Moved away from Mainstream (medicine)


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Beekissed said:
Ann? Got that club? :D
:lol: See, this is when it's tough to wear that moderator hat. Thankfully you guys are behaving admirably. Spirited discussion is always a good thing.

For the record, I am with Natalie and Jules. I think we're hammering our childrens' immune system way too early, and way to hard. I've seen firsthand a bubbling 15 month old get the next in the series of vaccinations and then immediately (and I do mean immediately, the very next day) become a dead-eyed autistic boy who was never really reached again. No question in my (or his mom's) mind that the vaccination caused his autism.

The basic DPT I don't have a huge problem with provided it isn't given too early. I agree that basic vaccinations aren't inherently bad, and have done a good job of keeping those basic diseases at bay. But I had the measles. I had chicken pox, heck, my mother brought us over to a friend's house to make sure we got the chicken pox when they were going around one summer - so we wouldn't get them in school. I don't see the need for vaccinations against those childhood illnesses. I know there are horror stories to be told when people have seriously bad cases. I have some cold logic floating through my mind there but I'll leave it there.

I believe humans have a basically sound immune system that should be supported, not bolstered with questionable additives that only line the pockets of the pharmaceutical firms.

Over in Europe they have a much less aggressive vaccination program for their children - and their autism rate is much lower than it is over here. Somehow it seems that what we do to our childrens' immune system 'breaks' or twists something in brain development. Will that ever be proven? I doubt that research would ever see the light of day, the lawyers would swoop in at that point and the lawsuits would clog the legal system. (Right now those lawyers work for the pharmaceutical companies. Watch how fast they'd turn if this proof ever saw the light of day! :rolleyes: )

As for that Gardisil vaccine I think it's nothing more than a moneymaker and would never have any daughter have it. But I don't have daughters, and am not likely to, so it's a moot point for me.

Now provided the conversation continues on such a high level my club will stay under my desk ;)

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
I meant to tell you last night , regarding your concerns for your daughter's baby.
One option would be to wait, allow the child to grow, become healthy and develop a strong immune system.
At that point you may or may not to decide to vaccinate.
But if you do its alot better than allowing an infant to be bombarded with multiple vaccines.
At this point, if you get the vaccines and I do not mean the boosters.
You ask for the single dose vaccines and not the bolus dose.
When the bolus or multi dose is used the nurse is SUPPOSE to shake it up vigoruously as the neurotoxins and heavy metals sink to the bottom.
In a busy office this does not always happen.
SO if you are the lucky one who gets one of the last doses you get way more of the bad ingredients than you are suppose to.
Thats where those guildelines for how much thimerisol is in the each vaccine goes right out the window.
You have the right to request your doctor order you the single dose vaccine before your visit.
Make sure you ask to see the box before they give it to the child, you are within your right.
Make sure its not a bolus dose.
If this is the route you go.
You may now have the child's blood drawn and his titers tested. It will show his level of immunity to the viruses that the first vaccine was given for.
You will find that they NEVER need another booster and may get an exemption after that.
Exemptions are usually only given for religious or medical reasons, such as seizure disorders.
But you can ask for a religious exemption and bring a copy of the titre tests with you to show the immunity is already there.

For the record the only known cases of Polio in this country in the last few decades has been caused by the live polio vaccine itself.

I hope for your grandchild's sake and the rest of the world, that the Green Our Vaccines campaign is a successful one and they remove all this garbage from the vaccines and revamp the mandated vaccine schedule.

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
As for that Gardisil vaccine I think it's nothing more than a moneymaker and would never have any daughter have it. But I don't have daughters, and am not likely to, so it's a moot point for me.

Now provided the conversation continues on such a high level my club will stay under my desk

-Ann, a gardening beek

That guardisal vaccine wasn't even vigorously tested and there have been alarming reports about girls recieving it and having ill effects, sometimes right there in the doctor's office.
They are actually pressuring girls to get it, my daughter knows the deal and refused it at her last physical.
The nurse kept saying everybody gets it, the insurance will pay for it.
She was like, do you want to talk to my mom?
Of course not, they know better.

Now, I heard that if you piss off Ann she will invite you over to get stung by bees.Or dig holes in her yard :lol:
Not sure how true that is but.......


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score

I can't get involved..AHHH....over to the empty nest thread....LOL

I don't want to be clubbed!


Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Nebraska Sandhills
the simple life said:
That guardisal vaccine wasn't even vigorously tested and there have been alarming reports about girls recieving it and having ill effects, sometimes right there in the doctor's office.
They are actually pressuring girls to get it, my daughter knows the deal and refused it at her last physical.
The nurse kept saying everybody gets it, the insurance will pay for it.
She was like, do you want to talk to my mom?
Of course not, they know better.

Now, I heard that if you piss off Ann she will invite you over to get stung by bees.Or dig holes in her yard :lol:
Not sure how true that is but.......
I hate that, the pressure on a teen - I'd surely YELL at them for that. they're using the kids as guinea pigs. Just a matter of time before boys get in on that deal.
Be sure to ask the NURSE if she's had her shot. and while you're at it ask the doctor if he's up to date on his.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 26, 2008
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South Central Michigan
the simple life said:

This is a group of peers who convened to discuss the dangers of vaccines.
You can find the full account of the minutes online but these are excerpts I have.

Oh and I am glad you feel safe with "99.9 percent" of mercury removed from your child's vaccines.
A little mercury certainly never hurt anyone.

How many of those vaccines will they have to get with such a smidgen of mercury in them?

I am not sure but is where the thimerisol is 99.9 percent gone from our vaccines?
Thanks for that link. Seems like a very interesting panel, and I'd love to read more about it. I'm not entirely a medical partisan, and I certainly do think we're often being sold things by medical companies through the doctors. But still, I'm going to go ahead and balk when people tell me never to trust any doctor. I have a lot of friends who are doctors, and I trust them. My previous doctor live-parked her car and ran through traffic to come deal with my wife's sickness. I like doctors. Yes, some of them are corrupt. Maybe many of them, and certainly a good number of them who are in power situations. But I trust my doctor. She's a great woman, recommends alternative medicines all the time if she thinks they're appropriate, finds us ways around the insurance system when we can't afford something... not all doctors have bad intentions. Just some.

That is indeed the chart I have also looked at. And on that chart, none of the vaccines given to my infant have any thimerosal listed. I checked before agreeing to them.

As far as the "smidgen" of mercury, the offending vaccines on that chart have 25 micrograms of mercury. An average 6 ounce can of tuna has 20 micrograms. I don't like that either, and think the mercury poisoning of our air and water are horrible. But I think it serves as a counter-argument to the "you don't watch out for toxins in your child" thing. There are toxins everywhere. No matter what I do, where I go, my baby is going to be exposed to them. I'm trying to minimize them as much as possible. But measles is a toxin, too. And so it diphtheria.

So, on that chart, it shows that none of the standard baby vaccines I received have any mercury. And, my baby's going to get some amount of mercury anyway (sadly) from any encounter she has with any fish or seafood, and from walking outdoors near factories or in cities, and from all kinds of nasty sources. I hate that about our world.


Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Nebraska Sandhills
ScottyG said:
As far as the "smidgen" of mercury, the offending vaccines on that chart have 25 micrograms of mercury. An average 6 ounce can of tuna has 20 micrograms. .
THe difference being the vaccine mercury is being INJECTED into a person. TUna or other is being eaten - a whole different route.

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
Again, you avoid the whole topic of all the other neurotoxins in the vaccines.
Aluminum, lead, cadmium, antifreeze etc.
You are so focused on the mercury you cannot see the forest through the trees.
If you read the Simpsonwood Minutes which is a group of PEERs doctors, sitting around a table discussing the current vaccine schedule and its ingredients.
There was absolute great concern about the aluminum and everything else in the vaccines.
One doctor even did a study himself where he felt the younger the child given the vaccines the worse off they were.
He said there were alot less problems with speech and other developmental issues in the people that vaccinated their children later, after their immune system had matured.

There was also a doctor on that panel that was expecting his first grandchild, he stated in front of all that he would sign the vaccine schedule but he would never let his own grandchild recieve those very same vaccines, he felt they were unsafe.


Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Nebraska Sandhills
There are a few good books to read - I did all my research and reading 9 years ago, once I made my decision I never went back - I'm happy and totally comfortable with my choice.

I read some by Dr. Mendelshon (sp) I had to special order one book as it was out of print.
I read some articals by MOTHERING magazine.
Neil Miller all his books
Randall Neustaedter - all his are also good.

Oh and Shot in the dark. (H.Coulter)

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