Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
lorihadams said:
My poor BFF Angie went to take her husband to the hospital for some minor surgery and while she was out of school (she teaches 7th grade math) one of the kids stole her teacher's copy of their textbook with all the answers in it. What is wrong with kids today???
Sounds like an episode of the Andy Griffith Show to me.... kids haven't changed that much. Satan tempts all..... What is her administration advising? Can she use a different text for the rest of the school year that confirms to school requirements?


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Sunday...well, went to granny's again this weekend so the kids could finish their projects at church. I think we are going to end up staying a little longer. Chad came up Saturday night after his hunt and helped us move a lot of stuff off of the property. The drama continues...the man that bought the property just tore down the old marina Saturday morning. That wasn't the problem, we knew it was going to happen we just didn't know when. He's trying to clean up and rip out all of the old boat docks so the new owners can build their own. We've salvaged what we can off of most of them so it is not a huge waste. Problem was that granny had a lot of stuff stored in the marina. When we saw the equipment over there we went to see what they were doing and tell them that we had to get our things out and the building and dock were already gone. Finding out now that my cousin probably took everything in the building. We still don't know where everything is.

We talked to the buyer and he said the county is making him tear down all the old tobacco barns and buildings on the farm because they are not up to current code so now we are trying to clean up and salvage what we can. We got 3 bundles of tobacco sticks out of one of the barns...they'll make good tomato stakes in another life. They also make really good quilt hangers. I found one that had a knot hole in one end and it looks like a needle. I have a wedding ring quilt that we bought on our honeymoon hanging on it. It really looks neat.

My husband wants to come back up next weekend and get a chainsaw and cut all the crossbeams out of the barns to try and salvage them. My mom really wants to use them someday. She wants to remodel their living room and do a cathedral ceiling with exposed beams and use the beams from the barns. My dad says no way but after seeing my mom in tears today he's determined to get them out.

I may stay all week to help granny look for some more real estate and figure out what to do. With everything that the buyer has done this week it has gotten her nervous. We were hoping to get one more summer but I don't know if that will happen now.

Still in limbo about west virginia. Haven't heard anything definite yet so we are still waiting....story of my life! The weather has been really nice here...took the kids up to the top of the hill today and flew kites. Tyler's was in the shape of a turtle and maddie's was cinderella with pink tails. They did a really good job. :)


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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Love the pic of the kids in the snow! I hope Chad can find a good job and you can find the perfect house and property!!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Lori, what's this about you possibly moving to WV? :) Could it be true?! Maybe you could move a little higher up in the state.....say....like Franklin or Petersburg? ;) :D Beckley isn't as pretty as up here! :hide

Besides.....you could have an SS neighbor right close by..... :frow



Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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You're so sweet! Where exactly are you? They are saying that if they transfer him that it will be to either hinton or beckley, most likely. They have suggested martinsburg but we don't want to go that far north. We don't want to go too far from there cause he works for the phone company and you know what happens in storms! He doesn't want to have to drive too far from work cause of the weather, they might call him in to work during outtages.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I totally agree. Chad and I had this "discussion" Saturday. He says to me "don't get your hopes up about the wv thing cause I don't know if it's gonna happen"

Now, he has called me at least 3-4 times daily from work to tell me to call our realtor and put the house on the market (which, btw, I have not done yet cause I know better), or tell me that his boss said that he was probably not going to be reporting to her in June cause he would be in wv, or to tell me to go online and search for homes in the "blah, blah, blah" area, etc. etc. etc.

I looked at him and said "well, what do you expect me to think when you call me all day every day and tell me to get ready cause we're going?"

:barnie :he :th :smack


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
When I got the job offer to go from Ohio to Texas, my employer gave me 1 week to accept or decline the transfer.

Then I had a 2 week period to find someplace to live in the Houston area. The company gave us a bridge loan which was the minimum amount we would have gotten from the sale of our house in Ohio after we paid off that mortgage. Then when it sold, we paid back the loan.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Lori, I am in the "elbow" of the eastern panhandle of WV....otherwise known as the "armpit"....just a little personal joke I make! ;) I have been all over WV and, for the most part, its all pretty in one way or another...well, except up in the northern panhandle. But... this and the neighboring counties take the cake on beauty! That is the main reason we came here. I don't have family here and I didn't know anyone, but I got a good look at the beauty and pastoral landscape and I had to move here. :love Huge green valleys ringed by enormous purple and blue mountain ranges~part of the Blue Ridge Mountain range.

They have some lovely state parks in southern WV and some pretty big mountains here and there...my dad's family are from down in McDowell county. And you will be closer to the New River Gorge down there, where they have Bridge Day~a yearly celebration of the bridge(the biggest one of its kind?) and the New Gauley river sports. They have bungee jumping and parachuting from the bridge, white water rafting down the gorge and all kinds of events on that day.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score

Starting to rain here...Papa had errands to run so I contacted their realtor this morning and worked out some listings for them to go look at. We are going to go tomorrow afternoon after I take granny to the chiropractor. Papa has to go into work at midnight so he will need to sleep some in the morning before returning to work at 3 in the afternoon. He works for food lion and they are working him really weird irregular hours lately.

I took granny to get her hair permed today and that was a hoot! Her sister does her hair in her salon and has for a long time. Well, when we got there my great aunt gail was having her other technician (she only has one...Scruggs is as small as it sounds) start putting a perm in on her hair. Well, once she got gail rolled and under the cap gail started rolling granny's hair. Gail must have gotten the boxes mixed up and couldn't remember which solution she had put on granny's hair so she ended up rinsing her hair out and starting all over again. Meanwhile, Maddie is asleep in the car, windows cracked and me running into the parking lot every 15 minutes to check on her and Tyler is running all over the beauty shop like a madman. We were there for like 3-4 hours. We ended it with gail giving both my kids a quarter to get m&ms out of the candy machine. Then went to the grocery store and dairy queen and finally got home so I could straighten things out with the real estate lady and finalize our plans.

I have a question for anyone that can help. Granny is on medication for high blood pressure and she is swelling up like crazy. Gout runs in the family and we are afraid that she is having an attack. Her feet are so swollen that all she can wear is crocs or flip flops. She is also having burning sensations in her feet and has suddenly developed headaches...which she never has. She has osteoporosis and degenerative disc disease in her lower back. I am trying to get her to drink more water and I have gotten her some unfiltered unpasteurized acv to start taking every day. What can we do to get her off of this stupid blood pressure medication that is making her so miserable?