Moved away from Mainstream (medicine)

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
MorelCabin said:

Wonderful Post Natalie, and very enlightening!
Thank you. I was trying to stay out of this, really trying.
Gritting my teeth trying, but I could not stand another minute of it.
The facts needed to be told. I hadn't heard much in the way of accurate facts yet and it was apalling to to say the least.
Its always the same old regurgitated, standard lines you hear during these debates, I hear them time and again.

By the way besides the book by David Kirby I mentioned
Evidence of Harm, a good film is Shoot em Up.
Its a documentary made by a hollywood director who questions the decision to vaccinate or not. So she goes out knocking on the medical establishments doors asking why all these toxins are in the vaccines and why they even need so many.

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
Table A:
Summary Comparison of Characteristics
of Autism & Mercury Poisoning
Mercury Poisoning

Psychiatric Disturbances

Social deficits, shyness, social withdrawal
Social deficits, social withdrawal, shyness

Depression, mood swings; mask face
Depressive traits, mood swings; flat affect


Schizoid tendencies, OCD traits
Schizophrenic & OCD traits; repetitiveness

Lacks eye contact, hesitant to engage others
Lack of eye contact, avoids conversation

Irrational fears
Irrational fears

Irritability, aggression, temper tantrums
Irritability, aggression, temper tantrums

Impaired face recognition
Impaired face recognition

Speech, Language & Hearing Deficits

Loss of speech, failure to develop speech
Delayed language, failure to develop speech

Dysarthria; articulation problems
Dysarthria; articulation problems

Speech comprehension deficits
Speech comprehension deficits

Verbalizing & word retrieval problems
Echolalia; word use & pragmatic errors

Sound sensitivity
Sound sensitivity

Hearing loss; deafness in very high doses
Mild to profound hearing loss

Poor performance on language IQ tests
Poor performance on verbal IQ tests

Sensory Abnormalities</TD< tr>

Abnormal sensation in mouth & extremities
Abnormal sensation in mouth & extremities

Sound sensitivity
Sound sensitivity

Abnormal touch sensations; touch aversion
Abnormal touch sensations; touch aversion

Vestibular abnormalities
Vestibular abnormalities

Motor Disorders

Involuntary jerking movements - arm flapping, ankle jerks, myoclonal jerks, choreiform movements, circling, rocking
Stereotyped movements - arm flapping, jumping, circling, spinning, rocking; myoclonal jerks; choreiform movements

Deficits in eye-hand coordination; limb apraxia; intention tremors
Poor eye-hand coordination; limb apraxia; problems with intentional movements

Gait impairment; ataxia - from incoordination & clumsiness to inability to walk, stand, or sit; loss of motor control
Abnormal gait and posture, clumsiness and incoordination; difficulties sitting, lying, crawling, and walking

Difficulty in chewing or swallowing
Difficulty chewing or swallowing

Unusual postures; toe walking
Unusual postures; toe walking

Cognitive Impairments

Borderline intelligence, mental retardation - some cases reversible
Borderline intelligence, mental retardation - sometimes "recovered"

Poor concentration, attention, response inhibition
Poor concentration, attention, shifting attention

Uneven performance on IQ subtests
Uneven performance on IQ subtests

Verbal IQ higher than performance IQ
Verbal IQ higher than performance IQ

Poor short term, verbal, & auditory memory
Poor short term, auditory & verbal memory

Poor visual and perceptual motor skills, impairment in simple reaction time
Poor visual and perceptual motor skills, lower performance on timed tests

Difficulty carrying out complex commands
Difficulty carrying out multiple commands

Word-comprehension difficulties
Word-comprehension difficulties

Deficits in understanding abstract ideas & symbolism; degeneration of higher mental powers
Deficits in abstract thinking & symbolism, understanding others mental states, sequencing, planning & organizing

Unusual Behaviors

Stereotyped sniffing (rats)
Stereotyped, repetitive behaviors

ADHD traits
ADHD traits

Agitation, unprovoked crying, grimacing, staring spells
Agitation, unprovoked crying, grimacing, staring spells

Sleep difficulties
Sleep difficulties

Eating disorders, feeding problems
Eating disorders, feeding problems

Self injurious behavior, e.g. head banging
Self injurious behavior, e.g. head banging

Visual Impairments

Poor eye contact, impaired visual fixation
Poor eye contact, problems in joint attention

Visual impairments, blindness, near-sightedness, decreased visual acuity
Visual impairments; inaccurate/slow saccades; decreased rod functioning

Light sensitivity, photophobia
Over-sensitivity to light

Blurred or hazy vision
Blurred vision

Constricted visual fields
Not described

Physical Disturbances

Increase in cerebral palsy; hyper- or hypo-tonia; abnormal reflexes; decreased muscle strength, especially upper body; incontinence; problems chewing, swallowing, salivating
Increase in cerebral palsy; hyper- or hypotonia; decreased muscle strength, especially upper body; incontinence; problems chewing and swallowing

Rashes, dermatitis/dry skin, itching; burning
Rashes, dermatitis, eczema, itching

Autonomic disturbance: excessive sweating, poor circulation, elevated heart rate
Autonomic disturbance: unusual sweating, poor circulation, elevated heart rate

Gastro-intestinal Disturbances</TD< tr>

Gastroenteritis, diarrhea; abdominal pain, constipation, colitis
Diarrhea, constipation, gaseousness, abdominal discomfort, colitis

Anorexia, weight loss, nausea, poor appetite
Anorexia; feeding problems/vomiting

Lesions of ileum & colon; increased gut permeability
Leaky gut syndrome

Inhibits dipeptidyl peptidase IV, which cleaves casomorphin
Inadequate endopeptidase enzymes needed for breakdown of casein & gluten

Abnormal Biochemistry

Binds -SH groups; blocks sulfate transporter in intestines, kidneys
Low sulfate levels

Has special affinity for purines & pyrimidines
Purine & pyrimidine metabolism errors lead to autistic features

Reduces availability of glutathione, needed in neurons, cells & liver to detoxify heavy metals
Low levels of glutathione; decreased ability of liver to detoxify heavy metals

Causes significant reduction in glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase
Abnormal glutathione peroxidase activities in erythrocytes

Disrupts mitochondrial activities, especially in brain
Mitochondrial dysfunction, especially in brain

Immune Dysfunction

Sensitivity due to allergic or autoimmune reactions; sensitive individuals more likely to have allergies, asthma, autoimmune-like symptoms, especially rheumatoid-like ones
More likely to have allergies and asthma; familial presence of autoimmune diseases, especially rheumatoid arthritis; IgA deficiencies

Can produce an immune response in CNS
On-going immune response in CNS

Causes brain/MBP autoantibodies
Brain/MBP autoantibodies present

Causes overproduction of Th2 subset; kills/inhibits lymphocytes, T-cells, and monocytes; decreases NK T-cell activity; induces or suppresses IFNg & IL-2
Skewed immune-cell subset in the Th2 direction; decreased responses to T-cell mitogens; reduced NK T-cell function; increased IFNg & IL-12

CNS Structural Pathology

Selectively targets brain areas unable to detoxify or reduce Hg-induced oxidative stress
Specific areas of brain pathology; many functions spared

Damage to Purkinje and granular cells
Damage to Purkinje and granular cells

Accummulates in amygdala and hippocampus
Pathology in amygdala and hippocampus

Causes abnormal neuronal cytoarchitecture; disrupts neuronal migration & cell division; reduces NCAMs
Neuronal disorganization; increased neuronal cell replication, increased glial cells; depressed expression of NCAMs

Progressive microcephaly
Progressive microcephaly and macrocephaly

Brain stem defects in some cases
Brain stem defects in some cases

Abnormalities in Neuro-chemistry

Prevents presynaptic serotonin release & inhibits serotonin transport; causes calcium disruptions
Decreased serotonin synthesis in children; abnormal calcium metabolism

Alters dopamine systems; peroxidine deficiency in rats resembles mercurialism in humans
Possibly high or low dopamine levels; positive response to peroxidine (lowers dopamine levels)

Elevates epinephrine & norepinephrine levels by blocking enzyme that degrades epinephrine
Elevated norepinephrine and epinephrine

Elevates glutamate
Elevated glutamate and aspartate

Leads to cortical acetylcholine deficiency; increases muscarinic receptor density in hippocampus & cerebellum
Cortical acetylcholine deficiency; reduced muscarinic receptor binding in hippocampus

Causes demyelinating neuropathy
Demyelination in brain

EEG Abnormalities / Epilepsy

Causes abnormal EEGs, epileptiform activity
Abnormal EEGs, epileptiform activity

Causes seizures, convulsions
Seizures; epilepsy

Causes subtle, low amplitude seizure activity
Subtle, low amplitude seizure activities

Population Characteristics

Effects more males than females
Male:female ratio estimated at 4:1

At low doses, only affects those geneticially susceptible
High heritability - concordance for MZ twins is 90%

First added to childhood vaccines in 1930s
First "discovered" among children born in 1930s

Exposure levels steadily increased since 1930s with rate of vaccination, number of vaccines
Prevalence of autism has steadily increased from 1 in 2000 (pre1970) to 1 in 500 (early 1990s), higher in 2000.

Exposure occurs at 0 - 15 months; clinical silent stage means symptom emergence delayed; symptoms emerge gradually, starting with movement & sensation
Symptoms emerge from 4 months to 2 years old; symptoms emerge gradually, starting with movement & sensation



Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
WOWZA, Natalie, you HAVE done your homework!

Even if I weren't already leaning toward your side on the subject, I would topple over on that post, for sure! Can't really say its mere coincidence with information like that, can they?

From a nursing standpoint, I would have to say that the symptoms described here are quite accurate, from the cases I've seen.

And the vaccine I gave last week had Thimerasol in it, BTW. :rolleyes:

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
Something to ponder, there was a disease or condition called
Pinks Disease or Acrodynia.
It was caused by mercury in teething creams and talc used for babies.
Besides causing things like death, autoimmune disease and the skin to blister it caused symptoms strangely similar to autism, you may even say exactly the same.
A link was discovered between these products and this condition and the mercury was removed. It was the only thing to change.
Since the mercury was removed from these products, has anyone ever even heard of this conditon?
Just wondering....

Strangely thimerisol which is 50 percent mercury was developed by Eli Lily.
It was grandfathered in by the fda so it never went through all the testing it would have.
When Eli lilly tested it by injecting dogs with it, they all died.
So the verdict was don't use it on dogs, its not safe for dogs.
Then they tested it on elderly patients in the hospital, and they died, so the verdict? Do not use thimerisol on sick or elderly people or perhaps with people who do not have a healthy IMMUNE system.
Like an infant? Hmmmm

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
Beekissed said:
WOWZA, Natalie, you HAVE done your homework!

Even if I weren't already leaning toward your side on the subject, I would topple over on that post, for sure! Can't really say its mere coincidence with information like that, can they?

From a nursing standpoint, I would have to say that the symptoms described here are quite accurate, from the cases I've seen.

And the vaccine I gave last week had Thimerasol in it, BTW. :rolleyes:
Thanks, I never get involved if I don't have my facts and let me tell ya I have more facts on this than I can even comprehend.
I was trying to keep out of it, but it just didn't feel right to anymore.
When we are out somewhere and someone brings up this argument my husband always says Oh Oh, now you are going to wish you didn't go and do that, and smiles at me.


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ontario Canada
the simple life said:
Something to ponder, there was a disease or condition called
Pinks Disease or Acrodynia.
It was caused by mercury in teething creams and talc used for babies.
Besides causing things like death, autoimmune disease and the skin to blister it caused symptoms strangely similar to autism, you may even say exactly the same.
A link was discovered between these products and this condition and the mercury was removed. It was the only thing to change.
Since the mercury was removed from these products, has anyone ever even heard of this conditon?
Just wondering....

Strangely thimerisol which is 50 percent mercury was developed by Eli Lily.
It was grandfathered in by the fda so it never went through all the testing it would have.
When Eli lilly tested it by injecting dogs with it, they all died.
So the verdict was don't use it on dogs, its not safe for dogs.
Then they tested it on elderly patients in the hospital, and they died, so the verdict? Do not use thimerisol on sick or elderly people or perhaps with people who do not have a healthy IMMUNE system.
Like an infant? Hmmmm
Now that is scary! My daughter is having a baby in April...I don't want to scare her...but I don't want to be a sheep to this either....

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
One more thing, if people wonder why more boys have autism than girls its considered to be because their levels of testosterone inhibit their body from detoxing out the neurotoxins that are STILL in vaccines.
Like aluminum, cadmium and lead .
Then you have the mecury that was let me clear my throat, cough, cough "removed."


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Sure am glad they aren't using it in my dog's vaccines....yep, sure am glad of that.....wouldn't want him to get sick or die, that's for sure! :rolleyes:

Remind me, if I'm ever crazy enough to run for office, to ask Natalie to do my research, will ya? :)


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 26, 2008
Reaction score
South Central Michigan
the simple life said:
I will ask this though ? Would you rather take a chance with measles or autism?

If you take your child to the doctor after getting even one round of shots and get their blood drawn for titre test you will find they have lifelong immunity already.
Test their titres every year, it won't change.
How come the rest of us were immune with only one shot but now the kids need 3 or 4 boosters?
Cha ching, Cha ching.

I think before people go off on others about not vaccinating they should get all their facts.

I think its ironic when people brag about how they feed their kids organically, and raise them in a "green" environment but will gladly hold them down while they are injected with proven neurotoxins.
Natalie, thanks for all that excellent information. Clearly you've done a whole lot of research. I have also done a lot of research, though... I was not sure about the whole vaccine issue when my baby was born this past March. So before I gave my baby vaccines, I looked very hard into the research out there, and while I saw many of the facts you've given in some documents on the internet, when I looked at medical journals and other peer-reviewed sources, they seemed to disagree with such things about 97% of the time. And I believe in research.

I totally agree with you on all the extra boosters though. Seems pretty ridiculous, and a scheme to get our money.

As far as the question of "would I rather take my chances with measles or autism," I again don't want to step into an argument, but for the sake of a good friend of mine who is HIV positive, and many others like him, I'd rather vaccinate and let him and others not worry about being killed by the outbreak of a disease that's supposed to be eradicated.

My arguments may sound like "regurgitated" points you've heard before, but they're things I believe after doing a lot of soul-searching, and heavy research. I don't take such decisions lightly, and neither do you... but I'd appreciate not being marginalized as someone who's not bothered to look up the facts.

EDITED TO ADD: It does appear, on further research, that they didn't fully remove the thimerosal from some vaccines, they just removed 99.9% of it, but had to leave some. My bad.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I looked very hard into the research out there, and while I saw many of the facts you've given in some documents on the internet, when I looked at medical journals and other peer-reviewed sources, they seemed to disagree with such things about 97% of the time. And I believe in research.
You are aware, I'm sure, that most doctors who write for medical journals are extremely biased when it comes to drug companies. No. Make that ALL of them. They are hand in glove with each other...if you only knew how many millions of dollars are spent on doctors by the drug companies each year it would take your breath away. One of the doctors that I worked with went on two big game hunts and had all the animals mounted ($15,000 each trip), skiing trips for the whole family, a Carribean vacation for the family, numerous $500 checks given for getting to "follow" him in his office for an hour, free meals brought to the office~infinity, $500 for having a meal with the company rep......need I go on? This is one country doctor in podunk WV in a satellite office of a small urgent care one year. The return for all this largess? Writing the proper scripts for the company's newest meds, even if they were not the most effective for the illness presented.

Now, take that small example and times it by as many doctors there are in this country, as well as increasing the size and worth of the "perks" for supporting the drug company's agenda, and you have your "peer review" medical journal information group. They often hold stock in the same companies. Conflict of interest? Prove it? Its just an article, isn't it? Not a point of law really, just an opinion based on some very biased "medical" research.

Sorry to burst your bubble, folks, about how far you can trust the medical profession. Take it from one can't. Its all about the money, people....follow the rich white guy...he's always the one behind the crime! ;) :p

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