Morel's Country Cottage Wow! What a weekend! Fires, chemical spills


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Morel it's gorgeous! I love the colors and the frogs!!!!

You are so talented!!!


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ontario Canada
ThankYou for the compliments...yes it is aplique. I love applique, it is about my favorate technique...for some reason I find it alot easier than peicing, and it gives you a chance to design something completely origional.
I want to start a baby quilt for my expecting daughter soon...that one is going to have alot into it>) I haven't yet come up with a theme though...


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Morel, I've been wondering about your is she doing? Still away from home?

I am sorry to hear about your hubby's ideas to move. I struggle with my husband, I mean I love him to pieces, but we just have such differing ideas....I want to live simply somewhere that I can have a few animals, chickens, maybe a goat or a cow (ultimately for the freezer) a large garden. I would give my left arm for a horse...I would just like to give my kids this experience. Plus I have very strong opinions as to the direction our country (really the world) is headed and I think that now is a good time to make a change. He doesn't get it. His view of success is a nice big house in a nice upscale neighborhoods with all the amenities. My idea of success is having money in the bank and living modestly. The real trouble is that we have been living his way for the past 10 years and it is getting us nowhere, we are house poor and can't afford to do anything!

Parts of it he gets and sometimes I see a glimmer of hope, but mostly I do not know how to convince him that my way will be good for our family and probably extend his life! It is so hard when we have different ideas.


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
Dace said:
Morel, I've been wondering about your is she doing? Still away from home?

I am sorry to hear about your hubby's ideas to move. I struggle with my husband, I mean I love him to pieces, but we just have such differing ideas....I want to live simply somewhere that I can have a few animals, chickens, maybe a goat or a cow (ultimately for the freezer) a large garden. I would give my left arm for a horse...I would just like to give my kids this experience. Plus I have very strong opinions as to the direction our country (really the world) is headed and I think that now is a good time to make a change. He doesn't get it. His view of success is a nice big house in a nice upscale neighborhoods with all the amenities. My idea of success is having money in the bank and living modestly. The real trouble is that we have been living his way for the past 10 years and it is getting us nowhere, we are house poor and can't afford to do anything!

Parts of it he gets and sometimes I see a glimmer of hope, but mostly I do not know how to convince him that my way will be good for our family and probably extend his life! It is so hard when we have different ideas.
(Sorry, Morel--I hav to hijack a bit)

Dace I hear you . But be careful what you wish for. Hubby was the same way. Liked the prestige of living in a nice house, neighbourhood, etc. I bugged and bugged, and yes, now I am out int he country. And I do love it. But hubby had to have a nice house out here too. The price tag is bigger to have a nice house with land. We weren't house poor when we lived in town, but we're pretty close now.

Just make sure you let him know--you want less debt--not more.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Thanks North....good point.
The only thing is that 1)we live in San Diego...can't get much pricier than here! and 2) we can't move beyond reasonable driving distance to DH's job, so that leaves the rural areas just on the fringes of suburbia...which are less expensive than where we live now. Seems like a nice compromise to me, but I just don't know how to sell him on it. I think he would love it but at this point I am just in limbo. I want my dream of being more SS but then again we are a team and it has to work for us both.


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
When we go house hunting I always put a max amount on what we will spend from the get go and I don't budge on it.
By the way we won't be moving anytime soon, our tax assesment came in and it is not nearly what we were expecting so that is a relief! DH didn't want to move that badly \i think it was a wekk long "idea" that passed on...I am happy that we will be staying here!

My daughter is not talking to me yet...she is one stubborn girl and has no idea that I only have her best interest in mind. She threatened before she left that she will never talk to me again and never let me see the baby...well I am not chasing her...been there done that too many times and this time she is going to have to come back on her own. Se does call DH once a month at least he has some contact with her:>)
For a while I wasn;t even going to bother making the quilt for the baby but then I figured it's not for her I'm doing it it is for the baby...just like the guesthouse never apprciate anything do they? I am so happy that my youngest is totally different and such a great teen!


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Well at least you can get updates thru your hubby. Kids are tough, I know....someday she will see that you had her best interest at heart!

Glad to hear that you are safe from a move for now :)


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Morel, not sure how old your daughter is, but I know when I was younger I sure was determined to have my own way, and most of the time it was just whatever was opposite of what my mom wanted. It was a serious rebellion.

I got married at 19, found out I was pregnant not long after. Still, I would get irritated at mom for trying to give advice or anything.

Then came time to have my daughter. Guess who, other than my husband, I wanted in that delivery room? My mom!

She's young, and one of these days she's going to wake up and realize what a wonderful mother you are. It might not be until well after she's had her own baby and he/she starts treating her the way she is you know.

Know you are in my prayers, as well as your daughter and your coming grandbaby.


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ontario Canada
Thanks for the support:>) She is actually not angry because I tried to advise her in any way...I know better LOL! What it was is that when she moved in to our home after comng back from Alberta she didn't want to do anything around the house to help and I started calling her 'princess' because of it:>) I couldn't help it...she would make herself a meal every 20 minutes and left the dishes for me to do...and left them all over the house, at that...she would lay around all day and do nothing...she's 18! but at night she felt well enough to go out all evening with her friends. Anyway it went like that for about three weeks and finally I started 'talking to myself a I worked around the house and was within earshot of her. Id say "Oh it would be wonderful to have a daughter to help me with this...or that (whatever I was doing at the time) And "Oh it would be nice if my daughter would have picked up her own bowl off the coffee table...but oh, I'll do it for her" Then I started waiting close by for her to finish eating so I could take her plate to the dishwasher:>) You think she might have got the hint...nope, she just got madder and madder...and all the while we were outdoors most of the time building the guest house for her. We couldn't get it done fast enough!
The last straw was when she had this guy show up here at 11 at night thinking he was coming in for a visit and I stopped him at the door. I told them that my daughter was more than wecome to go out, but that it was late and we didn't feel like company at that time of night...goodness our OWN frends don't show up at that time. Anyway DD got so upset and the next morning asked us to drop her off at the crisis center...she claims we kicked her out:>)

Anyway thanks for listening to my rant...and yes I guess i was a little overbearing for a couple of days LOL!


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
Glad to hear you don't have to move. Ugh, what a chore that would be.

Sorry your daughter is still upset with you. My DS will be 18 next month and he really thinks the world revolves around him. We never had the terrible twos or moody preteen, so now I guess we have the unapreciative late teens.

Makes me look forward to the "Mom, you were right.", years.

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