Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
I kept a dustpan and brush by the milking stand during freshening time. I could then brush the berries under the stand and out of the way before the doe stomped them and they then needed to be scraped off the milking stand. :rolleyes: I could gather them up from under the stand later, or even once every couple of days.

Boy, can those berries bounce and roll from the height of the milking stand, though! :p


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Well, this morning my darling hubby let me sleep in until 6:40. :lol: He went out to milk the goat at 6:30 and forgot to turn off my alarm clock. She pooped on him this morning and I can tell he is already over it. :gig

We did the bee hives and I only checked the upper deeps on both since it is so hot and they both looked good. I am pleased to report that there is lots of newly laid brood in the upper middle frames and lots of capped honey and brood in various stages all over. Lots of pollen and nectar too. I had packed the camera already so I didn't get any pictures but we were really quick about it. Next weekend hubby is on his own. I had to leave him a list of instructions. :barnie

Gonna be a long week. He has to have the computer for the Mafia stuff so I will be hitting the library a few times up at granny's to check in on everything and balance the checkbook and pay bills. I cleared everything off the camera this morning and missed my cuppa coffee hubby fixed this morning so I made myself an iced coffee with chocolate goats milk.....YUMMY!

Gonna miss my goat milk while I'm gone but Chad is going to freeze almost everything he gets this week and I'll use it for soap when I ever slow down enough to get my supplies and try a batch or 12. I'm looking forward to the break but I know I won't get any rest this week at all. I'll still be busy as all get out. Almost everything is packed and ready to go but I need to grab the pool bag and some beach towels. I am waiting on hubby to go get the projector screen from his cousin for me to take to the church for them to use cause my mother has filled every space on the walls where they usually project the music videos/lyrics with sets so they don't have anything blank to put it on. Chad's cousin was good enough to let us borrow his screen for the week. Guess I owe him some eggs or something :p

I'm sore today and I am trying to decide what to do about the chiro situation. My insurance will only pay for the first 5 visits and they don't cover one of the procedures that he is doing so that is an extra $30 per session. At the end of the 5 sessions I will see where we are and I may go back to the first chiro that is only 5 minutes away but will give me a deep discounted rate that would just about be the same as the discounted rate at the current chiro that is 45 minutes away one way. I can't see paying the same money and driving 1 1/2 hours round trip when I could go 10 minutes instead. We'll see what he'll do though.

Well, off to take a shower and get everyone ready to go. I'm gonna miss everyone....ya'll take care!!! I'll try to check in a few times over the week and I can't wait to share some pics when I get back!


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Tell the chiro that you can't afford the $30 procedure. Period, end of sentence. My chiro will do it anyways and not write it down.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
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eastern plains, Colorado
Am I just lucky? None of my goats have ever pooped while I milked them, or even did the hooves. One did walk up with a goat berry stuck to her last night but it stayed there until we were done milking, then brushed it off in the yard.

Enjoy your trip.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
I'm back. I'm sick. Killer sinus infection that has moved into my chest, going to the doctor for drugs tomorrow and chiro in the evening. Verizon goes on strike tomorrow and we cannot afford for Chad to walk and not get paid so he is crossing picket lines...everyone say a little prayer for him cause it ain't gonna be pretty.

Kids had a good time at VBS but both are sick with the same crud we are and the bad news is that we got Granny sick too so she probably can't have her shoulder surgery wednesday. I'm catching up on everything, bills and emails and starting to go through the 500+ pictures I took to get the slide show ready for the church. The kids (and some very generous parents) raised $1342.00 to help build a church in Ethiopia in the coming months and I found out that my father is going to go to help build it. They only needed $750 to build the church so we may give some of the money to a missionary that came and lectured during VBS part of the week. She lived in Ethiopia for 3 years and on the Ivory Coast for 4 years and now she travels all over sharing her experiences with churches. She is a very special lady and she was a real asset to the program and it just worked out right that she could stay as long as she did.

Chad got the mallards off to their new home yesterday and the guy was pretty happy....don't know if he gave him any money or not, I forgot to ask. He went out to the impoundment today and ended up having to shoot 2 wild dogs that had cornered the farmer's jersey cow and had bitten two chunks out of her hind quarters before they were able to get to her. They had a real hard time getting her up but they think she'll be okay, I think they may give her some antibiotics just to be on the safe side but the farmer put her up in the barn.

I got the baby ducks and Brahma mama moved into the chicken tractor while Chad milked and we got everything done before a heavy downpour hit us. Tonight I get to wrangle the new runners into their hutch for the first time. Gonna be interesting. I'll catch up more tomorrow. Glad to be back!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Glad you're back! Sorry about the crud!

E said he'd cross picket lines, too, if it meant a paycheck to care for his family! He's really envious of those people who have jobs to go on strike from! He also thinks in this economy, people should be thankful that they still HAVE jobs.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Glad your home. Sorry your not feeling well.

I forget what does Chad do for Verizon? Is the strike a union thing?

That sucks, I think I would cross as well.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Glad to hear you are home. Ugh, on being sick...and the kiddo's too? Sounds like it was a great trip tho, and making the money for the church...Way to go!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah, Chad is union. His official title is "storekeeper". He basically manages the warehouse, he keeps inventory of all the equipment and cable that comes in and out for the construction folks and keeps up with the ordering and supplies for the whole facility, even the toilet paper. He's the bad guy....lol, you get no material to do your jobs unless you go through him. He is very good at keeping things by the book and accounted for and has traveled all over the state over the years restructuring other warehouses so they are more effective. He's been there 11 years or so.

The thing is that he agrees with the reasons for the strike...to keep our benefits. They aren't asking for a raise at all this year I think, they just want to keep their benefits the way they are now. It's hard, he said that when he got to work at 6:15 this morning there were already people walking and his phone has been ringing off the hook all morning long from coworkers that are walking today and saw him come in to work. We are on one income and we just can't afford for him not to work. We got a reimbursement check from our insurance company for $284 that was overpaid on our old house but that would basically cover one day of him striking. He makes $27/hr. We can't afford for him to not go to work. Going into work wasn't bad but coming out of work and crossing the picket lines to get to the car is going to be a nightmare. I feel bad for him but he says he knows a lot of other guys that are going to be working through it too so at least he's not alone.

Cake lady's husband works with Chad and he pulls money from their 401K every year so that he can go on strike for a month. They are only required to walk 8 hrs/week. So he walks 4 hours twice a week and goes fishing the remainder of the month. :rolleyes: Then they called us last night and wanted us to watch their kids for them tonight. I have my chiro appt and chad has another business meeting for webfootmafia. Not gonna happen. Chad told her that all three of us were sick and she said she didn't care. What? The more I am around her the more I want to smack her.

So, in other news....I'm trying to figure out again how much to charge for the mallards. I went on efowl.com and they charge $70 per pair of juvenile mallards. So far the guy owes us $225 for the cost of the birds and the feed for 2 1/2 months. What do I charge him for labor? Do you think $200 is too much? I figured that I have about 30 hours of labor in the birds total so that would be just under $7/hr. Do you guys think that's fair?

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