- Thread starter
- #271
the funny farm6
Super Self-Sufficient

is all i can say today. went out and checked the garden this morning-all was good, checked it tonight and the tomato plant that has the redish tomato had all the leaves missing! and 2 of the other tomatos are knocked over. no dog prints-that was the first suspect, but no other prints either. hmmm, any guesses? looked for creapy crawlers for 1/2 hr and didnt find any.
i moved the chicks outside and heard a comotion and looked outside and dh bulldog had gotten loose and he and his blue pit had chaced the chiks out of the cage. the bull dog will run around the cage till they either squeeze out or if they are too big to get out, he gets them to try to get out and grabs them by the head and pulls them threw. so i had 25 chicks at the start of day and 15 after that, 5 more showed up. we found 2 bodys. so that accounts for 22 chicks. will see if any more show up tomarow. i plan to remind dh of the last dog of his that wouldnt stop killing.

hubbys step dad was rushed to the university hospitel. he has cancer in his throut. and he was having trouble breathing, so they sent him up there, they are going to trake him in the morning, and dh mom isnt even going up to be with him. (cause it is just a minor surgery). she just blows me away. she didnt even go up with him. i am more upset than she is! i just feel