I tried to map quest Flint Hills and it mapped an area south of Topeka. Would that be smack dab in the middle of tornado country?
You know one thing I have noticed about all the places I have enjoyed and think about living. All of the places are at the same latitude. Central Ca, south of Provo, Colorado, Missouri.......
So I think any where along that line would be good.
Where we are at is very flat, some trees, & creeks that I would call drainage ditches. I came from about 40 miles south in the hills of southern Newton County, where there are tons of hardwood forests, clear cold creeks & flintrock. Someday I will move back to my hills. I made my wife promise me that if I go before her, she would bury me back in the hills somewhere. Farmfresh, to answer your question about the yard, my motto is "I can mow it, till it or pasture it, and I hate mowing." Right now I have several garden areas that I have okra, tomatoes, broccoli, & brussel sprouts growing. I also have pumpkins, watermelons and cantaloupes in an other area. I still am picking zuccini, cucumbers, and yellow squash with butternet squash about to start coming off. I am going to put out more broccoli and cabbage as well as, carrots, spinach, and any thing else that may do well in fall. We have canned up 140 quarts of greenbeans, 300 nice ears of sweet corn, and I don't know how many jars of pickels, frozen yellow squash & zuccini, okra already. I am growing some Muscovy ducks, I have 20 to process in a month (sold 10 grown and 24 newly hatched just the other day). I have a bunch of chickens, 80 plus, 16 of which are Cornish X and will be processed in about three weeks. Rabbits, always. Eight young Bourbon Red Turkeys, which I may process 4 later in winter. I also have Sid and Lucy, a pair of Pilgrim Geese that are the yard king and queen. They are pretty quiet as geese go. I have most likely forgotten some things but you get the general idea.
Kenman ... your back 40 must be larger than MY back 40. Mine is 40 feet by 40 feet!
I love the Muscovy ducks! I have been trying to get my sister to get some for years, but she just sticks to her crested ones.
I think I need more than just flat ... I truly LOVE the prairie. We have vacationed there on two different years. My hubby liked it so much it was HIS idea to go back the second time. I love when the sky is a big bowl over you and you can see forever. I would like to raise beef cattle so that fits as well.
I have the same sort of motto about my backyard too. "Nature abhors a vacuum." So I filler up with eatables! I especially like things I can grow up on a trellis. Grapes, pole beans, climbing cucumbers, tomatoes, etc..
kenman your garden and animals sound amazing. definitely very SS.
I have an auntie and some cousins who are trying to reestablish them selves in the Seymour area outside Springfield. my husband and I would like to come for a visit soon to see the area and get a feel for the place.