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Always doing laundry
We've had a busy few days. We worked the bees Sunday and then took the kids bowling for the first time and they both did very well and had a really good time. We went to Home Depot and got some gutters for the barn and some concrete to put around the spigot outside the barn to keep it from wobbling and give me a cleaner platform to put my buckets on instead of the red Virginia clay.
Monday Tyler started soccer camp at church and is having a blast, despite the heat. Maddie is still continuing her swim lessons this week and I got a call from my papa while she was getting changed and they came up for the night so they could see the kids doing their activities. It has been a while since they had seen the kids and they were missing everyone. Granny hadn't seen the goats yet and she came out and milked with me Monday night. She couldn't believe how easily Aliana went into the barn and up on the milkstand. She has milked cows before but never goats. She got up early this morning and made everyone biscuits and gravy (except me...gotta love being GF). Maddie LOVES biscuits and sausage gravy. After we got Tyler dropped off and watched him for the first 15 minutes of camp we took Maddie to her swim lessons so they could see her too.
I talked to my neighbor about milking the goat in the mornings while I take the kids to VBS at my mom's church, we'll be gone the whole first week of August and I am photographing the whole shebang. My papa has turned an electric barbie jeep that a parishoner donated into a safari jeep. He took the whole thing apart and cleaned it and painted it zebra striped. It looks awesome! There have been people from the next county over to come see the outside of the church where they have already put up sets advertising VBS. I can't wait to get there to see it all.
The heat today is unbearable. I'm making the kids stay inside. Monday we went to the eye doctor and my astigmatism has gotten bad enough that I need glasses, at least for reading and maybe nighttime driving. Gotta love getting older.
Today Chad took off for a dentist appt and is working on a coat tree to replace our existing coat rack in the laundry room. He has pretty much gotten it done but is putting on finishing touches and deciding whether or not to stain it or leave it as is. He is using one of my great granddaddy's tobacco sticks as the hanger bar.
The ducks are getting big and will be ready to go soon, thank God, I'm getting tired of dealing with them all. We are gonna have to get some fill dirt and raise the level of the floor up in the goat barn to help with the flooding issues. We are hoping to get the gutters put up next weeks and maybe dig a hole and fill with gravel to give the water some place to drain.
Granny went out to look at my volunteers growing in my compost pile and came back and informed me that I somehow have cantaloupes and honeydew melons growing over there.
I didn't plant any and we haven't eaten any so the birds brought them from somewhere I guess. Maybe a neighbor threw some out somewhere. I don't know where they came from but I'm not gonna knock free food.
Granny and Papa went back home this afternoon and we really had a good visit. I can't wait to go up there for a while. The bees looked pretty good this past weekend but I'm not seeing as much new brood as I would like so I'm gonna have to do some research to see when the queens will start slowing down. I have lots of honey from my stronger hive though and I may need to move some over to the weaker hive to help them out for the winter but we'll see what happens in the next few months.
Chad gets his stitches out Thursday and while we are at the doctor I am thinking of asking her for a referral to the chiropractor for myself....my lower back has been all kinked up the last few weeks and I'm just thinking that all those years of toting children on my hip has caught up with me. Well, off to go catch up on everyone else's journals.
Monday Tyler started soccer camp at church and is having a blast, despite the heat. Maddie is still continuing her swim lessons this week and I got a call from my papa while she was getting changed and they came up for the night so they could see the kids doing their activities. It has been a while since they had seen the kids and they were missing everyone. Granny hadn't seen the goats yet and she came out and milked with me Monday night. She couldn't believe how easily Aliana went into the barn and up on the milkstand. She has milked cows before but never goats. She got up early this morning and made everyone biscuits and gravy (except me...gotta love being GF). Maddie LOVES biscuits and sausage gravy. After we got Tyler dropped off and watched him for the first 15 minutes of camp we took Maddie to her swim lessons so they could see her too.
I talked to my neighbor about milking the goat in the mornings while I take the kids to VBS at my mom's church, we'll be gone the whole first week of August and I am photographing the whole shebang. My papa has turned an electric barbie jeep that a parishoner donated into a safari jeep. He took the whole thing apart and cleaned it and painted it zebra striped. It looks awesome! There have been people from the next county over to come see the outside of the church where they have already put up sets advertising VBS. I can't wait to get there to see it all.
The heat today is unbearable. I'm making the kids stay inside. Monday we went to the eye doctor and my astigmatism has gotten bad enough that I need glasses, at least for reading and maybe nighttime driving. Gotta love getting older.
Today Chad took off for a dentist appt and is working on a coat tree to replace our existing coat rack in the laundry room. He has pretty much gotten it done but is putting on finishing touches and deciding whether or not to stain it or leave it as is. He is using one of my great granddaddy's tobacco sticks as the hanger bar.
The ducks are getting big and will be ready to go soon, thank God, I'm getting tired of dealing with them all. We are gonna have to get some fill dirt and raise the level of the floor up in the goat barn to help with the flooding issues. We are hoping to get the gutters put up next weeks and maybe dig a hole and fill with gravel to give the water some place to drain.
Granny went out to look at my volunteers growing in my compost pile and came back and informed me that I somehow have cantaloupes and honeydew melons growing over there.

Granny and Papa went back home this afternoon and we really had a good visit. I can't wait to go up there for a while. The bees looked pretty good this past weekend but I'm not seeing as much new brood as I would like so I'm gonna have to do some research to see when the queens will start slowing down. I have lots of honey from my stronger hive though and I may need to move some over to the weaker hive to help them out for the winter but we'll see what happens in the next few months.
Chad gets his stitches out Thursday and while we are at the doctor I am thinking of asking her for a referral to the chiropractor for myself....my lower back has been all kinked up the last few weeks and I'm just thinking that all those years of toting children on my hip has caught up with me. Well, off to go catch up on everyone else's journals.