well, the attack happened on Sunday evening. It's now Wednesday evening and two of the three still seem out of it. One seems to be doing better, flaps her wings, eats well. The other two eat and drink, but don't seem normal.
One still hobbles favoring one leg over the other. She eats ok, will walk up and eat bread from my hand. Drinks very well, like she's really thirsty. I can't tell if she has a broken leg or sprain or fracture. She bares weight, but just doesn't walk with a normal gait.
The other keeps her head down on her shoulders and stays fluffed up. Even when walking, she has her head lower on her shoulders, if that makes sense. I have seen her eat, but she's not very interested in food. She'll eat her chick feed, but not interested in veggies, pasta or melon. She'll eat some yogurt and a small amount of bread. She lays alot and sleeps more than the other two.
How long do I let them heal before I have to determine if they aren't going to get any better? I don't want to make them suffer hopin' they get better, but I also sure don't want to cull too early.
sounds like they are doing pretty well.. and it doesnt sound like they are suffering (they arent laying weirdly, or panting, or in a heap) and eating and pooping is pretty good. we have one lame hen (we think she got stepped on before we got her) who is now about 6 or 8 years old. she gets around fine. as for the one who sits fluffed up.. hummm... that one i'd be worried about.
there is a gal on BYC called threehorses who has a first aide q&A on her personal page. i would go thru it and see if it answers your questions. then contact her by PM and explain the EXACT behaviors you are observing.
honestly i would give them a week to 10 days before making any decisions... especially if they are at all eating/drinking.
I'd give them a full week to recover. Your hens don't sound too bad as far as physical damage is concerned. Of course without beeing able to check them, it is impossible to tell for sure. If you felt them all over and you didn't feel anything out of place, they may just need time. If you think they are in pain, you can give them some aspirin. I usually give about 1/8 tablet to a chicken. I just scrape a little onto a grape or some other treat. If they show improved behavior after that, you'll know for sure they were in pain. You might also give them electrolites. I always have some on hand for stressfull situations. It is good to have for hot summer days too. You can give them diluted gatorade, if that is convenient for you.
One of our hens who was the only survivor of a dog attack, never really recovered emotionally. We ended up giving her away to someone who had a better place for her. She didn't have a scratch on her. We found her on top of the dog pen, which is about 8 feet high.
I think your chickens are in emotional as well as physical shock. I have had plenty of chickens recover nicely from nasty experiences. As a matter of fact 3 of the chickens I have now, were attacked by dogs and they are just fine and not even afraid of our dog either!!! But they are weary of new to them dogs.
I also just read what happened...that really sucks. I'm sorry for ya'll also. We lost our first batch(6 BO pullets just getting ready to start laying) just like that, so I feel your loss. Sorry again.
well, the black one won't even stand up anymore much less walk. I was feeding her some moistened chick feed and she'd eat that, and I gave her some water with an eyedropper because she can't stand up to get to the water.