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- #3,001
Always doing laundry
Just got off the phone with mama and they have discharged granny pending her ability to get off he pain medicine machine. She is hoping to go home tonight, I talked to her for a bit and she sounded good so hopefully she'll go home tonight and be more comfortable.
Then the bad news....I talked to Chad and one of his fellow coworkers gave him a heads up today that the striking workers are planning on showing up in their red shirts to sit in Chad's seminars this weekend at the sportsmans show. They have posted a "plan" on facebook. He doesn't want me to bring the kids Sunday to see him speak in case they do something. My mama told me to watch my animals cause if they are really mad they might do something to hurt them....my response was "let somebody come up on my property....I own a gun and I'm not afraid to run someone off my property with it" I don't think they would bother us at home but it is just annoying to have to deal with the harrassment.
Chad is planning on videotaping at the seminar so if something happens then he has documentation of it and can prosecute if necessary. The "nice guy" from the union called him back and left a message yesterday telling him that he was really sorry that he wouldn't join them but it shows what his real character is and the supervisors (non union) are pretty well disappointed with him (which is a lie, outright) and that he hopes he still has a job to come back to when the strike is over. He already told him how the supervisors the last strike fired a guy that crossed the picket lines duriing the strike because when it was over there was so much animosity from his other coworkers that they "had" to fire him to keep the peace. I personally, think that is a load of bull. My husband has explained to these people over and over again that he gets no overtime and makes $30000 less than they do each year and we don't have the cushion they do. I just don't understand how someone can continually berate another person for taking care of his family. He has made it perfectly clear that he supports the cause but he just can't go out with them because we aren't able to pay our bills unless he works.
Then the bad news....I talked to Chad and one of his fellow coworkers gave him a heads up today that the striking workers are planning on showing up in their red shirts to sit in Chad's seminars this weekend at the sportsmans show. They have posted a "plan" on facebook. He doesn't want me to bring the kids Sunday to see him speak in case they do something. My mama told me to watch my animals cause if they are really mad they might do something to hurt them....my response was "let somebody come up on my property....I own a gun and I'm not afraid to run someone off my property with it" I don't think they would bother us at home but it is just annoying to have to deal with the harrassment.
Chad is planning on videotaping at the seminar so if something happens then he has documentation of it and can prosecute if necessary. The "nice guy" from the union called him back and left a message yesterday telling him that he was really sorry that he wouldn't join them but it shows what his real character is and the supervisors (non union) are pretty well disappointed with him (which is a lie, outright) and that he hopes he still has a job to come back to when the strike is over. He already told him how the supervisors the last strike fired a guy that crossed the picket lines duriing the strike because when it was over there was so much animosity from his other coworkers that they "had" to fire him to keep the peace. I personally, think that is a load of bull. My husband has explained to these people over and over again that he gets no overtime and makes $30000 less than they do each year and we don't have the cushion they do. I just don't understand how someone can continually berate another person for taking care of his family. He has made it perfectly clear that he supports the cause but he just can't go out with them because we aren't able to pay our bills unless he works.