He is nursing fine and this is the one who nursed the best the first 24 hours. Do you think he needs more colostrum? I have more frozen.
I was wondering about probiotics, but I think that might be what is in that lamb and kid paste. I'm not sure what in the heck it is but it says I can give it as often as "needed" so it can't be too strong. Ingredients look like they should help digestion.
He looks a little better now. Maybe I'm freaking out.
But I'm fairly good at recognizing when an animal has something going wrong. I think he needs a little something. I'm happy to say he is nursing well because I suspect he is a little dehydrated.
I read that link....that went right into my bookmarked favorites, thank-you-very-much.
I can't sort out which it might be.
Also, while his butt looks somewhat like that picture of scours, Ginger is cleaning it and it isn't as messy nor is the color the same. His color poop is darker, more brown.
He did get up and prance around just a bit ago and all three of them somehow escaped the pen...................for the first time since we moved here...the pen has been escape proof. But I look out and all three of them are in the wrong yard just now, so the little guy was able to get up and follow mom and then when my son caught him for me (I'm still wobbly) he was hard to catch! My son is giving me weird looks for thinking something is wrong.
But mommies know when something is wrong. He isn't the same as he was yesterday. I just am not sure how to sort out which thing it could be.
I do believe that he was born early. By my calculations, he should have been born today because Ginger was not even with the stud until Sept 13th.
Yeah, I've noticed even seasoned goat people have trouble because the symptoms are so similar for every problem.
Hey - a thought - maybe Gingers milk is changing and it's affecting him?
I'm thinking possibly floppy kid syndrome. The other possibility is needs selenium. It really could be so many things but those are what pops into my head.
Was he a real pig with drinking milk? The other thing would be getting too much good milk.