Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I'm hoping to go today so I'll see if I can get pics. It's pretty cool. We have a waterslide in the deeper end of the pool and most of the time they keep it turned on so the kids can play. It's pretty neat and I think it is held up by forced air or something...it's a huge bubble. They have to install lights and cables criss crossed inside to keep it up out of the water in case something happens to it. We have actually been swimming with snow and ice on the ground...getting to the bathroom through the outside tunnel is a nightmare though...you freeze to death!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Do they have any external heat at all, or is it all solar power? I'd love to have some kind of pool w/a cover so I could relax in it even in the winter!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I'm sure it has some heat source...but during the warmer days we've been having there is a definite difference in the inside temps. It is a solid white bubble and there is always some sort of fan going that either keeps the bubble full or provides heat or both. I would love to have a sunroom someday with a hot tub or small heated lap pool. We went to a different YMCA yesterday and discovered that the one in the neighboring town about 8 minutes farther has a huge outdoor pool for the summer but an olympic sized indoor pool with a sauna and separate 104 degree hot tub. It was awesome! They have a diving board...the deepest our local Y's pool goes is 5.6 feet. It is nice cause there is ample room in the shallower ends for my kids to touch if they need to. The other indoor pool has a small shallow end that is 4 ft deep and my daughter cannot touch except on the steps going in so she got tired really quickly. My son LOVED the diving board though. It was only the second time he had been on one. We were trying to teach him to dive cause their deep end is 12 ft deep. There is no diving allowed at all at our local Y cause of the shallow depth.

I should be able to get you a picture tomorrow. We usually go on Tuesdays. If I am by myself we will go to the local one...I just can't keep up with both kids and do my exercises at the bigger pool. It's pretty cool...looks kind of like the dome on a football field. It's a big white bubble :p

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Wonder if using greenhouse plastic would work for a smaller pool?


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I dunno...humidity is the issue. On warmer days you can definitely feel a difference.

Bad news...I found 3 dead kits today. The 5 that were alive were much more vigorous and bigger so I'm just guessing that maybe the smaller 3 weren't getting enough food from mama or got squished or something. They had fur so so they couldn't have been dead long. It was the silvery one, the reddish one and one of the white ones. So I'm left with 3 blacks, a white and a brownish one. They look pretty good though. I definitely have one hog in the bunch though...the brownish one is way bigger than the others. I'm guessing it was hogging all the milk and the others just weren't able to get enough and died. Temps have been pretty warm so they couldn't have been dead long. I checked them the other day and they were all fine that I could tell. Today they were hopping around and they have their eyes open. I have tried not to handle them too much so I hope that my handling some of them caused their demise. :(


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Well, I haven't been on much cause my back went out again. I finally decided to stop being stubborn and went to the doctor Monday and got another round of steroids and stronger pain pills. She has ordered me to get an MRI and suspects nerve damage or disc damage. So, I've been really slowly moving around and getting things done but it is taking twice as long to do anything cause I can't raise my legs or bend over and have to get in the car headfirst cause I can't sit down and then stoop over to get my head inside the door. Been a rough week.

yesterday was Maddie's 5th birthday so we took her to the mall to get her ears pierced and then out to lunch and to Toys R Us to pick out a toy. It was a fun day but everyone has had some late nights the last few days and the kids, especially Tyler, are starting to show it. I ordered Maddie on the couch under a blanket and Tyler is in his bed under the covers so they can just rest a bit. I am letting them each watch a movie but hopefully they will fall asleep for a bit cause Maddie has dance class tonight and Tyler just has the worst attitude of any 7 yr old I have ever met. I know he's just tired though. I let him do a bit of schoolwork and do some stuff on the computer but now he has been quarantined to his room. I'm over it.

Hopefully they can get the MRI scheduled for tomorrow cause I'm ready to know what is up and how to fix this. I'm officially over it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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:hugs Hopefully they can find the problem and it will be an easy fix.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks guys...this is getting real old. :p I called yesterday and the dr. office said their computers crashed Tuesday morning and didn't get up and running again until Wednesday morning so they couldn't fax anything in or do any correspondence with the MRi people until yesterday and they said hopefully today they will have an appt time for me.

In farm news, the baby buns are hopping around out of the nesting box and nibbling on bits of hay already. Bethoron is getting big and starting to build a bit of an udder so I'm feeding her on the milkstand every morning and gently pulling on her teats a bit so she gets used to me handling her while she eats cause she is a first time mama. Garden is growing and I had to plant a few more tomatoes and peppers in the blank spots where the original plantings didn't sprout. Hubby had his uncle come over with the tractor and move the compost pile and turn it over for us to incorporate all the goat bedding from the winter and mix in last years cow manure that had had time to age all winter. Then he put 2 buckets full on the tilled garden space and got it spread by hand yesterday.

Everything is coming up that I planted so far except the carrots but they are slow to germinate anyway so I'm just keeping them moist and waiting. I'm looking for some more chicks...I want to get some brahmas but my neighbor tried to order chicks and Meyer's said it would be August before they could ship them so that ain't gonna fly. I put in an email to a local breeder to see if she has any chicks...she raises light and buff standard brahmas and I also need mallard ducklings for a client so she raises them too. I'm hoping to hear back from her today so I can know whether I need to find an alternative breed or look for another hatchery or local person that has something that will satisfy us both. My neighbor wants to do the chick thing for their first hens cause her girls are really looking forward to it but she just waited too long to order anything and everyone is sold out of females until July and August.

So, we are in limbo. I may just wait to see what the first chicken swaps hold. I have two local organizations with breeder listings so I went on both websites and put in wanted ads last night so we'll see what happens. Even if I have to drive a bit it will be better than having to wait until August to get chicks. I'm also gonna check with TSC and Southern States to see what breeds they have available this week.

Otherwise we are plugging along. Maddie's sleepover is Friday night so that will be fun. Well, gotta get going! Thanks for the well wishes guys....:D