Lupin Farm ~ Updated photos of the goat pen in progress


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
Me too! The vet bills are really starting to add up lol. $345 last week plus $134 this week

Actually, poor dude gets car sick so he drools on the way to the vet in the car, but on the way back he threw up everything he'd eaten and then peed himself. A huge enormous lake of pee that wasn't bloody.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
lupinfarm said:
Me too! The vet bills are really starting to add up lol. $345 last week plus $134 this week

Actually, poor dude gets car sick so he drools on the way to the vet in the car, but on the way back he threw up everything he'd eaten and then peed himself. A huge enormous lake of pee that wasn't bloody.
At least there was some good news :lol:
Maybe you need to take him on more care rides to clear out his system :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
I just got in from dormant spraying the fruit trees and "forgot" ie. no one told me to, wear a coverall suit LOLL. Now I smell like a sewer AND i'm ORANGE


Now... off to shower and wash the oompa loompa off me.


Late For Supper
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
lupinfarm said:
I just got in from dormant spraying the fruit trees and "forgot" ie. no one told me to, wear a coverall suit LOLL. Now I smell like a sewer AND i'm ORANGE


Now... off to shower and wash the oompa loompa off me.
And just WHERE are the pictures of you doing your "oompa loompa" imitation?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
Some of our puppies are starting to go to their new homes soon. We have one going this coming weekend. I thought I'd post a couple photos!

This time it is Quesa's litter that gets a spotlight. The darkest puppy whose face you can't see is a little boy, then right behind him is Gromit the male we're keeping, and to the right of him is a little girl who doesn't have a home yet, and in the back right corner is Maggie, the puppy that is going this coming weekend.


And does anyone else put together puppy packs for their litters? We do a puppy pack with vet information, hints and tips list for "your new puppy", puppies 2 year health guarantee, business card for the farm, 2 days supply of their food (Royal Canin Mini Puppy), 2 puppy pee pads, and either a chewable boney or a small toy and if the owners aren't planning on bringing a collar we often put one in. This puppy going home on the weekend already has a collar so her pack won't have one in it, but everyone else will. ETA: The water dish is dirty, this photo was taken just before it was dumped and changed for about the 40th time that day ;)


Normally we do a paper bag with the farm name on it, this year I decided instead to look for fabric and make bags for our puppy packs. I found this FANTASTIC fabric at the store with bones and balls on it. The proceeds from the sale of the fabric actually goes to the humane society, which is advertised on a little slip included in our puppy packs this year! I'm going to buy more of this fabric, its so worth it and totally adds something different to the puppy pack, it was $20/metre but to save a bit of money I did one side in this fabric and the other side in a light cord we already had on hand.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
Not much happening here the last few days. It's been raining pretty much all the time and everything is growing like crazy right now. All the bulbs are up but not flowering, the lilacs are leafing out and my fruit trees are pushing leaves too. All the peas in the first bed are up now, and probably by the end of the week they should be 1-2" tall. I planted about 16 lettuce seeds yesterday and we have some raspberry canes that just went in.

I got really sick of not being able to touch Mylie lately and bought some new apple chunks (these Masterfeeds ones that smell amazing from TSC) and bought this awesome new massage brush for her and decided to try out clicker training/targeting with her again. I just do it everytime I feed her, 4 targets and I'm happy with her LOL. More recently I'll feed her, then go hay and feed the pony and come back to work with her. I'll have her target the brush with my arm outstretched, then a little closer to me, closer, and finally right on my chest and she has to almost touch me. I am showing her that I want her to come into my space at that time, that there are times when it is acceptable and times where it is not, like when I'm coming through the gate to feed her. So far things are pretty good and she's responding well, but I'm not pushing it and I'm happy to be able to at the end of each short session touch her neck, or her chest, or her nose. Its a stepping stone to something much much bigger. Daina may be meeting Mylie this weekend, her dad died this week and she's come back to Ontario to go to the funeral (she arrived in Oshawa today) and asked my mum to pick her up in Oshawa on Friday because she has some friends out here she'd like to visit (plus meet Mylie and see the farm) so maybe she can show me/give me some hints on things to work on before she comes back out in May/June.

And Tuesday was my tour at York University and I had one at U of Toronto - Scarborough campus. I was concerned about both schools and the commuter feel, but when I got to York it felt great. I obviously would still love to be able to go to U of Toronto St. George campus but right now I've decided on York University because it had a better community feel, better facilities, and the staff were friendly and helpful. But the number one reason I decided on it aside from the program was the York University Equestrian Club/Team :D I get to take lessons while living in the city and possibly compete on the OUEA circuit :D UTSC was dirty, dingy, boring, and lacked ANY sense of community.

Oh and I went to the dentist this week and I have about 4 cavities that need doing (I think 2 are my wisdom teeth) but my wisdom teeth need to come out. And then I'll need a retainer again as well since my teeth will start shifting again. Better start saving LOL. The good thing is my new dentist does sedation and laughing gas, I'm super needle phobic so I'm opting for the laughing gas.

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