City Biddy
We are near the Kansas City area. We also have a place in the Ozarks near Lake of the Ozarks. I have lived in Missouri all of my life and have had relatives that have lived in so many different parts of the state I pretty well have it covered!
Where we are we are in zone 6 most of the time with an occasional journey into zone 5 in the winter months.
January is our coldest month ... and I mean cold. This year we got down to 16 below zero wind chill! Missouri is a damp state - plenty of rain and rivers, so the moisture level is usually high as well. Winter is a damp cold with strong winds. Not too deep of snow usually one or possibly two deep snows (12 inches usually about max) and sometimes long sessions with no snow at all. We get LOTS of ice and ice storms. You have not seen winter until you see a full grown tree cracked in half under a load of ice!:/
February still freaking cold, but with some sunny days of hope. My snow drops bloom and the crocus.
We start planting onions, peas and potatoes on or slightly before St Patrick's Day March 15. We plant tomatoes and warm season crops usually around tax day April 15. Just because we plant the gardens does not mean snow is done. Sometimes it dumps a foot on us in April!
May and June are USUALLY nice and beautiful with lots of rain and warm weather. This is the time we RE-plant the ruined gardens!
I say usually because we have just had a week and a half of heat with the heat index at 105 to 110! Summers here are usually VERY humid. We have good steady rain... (sometimes way too much and the rivers all flood) until about mid July.
July and August HOT HOT and dry. This is the time all of that mulch pays off, as well as the soaker hoses buried under it!
Sept through late October usually beautiful. First freeze usually sometime in November although we have had roses blooming when I am putting up Christmas lights! December is usually mild but cold with several days of freezing rain or light snow.
What native plants are you interested in and what part of Missouri soil wise are you interested in? Missouri has many different bio zones.
Where we are we are in zone 6 most of the time with an occasional journey into zone 5 in the winter months.
January is our coldest month ... and I mean cold. This year we got down to 16 below zero wind chill! Missouri is a damp state - plenty of rain and rivers, so the moisture level is usually high as well. Winter is a damp cold with strong winds. Not too deep of snow usually one or possibly two deep snows (12 inches usually about max) and sometimes long sessions with no snow at all. We get LOTS of ice and ice storms. You have not seen winter until you see a full grown tree cracked in half under a load of ice!:/
February still freaking cold, but with some sunny days of hope. My snow drops bloom and the crocus.
We start planting onions, peas and potatoes on or slightly before St Patrick's Day March 15. We plant tomatoes and warm season crops usually around tax day April 15. Just because we plant the gardens does not mean snow is done. Sometimes it dumps a foot on us in April!
May and June are USUALLY nice and beautiful with lots of rain and warm weather. This is the time we RE-plant the ruined gardens!

July and August HOT HOT and dry. This is the time all of that mulch pays off, as well as the soaker hoses buried under it!
Sept through late October usually beautiful. First freeze usually sometime in November although we have had roses blooming when I am putting up Christmas lights! December is usually mild but cold with several days of freezing rain or light snow.
What native plants are you interested in and what part of Missouri soil wise are you interested in? Missouri has many different bio zones.