Frugal Homesteader
Both of our ewes had triplets, so we had 6 to butcher. We did three ourselves, but didn't have time for the other three so we sent them to the butcher. We don't really have enough land either,so we feed hay year round. In the summer, they go out on pasture from noonish to about 8 or 9 pm, then they come back into the paddock and eat hay overnight and until they are let out again. It works for us so far. When you buy round bales, 6x6 for $35, it isn't that bad, at least for us. In the winter, we go through one bale in about 8 or 9 days, in the summer they last much longer. My thinking is I would rather pay for their feed, and know what kind of meat and milk ( when she gives us milk) I'm getting than to buy grocery store meat. When we win the lottery we will buy more landLovinLife said:Mmmm lamb....I just don't think I could....miss_thenorth said:I have romanov/suffolk cross. The one ewe has beautiful teats, the ohter, not so much. If you plan on milking sheep--get them as young uns. Ours were so skittish, once they dried up, we decided not again. We are keeping them, b/c we decided lamb is our favourite meat.

Lamb meat is delicious!!!!!!!!!