade level. I verbally speak the required steps as simply as I possible can and some will say so I need to do this? I say No that's not what I said at all... I even emphasize the consequences, if you don't follow these steps... So let me repeat slowly, so I do and they still don't get it. Ok one more time step by step, write down what I say. When asked to repeat they still don't get it or have the steps out of order. I'm just not getting why?

My boss tells me I am perhaps one of the most patient men he's known and I'm not doing anything wrong. I guess I really shouldn't complain, all people are unique and that's just how Almighty God created them, plus it pays the bills. But still I can't help feeling like this...


I think it's time for long vacation. Maybe it's time to lay on the beach and sun tan my burrito. While sipping on one of those adult drinks that comes with an umbrella. Right, that'll never happen 😂

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
I am so glad you EB's are flowering. I FINALLY got my 5 planted yesterday. One of the is producing flowers, I take a pic next time I go outside.

would you please PM me the links to the early warning cartoons?
It was Creal's post. See post # 887. Apparently, the dates are wrong, so it is either a "falsehood" or was incorrectly dated. So, he removed the original post. However, you may be able to find it by doing a google for the "movie title".
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Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
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Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
A fun time was had by all:
* 2 meals enjoyed on the deck. It never got hot today.
* Hubby finished mowing the lawn. The grass clippings were used for chicken run, one garden bed, and on hugel kulture mound. An other load of stable bedding due to be picked up this evening.
* Maggie caught a critter under the deck. Vole? Shrew? Mole? Not sure what it was. Long nosed, not visible eyes, short tail, about 4" long body, so... I'm guessing it was a mole.
* Chickens got out to play in the yard for about an hour.
* Ducks were also out for at least an hour. I went with them to keep them from going "long term walk-a-bout". they helped me pull colts foot from one section of the yard. Then patrolled the entire perimeter. They ended their jaunt by going down over the bank into a boggy area that is completely overgrown with weeds. No way could I "retrieve" them. So, I waited, and waited, and waited some more. Eventually, they decided to return to the lawn, and I returned them to their duck moat.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
I don't have TV, did this air?

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
I'm not exactly sure where. But, yes, it did make it onto the "truthful" news stations. I very much doubt that MSM posted it. It's all over FB. I love how faucci (I spell his name quite differently) was called out. He never admitted wrong doing. IMO he needs to stand trial for crimes against humanity, as do many of his conspirators. But, we know that will never happen.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
I'm not exactly sure where. But, yes, it did make it onto the "truthful" news stations. I very much doubt that MSM posted it. It's all over FB. I love how faucci (I spell his name quite differently) was called out. He never admitted wrong doing. IMO he needs to stand trial for crimes against humanity, as do many of his conspirators. But, we know that will never happen.

I edited my post, asking additionally, if it's real or fake? Do you or anyone else know?

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Well the same topic is on the NBCNews website but 3:22 long vs 6:15 long on the breaking911 website. Also the C SPAN logo that's on the breaking911 video is not in the NBCNews website video. But the NBCNews (peacock) logo is on the NBCNews video that's is on the NBCNews website.

I think I got all the above correct, but it's confusing...


Idea... why don't they require a everyone have a synchronized timer by their name plate in videos like these? Wouldn't that be nice? then we would know what is edited (added or subtracted, shuffled, etc...) vs unedited. Sorry, there goes that common sense again. 😂

Link to NBCNews website video.

I'm now done discussing this topic... It's best to just do your own research, connect the dots, draw your own conclusions. Then that becomes your truth.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
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