Lazy Gardener's Little Town Farm

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
I've never made it. But, according to a video I watched, it's simple enough. The filmer: collects the blossoms on a dry day, lays them out flat for a while. She says this allows any insects to "move on". she then layers the blossoms in a clean jar, about an inch, cover with dry sugar, add more blossoms, rinse and repeat until you've filled the jar, or run out of blossoms. Then... let sit in sun for a few weeks. Strain the blossoms out, and you should be left with a thick amber syrup. You can also make a tincture with blossoms and vodka. Again, I've not done either. Young leaves can be picked, dried for tea or to use in a "steam inhalation". Beware: leaves are extremely "hairy", so you'll need to be sure that any use of mullein leaves eliminates those fine hairs before drinking or inhaling. I'm all new to this... so.... will let you know when I actually have a successful event to report.

Starting a new batch of PI salve. This morning, I collected some Jewel Weed, and Plantain. They have been prepped, and are wilting on a towel now. Need to get a few sage leaves from the garden. Next step is to put in wide mouth jars, with olive and coconut oil. the jars of herbs/oils will slow heat in the crock pot. My grandson was successfully treated with the PI salve a couple days ago.

Here's the site I use for the recipe/how to. I don't use Tea Tree oil in my salve b/c hubby absolutely HATES the smell of it. And, to be honest, the last batch I made with Tea Tree oil was stinky, so I threw it out. W/O the tea tree oil, it smells just fine, and I just love the way it glides onto my skin and absorbs quickly. I freeze it in little tubs to keep it fresh.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
A quick break and some coffee. As you all know, I'm just a simple guy with simple questions. So I asked myself, if human have souls, then there has to be physical real world evidence, right?

Over the years, I've learned to ask the most basic questions to better understand topics, I would like to know about. All this under the pretext that there are no stupid questions. And also knowing full well, more than likely, I'm not the first to ask such questions. This is one of those, slap myself on the forehead moments 😂 But it's, oh so interesting of a topic isn't it? I thought I would share my discovery, I find it very interesting.


So a human soul weighs about 3/4 of an ounce (21 grams), supported by science even. I encourage you, Don't Believe Me, Research for yourself and draw your own conclusions. But just how cool is this?

Now back to being busy, busy, busy... I hope my neighbors get back home soon. I'm walking so much I would probably break one of those fitbit watch thingys, but lots of alone time for prayer, so I'm enjoying every step :)

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
A quick break and some coffee. As you all know, I'm just a simple guy with simple questions. So I asked myself, if human have souls, then there has to be physical real world evidence, right?

Over the years, I've learned to ask the most basic questions to better understand topics, I would like to know about. All this under the pretext that there are no stupid questions. And also knowing full well, more than likely, I'm not the first to ask such questions. This is one of those, slap myself on the forehead moments 😂 But it's, oh so interesting of a topic isn't it? I thought I would share my discovery, I find it very interesting.

View attachment 16508

So a human soul weighs about 3/4 of an ounce (21 grams), supported by science even. I encourage you, Don't Believe Me, Research for yourself and draw your own conclusions. But just how cool is this?

Now back to being busy, busy, busy... I hope my neighbors get back home soon. I'm walking so much I would probably break one of those fitbit watch thingys, but lots of alone time for prayer, so I'm enjoying every step :)

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Maybe it's time for someone using more modern methods to try this again?

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Creal, I have read similar study. Interesting, to say the least.

This morning, after letting my herbs wilt overnight, I've started the infusions for my PI salve. steeping them in pint jars in the crock pot. Should end up with enough oils to make about 3 cups of salve.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
I had a blast with my favorite daughter in law and mother in law this evening. We went to our electric co op annual board meeting. Got to see HighRoad Christian Country band from Nashville. Those ladies are talented.

The meeting was held at Little Chapel Church, don't let the name fool you, the place is huge. While standing around outside, I was searching the river rocks that are all around the building.

Southern IL is pretty famous for minerals and there is even gold and silver found occasionally around here. I found a really interesting rock, it was chipped and had crystals showing inside from the chip. So I put it in my pocket and brought it home where grandma was watching my two grand daughters. I showed them the rock and they were as amazed as I was.

So I said what you think is in this rock? Treasure one granddaughter replied, then my other grand daughter said pretty diamonds. So I said you want to bust it open and find out? There might be nothing or there might be something, it's a mystery and we won't know until we bust it open. They were like ohhhh ahhh and couldn't wait to bust open the mystery rock that paw paw found. So I grabbed a 1 lb hammer and said ok two whacks each. First my younger grand daughter took two whacks and it didn't bust. Then on the second whack my older grand daughter busted it in half. Surprise it's a Geode 😂 and they were amazed again. But ofcourse grand daughters get to keep both half's. I love kids, they are just so cool 😎 Some may see a pile of rocks, I seen a potential opportunity to find something interesting.


The meeting board meeting started with prayer in Jesus name, standing ovation to our service members. Then HighRoad sang the star spangled banner and we all said the pledge of allegiance. It was absolutely beautiful ❤️ I looked around no one took a knee and not a single person I saw did not have their hand over their heart.

There's a really important message in this picture of HighRoad. See if you can spot it :)

After the meeting I took Fav DIL and MIL out to sit down dinner. I was on my daily mission to get beautiful people to laugh or smile every since we left the house. My favorite daughter in law joined in and then my mother in law surprisingly. Between all three of us we must have met 3 months of my daily mission of making people laugh and smile. it was a blast, I needed some fun with family it was refreshing nurishment to my soul.

I even got to shake hands and talk one on one the CEO of our electric co op, he's the real deal. Also because one of our members asked during the board meeting, we also got truthful details form a power company perspective of what happened in Texas with the power outage over this past winter, which was a plus 👍

Jesus it Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
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Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
One of my elderberry cuttings has sprouted a root! Several of the others have new leaves, but no roots. I'm a bit perplexed by that development! Won't consider this experiment to be a success UNLESS they continue to grow through the summer, and THEN break dormancy and grow well in the spring. I may pot them up and set the pots in one of the raised beds.

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