Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 26, 2009
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pine county, mn
yeah, I'ld just say if you or a family member is in the hospital, you can pretty much count on needing to have someone with you 24/7 if you aren't ambulatory, or if you are medicated enough to need someone to look out for you.

Nurses do a great job, problem is they have SO MANY patients, they can't care for them properly. If one patient has a problem requiring the nurse's attention, the nurse can't help the others. I can't tell you how many times we have stopped family members from getting the wrong meds, or waited 20 minutes for someone to respond to a call light.

YEs, there is a lot of time spent sitting and waiting and being exhausted and wishing you weren't there, but... all the nights I've spent in chairs by the bed, there isn't one where I wasn't seriously needed at one point by the family member/patient.

stepping off the soapbox now

TTs Chicks

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
:hugs it really sucks that hospitals and care facilities appear to be so understaffed that patients suffer. I know when Dad was in the hospital one of us was almost always with him so we know what was going on. And then they do stupid things - when Daddy was in the ICU the last time and we knew it was just a matter of hours before we lost him - a little nurse came in to give him a bath When I tried to stop her she wanted to argue with me - he's not hurting right now leave him alone!!


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Bummer about the nursing home. I agree with Lala, but dang, even if you are over worked you need to step it up whne someone's care is in your hands!

I hope that Granny is ok and that the blood in her stool is quickly dealt with. :hugs

Have fun at the wedding....what did you end up buying to wear?

Edited because my G is not working!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
The Wedding Saga.....grab a cup of coffee for this one my friends...

I went shopping yesterday after getting my hair cut....it looked like we killed a small animal when we were done :lol: Yes, it's short again. I do this every year....try to grow it out and then hack it off in a fit of frustration. But, I digress.

After that I went shopping and ended up in tears. After 15 stores, yes I counted every horrid one, I didn't buy anything. I did get the kids 2 WordWorld dvds, I love that program. Anyway, why is it that all the dresses out nowadays either make look like you stepped out of an Austin Powers movie, emerged from a gigantic flowering shrub of some sort, appear to be pregnant, or are so short that if you bend over everyone and their brother and the occupants of the international space station will see your hooha.

I also must explain that I am labeled a "pear". Now I love fruit but why is that what they affectionately torture women with? For those of you that may not know what being a "pear" means, it means that your body is shaped like a pear. :tongue I am a size 8 on the top and a 12 on the bottom. Yes dears, to put it bluntly, I have a big ol butt.

NONE of the dresses out there now flatter someone of my shape. After 11 or so stores I decided to change tactics and try on skirts and shirts, hoping that that would work better. I got news for ya gals, the skirts aren't any better. All the blouses look like they were sewed by a kindergartener....what's with the twisted fabric and the ruffles. Ruffles are the bane of my existence. I attacked one poor girl that tried to "help" me into a mid thigh length, ruffled (all the way down the middle from top to bottom), PINK dress. I looked at her and said "Honey, I work with farm animals every day do I look like I would be caught dead in a pink rufflely dress? " Then I walked out.

I rushed home, in tears, my self esteem plummeting every minute and my hatred of this wedding growing even more. After taking a shower, fixing my hair, scrounging in the depths of my closet and finding a skirt that I bought right after Tyler was born, finding a lovely lavender shirt that my husband got me for xmas from Target for a whole $7, and digging out a pair of 2 inch slingbacks from the bottom of he!! I ran to the car and put on.....*gasp* makeup. :sick

Then we walked into a $40000 wedding. Yes, you read that right...more to come.....ahhhh the reception......go refill that cup o joe, you'll need it.....


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Oh Lori I feel for you. Pink ruffles?? I have not shopped in so long I would have no idea "whats in" . I go through the same thing. I loath to shop. Most times if I go into my closet I will have much better luck finding something. I know it's my style and there is a good chance it will actually fit.

I tell ya there really is some logic to spending a bit of money on a few basic, classic styles that you will be able to wear for a really long time. The black slacks, skirt, etc... As long as I don't chunk up I will always have something to wear.

Can't wait to hear your reception story.



Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
The wedding. You would have thought that for $40,000 it would have been more of an event but I swear to you there weren't even any flowers in the church.

The colors were brown and green. All the flowers were green with touches of white. The bridesmaids wore chocolate brown dresses and the men wore light brown suits with electric lime green ties.

The ring bearer wouldn't set foot in the church and ran screaming and crying around the parking lot until his poor mother just gave up and gave the rings to the best man, delaying the wedding processional by 15 minutes. Fun stuff.

The bride wore a lacey, gauzy, sparkly dress....yes there were sparkles....ohhhhh, the sparkles. I secretly learned from my SIL (who hates the bride) that she had more embellishments added to the dress cause "you know she's got the be the prettiest girl SOMEwhere"

Anyway, he cried, she cried, vows were said and they kissed. Okay, now the fun stuff, right?

The reception was at a swanky country club a few minutes away from the church. When we got there we discovered that we had been seated with Chad's aunt and uncle (thank GOD) at a lovely table over by the linen closet and behind a pillar allowing us to see NOTHING of the bride and groom. But, I digress.

We discovered that there was wine and beer. After hubby tasted the beer (draft....blech) and declared it unfit to drink we decided on a lovely zinfandel. Now folks, I am not a drinker so this was doomed from the start. By the time we had been graced by the bride and groom's presence I had had 3 glasses. Then we got to eat salad.

Next, came the buffet. Now the food was good and getting to see hubby's side of the family was good but having to chase the bride for 3 hours before finally talking to her was a bit much. You think she doesn't like us.....she and the groom went to every table and said hello EXCEPT ours. Well, the groom said hello and apologized for having to follow the "schedule". Oh, the schedules.....it is rumored by SIL that the bridesmaids got 12 pages.

The bride even picked out my MIL's dress, jewelry, and shoes. My MIL sat down at the table and said that there was going to be blood soon cause "SHE" told her that she couldn't take those damnable high heels off to dance. To which she says....and I quote...."I guess my family is just the Clampetts to her"

Well....eventually the shoes came off and we danced as only a room full of white people can dance....barefooted and without rhythm.

Well, after it was all over we raised our lit sparklers (what is it with this girl and sparkles???) over the bride and groom's head and they left for the hotel before boarding a plane to Cabo. We are thinking of writing him a nice little note in his lawn with roundup. That or sprinkling his expertly manicured gravel driveway with grass seed. :D

Now, as for me.... this pretty much sums up my evening


So after getting me in the car, dropping me in the driveway, getting me undressed, taking the babysitter home, and holding my hair this morning while I puked....hubby is at church right now with the kids while I am trying to choke down a bowl of oatmeal and a cuppa coffee.

Yep, it was fun after all. :gig


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
I had the unpleasant experience of shopping for funeral clothes for ALL of us this summer - I know exactly what you mean. I looked in our closets and most of the kid's clothes were end of summer rags, and me and DH have both lost weight so I had to go. So yeah, WTH is with all the ruffles and twisty, looks like a 6 year old sewed it stuff? And the "look" for preteen girls seems to be - in my hubby's words - skanky. Ugh.
Glad you found something to wear. Now - a 40k wedding? :th

edit - I just read the rest of it :lol: I love your smilies! so appropriate.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Maryville, Tennessee
And just think - "that"'s gonna be in your family from now own - or as long as it lasts. :barnie

I went through the shopping thing yesterday, too. Nothing! Do you all know they don't make full slips anymore? Am I that much out of touch? Of course we never go anywhere that we'd have to dress up, but really!


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
lordy, lordy, lordy. Don't these young fools know that its only ONE DAY in the rest of their lives. Only ONE day. And trying to impress the guests is NOT what a reception is about. Its about thanking your guests that cared enough to come to see the two of you joined in matrimony. Its about making sure each of your guests have a terrific time! Sheesh....

worshiping to the porcelin goddess - uck....been there, done that, in my youth...

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