Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Canterbury, CT
Wow!! That's all just awesome!

We just scored a 10x12 wood shed for FREE - all we have to do is figure out how to get it home!


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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gettinaclue said:
Yes, muscovies are incredibly ugly!!!!

Hurray on getting the permit! I admit, we build without them.

We are also in the middle of getting rid of all the "clutter". We just cleaned out the shed this past weekend. It's wonderful!
They are also incredibly quiet.
Heavy breathing is about all you will hear from them.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks everybody....we are so happy it is done....I also just went to my breeder's website and checked out new pics of the bucks that she bred my girls to and I am THRILLED! Both are black and brown and one has blue eyes!!! I could have blue eyed babies!

One is due 4/16 and the other is due 4/12 so it will be at least a month before they come home. I can't wait!

We met with the contractor today about the framing on the garage. I picked up the grass seed....you don't what to know what that bill was cause we are pretty much starting from scratch here. We just got the tractor the other day and put topsoil from the pile that came from digging the driveway and spread it on the front yard. I am hoping we only have to do this once cause we went with buffalo grass.

We are looking at trees tomorrow I think and I'm pretty sure we are going to go get the 2 big sugar maples for each front corner and move the dogwoods that are currently in the goat pasture.

I'm thinking of ordering 3 all-in-one almond trees tomorrow too. The topsoil/compost mix is being delivered next week for the garden beds and then I can get some stuff in the ground cause I think our temps are finally turning. I'll have to cover the beds to keep the wind out but we still have all the pvc pipe we used on the last garden beds so I should only have to get some plastic.

I just want everything done. I will be glad when all the startup costs are finished. I'm tired of writing checks. Bees will be here in a month and the hives aren't put together yet or painted....maybe this weekend if the weather is nice.

I'm looking out my front door and the sunset is pink and purple....sooooo pretty!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I love your hay feeder! What sized squares are they?


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
That is a piece of 4x4goat fencing we had leftover from doing the fencing. I'm hoping it works. :hu

We haven't hung it yet cause we aren't sure how high to hang it cause the bedding isn't in the barn yet and the girls aren't here.

Well, went to the greenhouse yesterday and got two "Green Mountain" sugar maples for the corners of the goat pasture (on the outside) and that should give them some good shade. We got the two trees for $100 and used my coupon to get the kids each a venus fly trap.

I also called Ty Ty's nursery and got 3 all-in-one almond trees with free shipping....they are doing free shipping on all phone orders now. I got 6-7 ft trees and they should bear nuts in 1-2 years. They'll be here next week.

We got all the trim boards for the barn from home depot yesterday too and I picked up 60 gladiola bulbs to plant around my well cap to hide it a bit. Yesterday I spread topsoil on all the bare spots in the backyard where they had to put in the electric and well lines and today I am doing laundry and staining the trim boards, planting the glads, and trying not to kill my children.

I have to spread a little more topsoil today too but I'll plant the glads first and then tonight we'll get the maple trees planted and transplant the dogwood trees to the front yard.

We also got the paint for the beehives and hopefully we can put those together this weekend or next weekend. We may go get hay this weekend too but I have to find straw as well. We'll see. Hubby is having issues at work and may have to work late tonight and clean up some other warehouses this weekend too. I hate it cause we have so much to do but I'll take the overtime pay.

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