Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Glads remind me of my grandpa. He grew rows and rows of them every summer and cut and gave them away to the neighbors by the armload. Just 'cause he wanted to!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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So, I spent my fourth of July in the Emergency Room. All freakin day. :he

We had a wonderful day planned....I was going to get all the laundry on the line and then we were gonna pack a lunch and head to the pool for the day. Not quite.

At 11am with 1 load in the washer and one to go, my husband wanders in pale and sweaty from the garage and says "I'm gonna need a doctor" and then proceeds to go to the bathroom and collapse on the floor.

He was cutting a commercial grade rubber mat to fit under the legs of his new workbenches in the new garage when the utility knife got stuck. He was wearing shorts cause of the heat and when he jerked to get the utility knife loose it popped up and stabbed him on the inside of the thigh just above his knee. :th Yep, that ended my lazy day at the pool. I told the kids to get dressed and ran to the neighbor's house and asked them if they could watch the kids while I took Chad to the ER. They said yes, what else were they gonna say :p and cousin K came running back over to help me get Chad up off the floor and into the car.

It was a very deep puncture wound and we were lucky that he missed anything major and that he didn't have more of the blade out than he did. It still went in about 2-2 1/2 inches into his leg. When I got him to the hospital they took him back to triage and they couldn't get a good blood pressure reading....it was reading 85/50 so they took him back and got him on a bed and propped his leg up and put his head down. He complained of being cold so they piled on the blankets and we waited for the tetanus shot to come. We also had to send him to x-ray because they had to be sure that none of the blade broke off in his leg. 5 hours later and 5 extremely deep stitches we were able to leave and get his prescriptions filled and something to eat before we went back and got the kids. Then I made him prop his leg up for the night.

It rained that night too so we did some small fireworks Tuesday night with the neighbors kids.

Wednesday it poured down rain and we got about 3 inches in 4 hours. Enough to flood the barn....the straw was squishy so Thursday morning I had to completely remove everything from the goat barn and let it dry out all day. I was able to put down some Sweet PDZ and a new bale of straw but we are supposed to get another good downpour tonight.

Maddie started swim lessons this week and is doing beautifully, swimming across the deep end of the pool after 3 lessons on her own. She has one more week of lessons and next week Tyler starts church soccer camp so I'm gonna be running a lot.

Last night we had our monthly beek meeting and our president brought pots of African basil and spearmint for everyone to take home. He gave us some information that just came out that the pollen and EOs from African basil and spearmint and peppermint taken back to the hive by the bees will kill and disrupt the reproductive cycle of varroa mites! Varroa mites are a big problem in our area and that is a really good piece of information.

We also talked about how genetically modified crops are becoming a problem in the honey/bee industry. There are theories that some of the GMO seeds that are injected with fungicides/herbicides that are designed to be released to the plant as needed are causing colony collapse. We have a lot of soybeans in this area and that is a problem.

I also got my paperwork from AGS (American Goat Society) and now I can get my papers for all my goats transferred over since I have a membership number now. All my girls are registered and I'm hoping that will help with the sales of future kids.

Well, off to do some laundry and get ready to go to Bear Creek Lake with some friends tomorrow and then everyone is coming back to our house for a cookout. Chad was going to go with us but can't now cause of the stitches so he volunteered to stay home and clean the house while we were gone.

Fun stuff. :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)

Good to hear he is recovering. Sorry you had to spend the day at the ER. I had a brother do the same thing once. But his was more of a slice across hes leg. :sick

Sounds like the kids are having a nice summer.

Have a great day!!



Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
Oh my! Glad he's OK. Sorry your weekend got ruined :hugs


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Oh no, we had a fun weekend, it was just Monday that got ruined!

We did the bees Saturday and then went to a party at my BF's house. The only bad thing was that I had to leave for a bit to go home and milk but it wasn't bad. We stayed till 10:30pm. Then Sunday we ended up at church all day for the services and the VBS picnic with a bouncy water slide for the kids. The children raised almost $600 for missions for the church and they got to throw a pie into the teachers faces! It was a really good time.

My mom's church is doing a safari themed VBS this year and they are making sets and even doing a water feature. My mother just does not know when to quit. I am filming and photographing the entire thing.

Well, in other news, we just watched the Atlantis lift off!!! My kids are sooooooo excited to see a real live space ship go into space. I am going to go out in a bit to move some stuff from the barn into the garage storage room. Everything turned out so well with our garage, we got the last $5000 of our loan transferred into our bank account this morning after they got the final inspection paperwork. So I put $2000 back in savings to pay ourselves back from where we had to draw off that account to pay the contractor and the other $3000 will go to pay off the home depot credit card and buy any final supplies like gutters and shelving stuff. Chad wants to build a couple storage cabinets and wants to get some good lumber to do it. Most of the shelves we did were out of some pieces of leftover T-111 we had that had warped some in the barn. We cut off a few bad spots and then screwed everything down so that combined with the weight from the "stuff" should take out any of the warping.

I'm gonna go out and take some pictures later and I'll get them up so everyone can see them. Chad had to caulk around the siding next to the garage door cause the blowing rain was coming in from under there. It will be better once we get the gutters on too. I still have to figure out the final total for the cost but we should be right on budget....we had around $19000 to spend and before the electrical/plumbing stuff we were at just over 16K. I'm gonna go online in a bit and pay the home depot bill off completely. We have just under $7000 in savings again and I don't want to touch it. Our construction account is down to $600 but at least we should be done for a while. We have plans to try to save up enough money to add a carport on the other side of the garage later. We will just do trusses and extend the roofline and pour some concrete under it and that should be a really nice addition for us but that will be a few years down the road.

Chad already wants to expand our garden space too....the projects just don't stop huh? I also promised him that he could get some woodworking tools here and there. He wants to make Tyler a loft bed with shelves and a fold down desk space underneath.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score

Hope he heals up fairly quickly!

Sorry your day was ruined!

and dang, Chad! yeouch!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah, it could have been a lot worse...luckily it just stabbed in and didn't actually cut upwards even further. We also got lucky that the blade didn't break off either. He's on light duty at work for 2 weeks...no lifting over 20 lbs.

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