Well, I have been around a while now, a couple of weeks or so, and I have been putting off writing a journal until tonight. Had a long and productive day, and can't sleep yet, so I thought I would make my introductions.
My name is Kris and I live in the agricultural heart of California, just south of Fresno. I am coming up on my 58th birthday this fall, am divorced and have one daughter who has two daughters of her own and three step children.
I was raised by depression era parents, and was deeply influenced by a pathologically frugal set of grandparents. My grandmother, for example, when altering a dress, would un sew the thread and use it again for the repair. My grandfather was a master gardener and I regret to this day not paying more attention to his teachings. He died 25 years ago, and I would sure love his expertise right about now!
I own a home on one of the businest corners of our town. There is a stop light in my front yard and the city comes along and butchers, I mean trims, my trees every so often so the light can be seen by oncoming cars. Like it's a safety hazard or something! I have an L shaped backyard, and the short part of the L has gone wild. It's about 20 x 50, and I am in the process of preparing it for a Spring 2010 planting. It's a daunting task for an old woman with a bad back and a bum leg !
I have always lived frugally, but have never really taken the step to self sufficiency. I am on my way now, though, mainly because I am scared of what is happening to our nation. I have been a self employed medical transcriptonist for about 31 years, and over the past five years or so things have kind of gone south. Now with the changes in the tax codes and the enormous debt our country is in, it is only a matter of time before the economy tanks or the government takes over as much of our lives (and money) as possible. I am trying to get ready for that, and at the same time honor my family's roots in the depression by doing the things they had to do in order to survive.
So, my quest for self sufficiency may or may not have the same beginnings as most of you, but I am very determined to be able to "make it" without a steady job, should it come to that.
So far, I have stockpiled purchased foods and have gone absolutely bonkers both with dehydrating and vacuum packing and with my new love for canning. My goal is to have enough food ready for myself, my parents and my daughter's family to survive at least a year, in the event of a collapse. If by January 2010 our economy seems to be holding, I am going to try a year of self sufficiency, earning half what I current make (which aint much) and thus paying less taxes. Ideally, in 2011 I will be able to support myself without a regular job.
I am learning so much here at this forum, and hopefully soon I will have something to offer in return. I write a Frugal Living blog with our local newspaper, which seems to be well received, and am trying to learn enough so that I can hold casual "seminars" for women, teaching them some of the basic skills that you guys all do as a matter of course. We'll see how it goes.
Thank you all for being so welcoming. I am a bit of a bumbler sometimes, and you have been so patient with the Wannabe !
Still not sleepy. Wish I had something to can !
My name is Kris and I live in the agricultural heart of California, just south of Fresno. I am coming up on my 58th birthday this fall, am divorced and have one daughter who has two daughters of her own and three step children.
I was raised by depression era parents, and was deeply influenced by a pathologically frugal set of grandparents. My grandmother, for example, when altering a dress, would un sew the thread and use it again for the repair. My grandfather was a master gardener and I regret to this day not paying more attention to his teachings. He died 25 years ago, and I would sure love his expertise right about now!
I own a home on one of the businest corners of our town. There is a stop light in my front yard and the city comes along and butchers, I mean trims, my trees every so often so the light can be seen by oncoming cars. Like it's a safety hazard or something! I have an L shaped backyard, and the short part of the L has gone wild. It's about 20 x 50, and I am in the process of preparing it for a Spring 2010 planting. It's a daunting task for an old woman with a bad back and a bum leg !
I have always lived frugally, but have never really taken the step to self sufficiency. I am on my way now, though, mainly because I am scared of what is happening to our nation. I have been a self employed medical transcriptonist for about 31 years, and over the past five years or so things have kind of gone south. Now with the changes in the tax codes and the enormous debt our country is in, it is only a matter of time before the economy tanks or the government takes over as much of our lives (and money) as possible. I am trying to get ready for that, and at the same time honor my family's roots in the depression by doing the things they had to do in order to survive.
So, my quest for self sufficiency may or may not have the same beginnings as most of you, but I am very determined to be able to "make it" without a steady job, should it come to that.
So far, I have stockpiled purchased foods and have gone absolutely bonkers both with dehydrating and vacuum packing and with my new love for canning. My goal is to have enough food ready for myself, my parents and my daughter's family to survive at least a year, in the event of a collapse. If by January 2010 our economy seems to be holding, I am going to try a year of self sufficiency, earning half what I current make (which aint much) and thus paying less taxes. Ideally, in 2011 I will be able to support myself without a regular job.
I am learning so much here at this forum, and hopefully soon I will have something to offer in return. I write a Frugal Living blog with our local newspaper, which seems to be well received, and am trying to learn enough so that I can hold casual "seminars" for women, teaching them some of the basic skills that you guys all do as a matter of course. We'll see how it goes.
Thank you all for being so welcoming. I am a bit of a bumbler sometimes, and you have been so patient with the Wannabe !
Still not sleepy. Wish I had something to can !