I have found the more expensive the wedding, the shorter the marriage. Hubby and I spent a total of $35 (I think...$20 for the judge, $10 for gas, and the rest for a big gulp, a chicken chimechunga and a bag of funyons...) so we should be together till the end of time
Oh, the tackiest thing of all was when the bride and groom got on the microphone and said "you guys should feel lucky to be here....one of the hardest things we had to decide was what 100 people to cut from the guest list."
TACKY, ungrateful little snot. Didn't thank his or her parents....just told everyone how lucky we were to be invited to the little shindig. Are you kidding me? Then I found out that her parents offered to give them the money to put towards building a new home if they would downsize the wedding and she said no.
No, SIL is my husband's step sister. She has issues of her own and is heavily medicated, thank God, but she was ready to "snap her in half" this weekend. My MIL came to the table and said "I swear ya'll there is going to be blood any minute now."
The new SIL/bride...we'll call her K, is just a little premadonna. Her father is a dairy farmer from a very rural county and she has clearly forgotten where exactly she came from. He milks 1200 head every day, with help of course. She went to a good college and so did BIL but they both are the babies in the family and have been spoiled to death. They're perfect for each other. I secretly pray that she gets pregnant with twins on the honeymoon so they will have to focus on someone other then themselves for a change.