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- #151
Mountain Sage

I had originally wanted the deep purple eggplant colored totes I had seen earlier in the year at Wally World but they were out of that color...then I saw these and thought~They ain't egg plant but they will almost match the paint I plan to use, so, why not? The eggplant would have went well with this paint also and that was the original plan.
I had wanted the eggplant colored tote with the egg-shaped entry for the irony of it all but, alas, couldn't bring it all together.
That is great to hear that their poop is still healthy....makes me smile because it confirms the theory that they just needed to have their bowels recultured to stop all that nonsense. As a nurse, I'm always looking at things like that in my animal husbandry. When I raised these CX, their stool almost looked and smelled like the Clostridium difficile infection we see in patients who have had strong antibiotics and their bowel flora have been affected, allowing the "bad" bowel bacteria to flourish and run rampant.
I'm just wondering what kind of antibiotics they give these chicks when they are hatched to cause that level of C.diff? For a day old chick, it wouldn't take much of a dose to cause this.