x2!Homemaker said:Thank you!
Bethanial said:Since this seems to get lost in the other thread , I'm gonna post it here:
Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, washing soda is sodium carbonate. It's a very easy chemical change we can do at home. Bake your baking soda for one hour at 250*.Please note that is250*C NOT *F The *F equivalent is 482. IF your oven will get to 500F go for it, mine will only get to 450F ~gd
I found this at this blog post, which has a link to the NYTimes article she got the info/idea from
Same blog different post talks about cheapest ways to find baking soda, and also mentions (in the comments) that sodium carbonate is what you can get at the pool supply store
edit - fix link
Hello there fellow Missourian. Welcome to Sufficient Self!so lucky said:I'm really glad to know about the temperature needs for making washing soda. I was going to bake it at 250 farenheit. Here in my neck of the woods (Southeast Missouri) I can't find the Fels Naptha anywhere, anymore. A manager at the largest grocery store around (Schnucks) said he has been trying to get it and his supplier says they are out. However, there is plenty to be found on Ebay, apparently. Hate to pay shipping, but you gotta do what you gotta do! Love this forum!!