Ldychef2k: Notes from a Wannabe - Ldychef2k fesses up.


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
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This is long. I hope you find it of value.

I think I have given passing mention to the fact that my granddaughter and I are having a continuing conversation this summer on American history. Yesterday, we prepared a little presentation for our family gathering about the Declaration of Independence, and what led up to it. Here is what we presented:

God has created us as equals and has given us rights which cannot be taken away. These include our lives, our freedom, and our right to try and make a better life for ourselves. We came here to do just that, and King George is intent on stopping us.

He refuses to allow us to make laws of self-governance.

We ask HIM for laws, which he refuses to give unless we surrender our right to reprentation. He seems to desire anarchy so that he can crush us with tyranny.

We have repeatedly asked to meet with him, and he has generally refused, but when he does agree, he schedules the meetings at times and places which make it impossible to attend.

When we make every effort to attend, and succeed, he refuses to meet with us and disassembles the meeting.

We set up self-representation, and he demolishes it.

He has cast aside our basic rights as humans and has invaded even our homes.

He sends a governor, and then fires him. We establish governors, he has them removed.

He forces us to ask permission for travel or to move our living place, and then denies it. If we attempt to move about, we are squashed.

He does not allow us a judicial system, but rather sends us his judges, whom he pays to adjudicate as he pleases. Absent this, he judges us himself, and without fail adjudicates against us. Trial by jury is not allowed.

He has assigned administrators to oversee, disrupt and destroy our businesses so that we cannot provide for our families. We are harrassed daily in our shops.

He has placed his military in control of our villages, giving them the right to murder our citizens, then setting up mock courts to try the soldiers, who are never convicted.

He has quartered large numbers of troops in our very homes, and they report to him of our activities.

He has cut us off from merchant trade with the rest of the world. He has taxed every purchase and every behavior multiple times.

He has taken our citizens from this land and has kidnapped them at sea, taking them to trial and prison in far off lands, or forcing them to take up arms against their own colony.

He has purchased or taken over areas surrounding the colonies and then denied us permission to pass through those areas. We are cut off, we are an island.

He has waged war against us in our own streets.

At this very moment, he is sending large numbers of soldiers, who will arrive any day. They have orders to kill us all if we do not bend to his will, and he has ordered them to be particularly cruel and barbaric.

At every step, we have petitioned him to reconsider his actions, and we have been ignored. We have sent representatives to his court and they have been rebuked and ignored. We have fallen on our knees, begging to be heard, and have been cast out.

Quoting now:

"We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do.

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
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That was so long, I made this a second post.

Another subject my DGD and I are talking about is the difference between capitalism and socialism. I think it is of interest to the self-sufficent on several levels.

DGD was taught in school that the early Virginia colonists practiced socialism, and that is correct. She was taught that they set up a storehouse where each family could come and take what they needed to survive. The idea was that they would bring essentially ALL of their crops, etc., to the storehouse, to be equally divided amongst all members of the colony. That is socialism.

However, what was not taught in her school was the truth of the result of this method. It was death. Of the 9000 individuals who came to the new world the first years, 8000 died. Mostly of starvation. Because while coming to a storehouse to get what you need was a noble concept, in practice it was quite a different thing. Those who worked hard came away with much less than they put in. Whether a farmer produced well or minimally, all farms received the same return. There was no incentive to produce, so production basically halted.

As well, three major areas of work were available to the colonies: Raising food, building structures, and searching for gold. There was no real enforement of assignments, and in the end so many went looking for gold that there was no food, the structures which did actually end up getting built did not withstand the elements, and the colonies fell to rubble.

In 1614, Sir Thomas Dale arrived from England to be the most recent in a string of governors. He saw the horrific mess, the starving people, the near-complete anarchy, and he spotted the problem immediately. The experiment in socialism was not working. He changed that.

Amongst many changes he made was his decision to make each family responsible for their own survival. He gave three acres of land to each family and required in return only two barrels of corn be placed in the storehouse. He removed governmental restrictions, the nearly 100% tax rate, and allowed them the freedom to succeed, to work as hard and as long as they chose to work, and to keep for themselves the rewards.

The change was immediate. The storehouses were full, the structures were rebuilt and were sound, and the people were well fed and happy. Capitalism worked.

Socialism kills incentive. It removes any reason for hard work, for pride, for taking responsibility. It has failed every time it has been tried. And it will fail here in America as well. But at what cost?


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
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One thing that doesn't get mentioned much in US history is the fact that England dumped a lot of their petty criminals and outright trouble makers in the colonies. They considered it most cost efficient to ship them out rather than rot in jail supported by public money. The relatives and friends could see how badly they were treated at home. Far better to ship them off to be self sufficient and the ones that were could act as markets and sources of materials that were not available in the old world like Naval Stores. If they didnt survive who cared? Let their mates care for them.
I never realized this until I started reading Australian History. The fact that they could no longer dump in the new world was the driving force for them to settle Australia almost entirely with junk. Funny how they both turned out to be nations of individuals.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.[/i]
This statement, written by a Virginia farmer embodies the most powerful and moving emotion I have ever felt

I am deeply moved by this string and greatly appreciate the effort it took to write it. LC2k, you have my undying support.

My first feeling is that I am so gratified that LC2k is taking the time and patience with her DGD to explain who we are and what we stand for as Americans. Our country is being "changed" to something that we may be sorry for very soon.

My second feeling is that LC2k "GETs IT!" It is so heartwarming to see a string here that is so deeply rooted in what we as Americans believe.
Bravo, LC2k.:thumbsup