yep what Free said (hey Free!). i just helped out a buddy who had a very badly injured duck.. and she totally made it.
and really if they are even remotely eating its a good sign. check them later by feeling them all over. you can give them some first aid for any bleeding injuries and quiet quiet quiet is a great healer
Oh, I'm sooooo sad for you. I would have cried all nite too. Poor babies, but accidents happen and yes, they usually are the fault of the humans. Sounds like OFG and the others have given you excellent advice about keeping the three girls safe and on the road to recuperation. Hugs to you....
I'm so sorry that you have had to deal with this. I feel your pain. Hubby and I had (key word:had) 2 dozen free range chickens. We had an open shelter for them but no secure coop. Within three days time, before we could even get some kind of secure fencing up, coyotes got all but three of our birds. We are still sick over it. And it was totally our fault for not providing well enough for them.
Hang in there; life's lessons aren't always easy, but this is one that will stick with you, and with me.
So sorry this happened. Glad you still have a safe, secure coop for the girls. Forget about blaming yourselves. You figured out what needs fixed- and that is much more important. We're all human. We all tend to put off doing outside stuff when the weather's yucky.
You might try a little Rescue Remedy in their water, to help them get over the shock. It's available at health food stores.
Don't blame yourselves too much. This stuff happens. We all make dumb mistakes and our animals pay the price. Hopefully we learn from them.
I also use rescue remedy, when any of my birds get hurt or are in shock. I put a drop or two on their combs and sometimes drbble a drop on the beak for them to drink. I think it helps. It cost about $20.
Your chickens will be in shock and possibly in mourning for a while. Hopefully they aren't too badly injured. I hope for a speedy recovery for them.
I've never heard of rescue remedy before. do I have to get it at a health store or can I get it at country feed store. I'm pretty far from the city, so health stores are a week-end thing.
and one more thing
how long before I can put other chickens with these guys?
Hubby is going to spend this week-end completely changing the run to make it dog proof. After that, will it be ok to add some "friends"? these girls are about 7 weeks old.
I saw your post on FB. That is just horrible, but I agree, your remaining girls may be shell shocked for awhile. We had an eagle attack that left our girls shell shocked for a couple of days. If they are eating and moving around, they will come around.