Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Well, still here at Granny's house...she went to the doctor today and he gave her a diuretic to take for all the swelling in her feet. Her blood pressure was a little high but not too bad 150/85. She has a slight heart murmer, which apparantly she has always had but never bothered her. She is scheduled to go have an electrocardiogram on wednesday so we'll see what that turns up. The doctor wants to make sure that she doesn't have any fluid around her heart and lungs.

I'm worried about her...she has had a cold today and is having problems turning her neck...she has been going to the chiropractor for that and it seemed to be helping but now it has stiffened up again. She's stressed out about having to look for a new house and the payouts on the property that just sold and that she still lives on in her doublewide until the lot that she is sitting on is sold.

Not much going on here, took the kids to the park today and let them play for a while. They had a good time but the wind has taken a toll on all of us. I think we are all suffering from wind burn...all our cheeks are red. Tyler was picking up sticks and breaking them against the trees and poor thing, he tried to pick up a tree root that had started to stick up, he yanked on it and of course it stayed put and he went flying backwards on his bum! He got so mad he jumped up and kicked that root...:lol: I took it as an educational opportunity to explain how trees work.

We had a good time, I miss Chad. He is taking care of all the animals for me and says that the girls are laying pretty well with this spell of warmer weather. It's supposed to turn colder here in the next couple of days. Chad is coming tomorrow with the trailer and chainsaw and we are going to try to get all the crossbeams out of the tobacco barns before the new property owners tear them down. We don't know what we will use them for but we don't want them to just be thrown in a burn pile somewhere. My great granddaddy built those barns himself. There are 4 of them. I don't know how many we will tackle cause they are pretty big. One of my cousins came and dug up all my great grandmother's peonies and took them. Didn't even bother to ask if anyone else wanted any...they were her favorite.:somad

They will probably tear down her house too because it is a plain old farmhouse and doesn't fit in with their gated community. All the old outbuildings, barn, chicken coop, pack house, milk house, grain barn, and smokehouse will have to go too. I have posted pics of the farm that we took last summer on here before. It is just such a shame to see it all go. I've cried until I can't cry anymore. Chad and I got married here...my babies played in the water here, fished here, and my granny, mom and me all grew up here. Okay, I have to stop before I start crying again...:hit


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
:hit I am so sorry for what your family is going through with the farm. I know now days, not many farms are kept in the family, and its so sad. Not always is it because the family doesnt want to, but can't! Unfortunately for our family, my mother loved to move, about once every 2 years or so...so we had no place to really call " home" Home was where we were living that year. DH and I bought our farm, but our kids were already grown. So, when and if this place sells again, there will not be any memories lost. I just cant imagind loseing all those great heirlooms, barnd, building built by your grandfather. Get what you can...save as much of the memories as possible. Pictures are priceless....make sure to get as many as possible before they are gone. I am so sorry...I would just BAWL too!. :hugs


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas

Maybe your cousin would be willing to give you a couple of the plants. Also if there were any other heirloom plants, dig them up also or getting trimmings to plant at your home.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Well, I'm home from granny's house and we got 9 tier poles out of one of the tobacco barns. I think we have decided to try to make a bed out of them. They are just the right size for it and it would look like something out of a log cabin! I am so excited...we didn't even have to cut them...we were able to get some of the chinking out of the top part of the barn and with some muscle pull them out. We may go back this weekend and get some more.

Got outside and checked on all the animals and found out that my neighbor down the road has been feeding my rabbits layer feed from the chicken bin. :barnie I have them clearly labeled and chad said that he showed him which was which so I don't know what caused the mix up. I have to go get the chickens more layer feed and the dogs more food tonight cause apparantly he is heavy handed with the feed. :rolleyes:

It was so funny when I got home last night and went to check on everyone...the chickens came running out and talked my head off!!!

I still don't know what to do about the garden plans...I really want to do raised beds but we still haven't heard anything from Verizon yet about the move. I guess if I have to I'll plant some stuff in pots and move them if we end up moving. I won't be able to plant everything I wanted to plant and definitely won't get the yield I was hoping for this year but it will be a start.

Oh, and I talked to my cousin Ronnie, who is a scout leader yesterday and he was telling us some of the stories about his adventures with his boys and his scouts. He went on a camping trip and the weather forecast was calling for the night to be in the 50s...they woke up to a foot of snow, collapsed tents, and a closed road. They had to get his gun and go hunting...he set up some snares and caught some rabbits and squirrels and shot a turkey. Some of the parents actually got mad cause he killed animals so they could eat for a few days. Can you imagine?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
The parents were mad because he kept thier bratts alive,fed, and warm!?? I just dont get these people. I mean...really! Did the think there was a McDonalds out there in the woods!?:th


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
What a great experience for those boys!! Bet they never forget THAT scouting trip! :lol: Well, you know how folks are now days....no killa da animals.... :rolleyes:


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Get this, the next time Ronnie took them in the woods for a camping trip he took all the boys to his garden first and they all went in a picked all the food that they needed for the trip. He said they looked at him like he was crazy! He asked them how they wanted to fix the fresh veggies when they got into the woods (and set up snares and caught another rabbit or two) and none of them knew how to cook a fresh vegetable! He said that he just couldn't believe it. He looked at all of them and said "Lord, boys, where do you think your food comes from, the store? What do your mamas feed you?" :lol:


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Well, took the kids to the library and the park yesterday and met up with my BF and her daughter. It was so cold but the kids had a good time, I'm paying for it today. I coughed all night long. Woke up with a horrible sinus headache. I feel better after I got up and got moving, ate some tomato soup and had some tea for lunch and I am feeling a little better. I had to wait for the rain to let up so I could go outside and unload the dog food and chicken feed that I got yesterday from TSC. I got in late last night and forgot to go close up the chicken run last night (I know, BAD chicken mama *smack on the hand*) I was glad though cause it was snowing this morning when I got up and they were already roaming around the yard. I gave them extra treats to compensate and filled up the feeder when the rain let up for a few minutes. Why is it that the weather is always miserable when you HAVE to go outside and do something? :)

I got a book on homeschooling yesterday and the book Putting Food By. I kept seeing the buzz all over the place on here about it so I picked it up yesterday. I also got one that looked really interesting too, Grandmother's Kitchen Wisdom: Over 10,001 solutions to common kitchen problems.

I am going to do breakfast burritos for dinner tonight, I think. I have 3 dozen eggs to use so I think I'll do them with eggs, sausage, green and red pepper, onions and lots of cheese! Hopefully my kids will eat it and not complain! :rolleyes:

Chad has a Ducks Unlimited dinner tomorrow and he wanted me to go with him but with my sinuses acting up I don't want to go and sit in the cigarette smoke (everyone was smoking except us at the last one), then I really will be sick. We've been looking online for instructions for a log bed. Chad and I are really excited...hopefully we will have enough poles for one for us and one for my mom. It will be so meaningful to have something made from one of the tobacco barns.

Chad says that it looks like the move is on hold for a while so I guess I need to get moving on the garden plans. Time to get out the seed catalogues again! I am so excited about growing my own food...nervous about the possibility of canning for the first time but still excited.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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lorihadams said:
Get this, the next time Ronnie took them in the woods for a camping trip he took all the boys to his garden first and they all went in a picked all the food that they needed for the trip. He said they looked at him like he was crazy! He asked them how they wanted to fix the fresh veggies when they got into the woods (and set up snares and caught another rabbit or two) and none of them knew how to cook a fresh vegetable! He said that he just couldn't believe it. He looked at all of them and said "Lord, boys, where do you think your food comes from, the store? What do your mamas feed you?" :lol:
ROTFL I would have been asking the same thing!!!!!!!!!