Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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It started as a favor when cousin B started a new job. He took care of the birds for us over xmas and I watched the baby for 2 days. It was here or there watching him after that but they kept switching shifts on him. Now that he's been there a while he had been on night shift which meant that he could keep the baby all day and then go to work when she got home. Then they fired someone on day shift and switched him over. So the last two weeks straight I've had the baby.

Usually SIL watches him but they just bought a new house and move in 2 weeks so she has been trying to get everything cleaned out and packed up and can't watch him right now. It's exasperating.

My friend just dropped off her little girl for 2-3 hours while she does a cake tasting for a client. I don't mind watching her kids cause it is usually for 2-3 hours while she delivers a cake or does a meeting with a client or something and they are the same age as my kids so I can at least let them play but the baby is like 7 months old so I have to carry him around everywhere and heat up bottles and now he is starting to eat cereal AND he's teething.

I'm just burnt out and DEFINITELY not gonna have any more of my own. :lol:


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Lordy, has it been 5 days since my last post?

Well, Tyler put an exclamation point on his birthday by starting to throw up at 8 o'clock. At 4:30 am Maddie started and threw up again at 5am and then again the next day at 4 o'clock. She threw up again yesterday 3 more times (twice in the car with grandpa....that was a nice present :hide )

We got 8 yards of mulch delivered to take care of all the fruit trees and the landscaping around the house but a friend of ours delivered it to us at his employee rate and it only cost us $150. It would have been well over $200.

I finished up the beds around the house after my 5 loads of laundry yesterday :lol:

My dad is here for the weekend to help with the construction of the barn. The ends of the goat side are done and the windows are in and chad's uncle is here to help for the day too. They have gone to TSC to get the tracks for the doors, we're gonna do sliders on the sides instead of traditional doors.

Hopefully we can get the goat side done today before it rains and the framing done for the other side (hay storage) today. It is supposed to rain buckets tonight and tomorrow.

I have been struggling with allergies. My eyes are all gunky and swollen and crusty in the mornings. I have that gritty feeling in them. I'm taking loratidine and using Symilisan pink eye treatment for my eyes.

I told chad's cousin that I couldn't watch the baby next week. He screamed bloody murder all day yesterday and he, along with his 2 older siblings, got deposited on my doorstep at 6:30am yesterday. I had to get them fed and on the bus. I'm done.

We have been so busy the last couple of days it has been ridiculous, had my monthly bee meeting Thursday and it was really informative. Hive hygeine and what to do in case of a swarm. One of the mentors told the story about how he was trying to capture a swarm in a small tree by tying a rope to the tree, hooking it to the back of the tractor, and then pulling the top of the tree down so he could reach the swarm to put it in a box. He said, "everything was going great and I almost had it down where I could reach it and then the rope broke. *laughing* I catapoulted that swarm of bees into the next county."



Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
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:hugs Hang in there. So sorry you had to deal with puking kids on top of everything else. Yuck.
Allergy season is about to start here too. If it ever stops raining. Spring is the worst for me - some days I double up my allergy pills and it helps. Or I take loratadine and cetirizine - one in the evening and one in the morning. Usually after a couple days I can go back to regular doses.
Sounds like the barn is coming along nicely - you'll be chasing goats before you know it :ya


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Yeah, my neighbor looked outside the other day and said she thought she saw smoke so when she went outside to check on things it was clouds of pollen coming off the cedar trees in her backyard. :barnie

The weird thing about my kids being sick is that it has been so sporadic. Tyler threw up once and maddie threw up 3 times in one day then didn't throw up for two days and threw up 3 more times in one day. Today she hasn't been sick at all but she did have a touch of diarrhea last night. It has been weird.

As for me, I just want to scrape my face off. :gig


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Hey Lori :frow

Bummer about the kids being sick....my little barged last night :sick but seems fine this morning. :hu

So, any updates on babysitting? Sounds like a tough spot.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I refuse to watch the little bugger any more. I just can't get anything done cause he screams if I put him down. I spent all day Friday listening to him wail and I'm done.

I ordered Bambi and Pinnochio for the kids and they came today....it's like Christmas or something. Saturday is gonna be good too, we're having a big party for Maddie, Tyler and Chad's birthdays and I got tyler all 3 Toy Story movies for his birthday and I got Maddie Princess and the Frog, Alice in Wonderland (animated version) and Mulan. They are gonna love me!!!

Right now our preliminary head count puts us at 60-70 people. :ep How the He!! did that happen??? My friend the cake lady is making each one of them a small cake. I can't wait to see what she comes up with.

I just got done putting a bunch of ads on CL so we'll see what comes of it. My goat barn is DONE!!! The top trim work needs to be finished but it is done....I have a barn!!!! :weee

They are working on the hay storage side right now but are on track to get it done today if the rain will just hold off. :fl

I LOVE IT!!! Hubby is soooooo getting lucky tonight! ;)


Jun 18, 2009
Reaction score
Dude, that is awesome. You got a barn!! I am getting a barn made this weekend too. :weee


Jun 18, 2009
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lorihadams said:
I refuse to watch the little bugger any more. I just can't get anything done cause he screams if I put him down. I spent all day Friday listening to him wail and I'm done.

I ordered Bambi and Pinnochio for the kids and they came today....it's like Christmas or something. Saturday is gonna be good too, we're having a big party for Maddie, Tyler and Chad's birthdays and I got tyler all 3 Toy Story movies for his birthday and I got Maddie Princess and the Frog, Alice in Wonderland (animated version) and Mulan. They are gonna love me!!!

Right now our preliminary head count puts us at 60-70 people. :ep How the He!! did that happen??? My friend the cake lady is making each one of them a small cake. I can't wait to see what she comes up with.

I just got done putting a bunch of ads on CL so we'll see what comes of it. My goat barn is DONE!!! The top trim work needs to be finished but it is done....I have a barn!!!! :weee

They are working on the hay storage side right now but are on track to get it done today if the rain will just hold off. :fl

I LOVE IT!!! Hubby is soooooo getting lucky tonight! ;)
Mine too. ;) See guys, you just have to build us girls barns. :lol:

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