Ldychef2k: Notes from a Wannabe - Ldychef2k fesses up.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Ldychef2k said:
Thanks so much for the warm welcomes. What amazing women (and men) you all are.

I have been so blessed the past weeks, and today was no exception. I received a bag of much needed groceries from a friend, and she also passed on extra peaches, peppers, tomatoes and herbs that she had been blessed with in abundance. So, I made a peach cobbler for my brothers upcoming visit, and am working on a wonderful salsa with some beautiful and perfectly ripe mangoes which I got at my favorite store, Winco, for 18 cents each.

I also had ten pounds of pears, and made an old family favorite, pear harlequin, or pear preserves with pineapple and maraschino cherries. YUM !

I worked on the second batch of 15 pounds each (2 of 3 boxes) roma tomatoes. I canned the first 15 pounds, and this box I cut in half, seasoned with a mixture of bacon salt, lemon pepper, garlic and onion powder. I put them in the sun for the day, but they are not quite done so I stuck them in the dehydrator to finish.

As well today I underwent a home assessment to see if I qualify for weatherization improvements from a local agency. I guess I do ! Over the next weeks, I will be getting new windows, an additional 15" attic insulation, new doors, weather stripping, a new refrigerator, air conditioning service and repair if necessary, exterior window caulking, 10 of those curly fluorescent light bulbs, repair of dry wall in the garage, low flow showerheads, and insulation of exterior wall sockets and light switches.

So many things I have not been able to do the past few years, and the provision has now been made for things that I could simply never afford to do on my own, let alone physically accomplish with my several challenges. It's amazing.

Every day, the Lord is providing much more than I could even imagine.

You have certainly received soome real blessings there! He always amazes me!

How wonderful that you will be able to get the weatherization improvements. That will certainly help the budget!


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
Wow Kris, that is great on the weatherization!

Tell me more about those tomatoes you are drying. I never season my tomatoes when I dry them. Do you make your own bacon salt? Is it salt mixed with actual bacon? I bet they would make a wonderfull snack as well as addition to various recipes.


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
Reaction score
Amen to that !

keljonma said:
Ldychef2k said:
Thanks so much for the warm welcomes. What amazing women (and men) you all are.

I have been so blessed the past weeks, and today was no exception. I received a bag of much needed groceries from a friend, and she also passed on extra peaches, peppers, tomatoes and herbs that she had been blessed with in abundance. So, I made a peach cobbler for my brothers upcoming visit, and am working on a wonderful salsa with some beautiful and perfectly ripe mangoes which I got at my favorite store, Winco, for 18 cents each.

I also had ten pounds of pears, and made an old family favorite, pear harlequin, or pear preserves with pineapple and maraschino cherries. YUM !

I worked on the second batch of 15 pounds each (2 of 3 boxes) roma tomatoes. I canned the first 15 pounds, and this box I cut in half, seasoned with a mixture of bacon salt, lemon pepper, garlic and onion powder. I put them in the sun for the day, but they are not quite done so I stuck them in the dehydrator to finish.

As well today I underwent a home assessment to see if I qualify for weatherization improvements from a local agency. I guess I do ! Over the next weeks, I will be getting new windows, an additional 15" attic insulation, new doors, weather stripping, a new refrigerator, air conditioning service and repair if necessary, exterior window caulking, 10 of those curly fluorescent light bulbs, repair of dry wall in the garage, low flow showerheads, and insulation of exterior wall sockets and light switches.

So many things I have not been able to do the past few years, and the provision has now been made for things that I could simply never afford to do on my own, let alone physically accomplish with my several challenges. It's amazing.

Every day, the Lord is providing much more than I could even imagine.

You have certainly received soome real blessings there! He always amazes me!

How wonderful that you will be able to get the weatherization improvements. That will certainly help the budget!


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
Reaction score
You are all going to get so tired of me talking about Winco. But it's an awesome store. They have a bulk section, and in it you can get this orange salt called bacon salt. There are large black flecks in it which look like pepper, but they aren't. I think they contain the smoky flavor. Bacon salt contains less sodium per teaspoon than regular salt. Probably because there are other things in there besides salt ! Anyway, it really is awesome stuff. And I just on a whim mixed it with the other stuff.

I usually season my tomatoes, but ordinarily with italian flavors and garlic. This is a real departure for me. If it tastes like it smells, it will be a real treat !

Thank for asking !


FarmerDenise said:
Wow Kris, that is great on the weatherization!

Tell me more about those tomatoes you are drying. I never season my tomatoes when I dry them. Do you make your own bacon salt? Is it salt mixed with actual bacon? I bet they would make a wonderfull snack as well as addition to various recipes.


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
Reaction score
I think I am going to start praying for personal peace. There are so many things in turmoil all around me, that some nights I don't really sleep. This new passion of mine (canning, dehydrating, food storage) is a wonderful pastime, but it isn't solving the underlying problem that I am just stretched too emotionally thin with many family issues, finances, and so many more things.

That said, I got my compost bin set up today. My mom had someone dump a wooden shipping crate in her alley. It is about the size of a large washer or dryer. My son-in-law took it home, switched some of the boards around and enclosed three of the sides with small gauge wire mesh. So, I got my dad's truck and went over with my 81 year old mother and the two of us loaded it in the truck and unloaded it here at the home place. My mom is my role model of strength. My son-in-law couldn't move it because he has Parkinson's. Anyway, I had been starting the compost heap in some rubbermaids, and let me tell you that was some stinky stank ! I layed down some paper on the bottom of the bin, dumped in the slime, lots of dirt, lots of clippings from the bushes I trimmed the other day, more paper, more dirt, and then wet it down. Oh, I forgot that I also put in a layer of enzyme granules which are probably a rip off that I got suckered into. So we will see if it heats up.

I made the msitake of running my irrigation plan past my dad, and of course it, as with everything else I come up with, will never work because I don't know what I am doing. Odd that, at nearly 60, I have lived alone and done pretty darn well for myself without knowing my a** from a hole in the ground !!!

Finished off my peach mango salsa (which I labeled PMS) and got it canned today. Eight pints and enough leftover to make PMS Chicken and Rice. It's really, really good and moderately hot, just right at where I like it.

My brother and his family (three boys: 14, 18 and 20) are coming to visit my parents in a few weeks and I am doing the cooking for Mom. She made a calendar with all the menus on it. And I lost it. Been looking all around, and ended up cleaning the entire house, but still didn't find it.

And just as I wrote that, in frustration I prayed, "Lord, where did I put it? You know where every hair on my head is, where is the paper? That moment, I saw where it was and went to check, and it was there. In a notebook, under two other notebooks, on a storage shelf in the back bathroom. Of Course !!!!!

Anyway, small miracles aside, I made a plum cobbler and a peach crisp, and 40 baseball sized balls of "monster" cookie dough are now freezing, waiting to be broken apart, stored in a two gallon ziplock, and cooked one batch at a time by hungry kids ! Next, a very large pan of lasagne!

Oh, and I haven't mentioned it yet, but until the economy collapsed I made a dollar here and there as a caterer. And today I got a line on a simple wedding that needs just what I ahve to offer. So, I may get a few dollars head in the next few months. YAY !

Thanks for living thru day again with me. I still have a few hours typing to do, until midnight I think, and then bright and early tomorrow I have the 10 year old granddaughter all day. Think I will introduce her (the princess) to composting. Her mom, the tom boy, thinks it is a great idea !



Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Kris, the weatherization is something I'm looking into for the house I rent. Could you tell me a little bit about the criteria? I'm so hoping we qualify, as this old house could sure use a few things restored.

I'm so glad you are standing under a shower of blessings and that you are aware that its blessings that are being showered! :)


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
Reaction score
He is so good. I can't even begin to thank Him enough. The best I can do is live a life that honors him.

The weatherization program is a locally administered one. They receive federal funds, but the funds are dispersed to the counties by the state. Maybe tracking that path will help you in your state.

Qualification is on the basis of income here in California. I easily qualified for a one person household, with $500 to spare.

ETA: Here is a link that migth help you. http://www.wvf.state.wv.us/oeo/weatherization.htm

Beekissed said:
Kris, the weatherization is something I'm looking into for the house I rent. Could you tell me a little bit about the criteria? I'm so hoping we qualify, as this old house could sure use a few things restored.

I'm so glad you are standing under a shower of blessings and that you are aware that its blessings that are being showered! :)


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Thank you, Kris! :) So very glad to know you and glad that you've come here! :hugs

Hey, Kris? There is a book that I feel compelled to tell everyone about....I just finished it and it blessed me as much or more than the Left Behind series. Its called The Shack by William P. Young. If you haven't already, you might like to read it. Talk about blessings!!! :)


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
Reaction score
I have to smile.

The book was published by Windblown Media, co-founded by my very good friend of 15 years, and former house church buddy, Wayne Jacobsen. Mr. Young sent Wayne the manuscript many years ago, and Wayne shared the concepts with us in house church. He helped edit the first edition, and had a stronger hand in the second. Wayne himself is an accomplished author.

There is a lot about it to love, and there are some things I don't agree with. But I don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, so I use God given discernment and allow those portions that speak to my spirit to wash over me (lots of water in this paragraph) and understand that not every word is for every heart.

You might be interested in learning more of Wayne's walk with the Lord at Lifestream.org. He has a free book online called He Loves Me, which you might enjoy. It's all about living life in relationship with the Father.


Beekissed said:
Thank you, Kris! :) So very glad to know you and glad that you've come here! :hugs

Hey, Kris? There is a book that I feel compelled to tell everyone about....I just finished it and it blessed me as much or more than the Left Behind series. Its called The Shack by William P. Young. If you haven't already, you might like to read it. Talk about blessings!!! :)


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
If you see your old buddy, tell him I was profoundly blessed by the book and I found nothing of which I disagreed in the book. It actually helped me let God heal a few old wounds on my heart and I think that was the purpose of the book anyway....which is a good thing, isn't it? :)