
Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
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eastern plains, Colorado
I must be the biggest clutz this side of the Rockies! Worked hard on winterizing the chicken coops this past weekend. First we had to clean out the 6x10 dog kennels. One we had to lift up completely to get out some pink shelves we had been using as roosts. Took up way too much room. While that kennel was on its side, dug holes for 3 posts that went in between the two kennels to hold the beams, and attached a beam/support. Then it started to rain so quickly put the kennel back to rights and reattached the tarp that covered both kennels. So very glad we did because it rained off and on all day. In between showers, we dug post holes. Unfortunately, it took FOREVER! After the first inch of sand, we hit rock and kept on hitting rock. Got only 4 of the 9 holes dug before the final HUGE downpour of the day. Soaked 3 changes of clothing.

That was Saturday.

Sunday, woke up with a migraine. Couldn't afford to be down cause we're expecting more rain and really needed to get the roof on the chicken coops so took migraine meds. Did another 2 posts before lunch. Each took about an hour because of digging through the rock, and we were going down 2 1/2 feet. Whew. Came in, grabbed a quick lunch and returned outside to work on the last 3. Did one pretty quickly ... mostly sand. But working on the other two, I finally grabbed something similar to a pickax and being all dumb and careless (or drowsy from the migraine med), swung that pickax and it hit me right smack in my forehead. Little gash of 1 inch or so but sure as heck bled a lot. Thank goodness I had a headband to catch sweat because the gash could have been much worse.

Hubby and son helped me inside (blinded by blood and pain), cleaned me up and I laid down for 30 minutes while they continued working. When I wasn't so dizzy, I joined them and we finally got the holes dug and posts set in, plus beams. Then started doing cross beams. Finally got ONE of the roof boards on before dark.

Took a shower, being very careful to keep water off my bandage. Went to bed early because my head was absolutely aching. Haven't checked my bandage yet this morning.

When hubby gets home, hopefully on time, we'll have about 2 hours of daylight to finish. Supposed to get more rain tomorrow so it HAS to be today. If I feel better this afternoon, maybe I can get started early with my son holding the ladder. Still have 5 more 4x8 boards to put on, then will cover it all with plastic sheeting then a tarp.

That should keep them drier than what they have now and even what they had last year. Couldn't keep the heavy Spring snow from bending the tarps.

Within the next week, we'll add boards to the chain link kennel walls. Right now there's a few boards but it's mostly tarps and shower curtains.

We plan to leave the south side completely uncovered, except for the worst blizzards this winter ... you know, the ones that blow snow every which way, including up!

Still have a little more work to do on the bantam coops but they're good for now. Their new roof is holding. Just need a few more boards along the side. Gonna move the "maternity ward" for chickens to the south of them because I'm pretty sure we'll have broodies during the winter. Most of our bad weather comes from the north.

We'll need to do the same basic winterizing of kennels in the goat pen. There are two ... one we're stocking with hay and the other is where our two doe goats will kid in Nov/Dec. So, need it nice and covered and snug so the little baby goaties don't freeze. In the goat pen, we have two dog houses where the goats like to sleep ... it's just the kidding kennel that needs more work.

This is going to be a rough winter. I can feel it, just like I felt it last year and we ended up with negative 35 degrees a few nights.

Need to be more ready this year than last, even tho everyone survived last winter. Just a little frostbite on a couple of combs.

Not even close to getting the house ready. Still need to clear a place in the basement for my remaining tomato and cucumber plants, and start some others so we can have veggies this winter. Put up grow lights. Get more propane. Get more firewood. Get more hay. Put that shrink-wrap-plastic-stuff on windows.

THEN I'll be able to breathe a little easier.


Apr 4, 2009
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Yeah! for getting winterizing done. We rarely finish winterizing before winter. :/ I do think it is going to be a rough winter again this year, too. One of the reasons I wanted to get more chicks to raise to help keep the ancient old girls warm this winter (I think that was the argument that finally got through). I still have 63 round bales to get hauled in (7 at a time in our trailer) and find space for before Dec 1st.


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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Yep! :) This is going to be a cold winter and lots of snow. Last year's "lots of snow" was mostly in high country but dang if they didn't get 250% of the usual annual snow fall ;)


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
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eastern plains, Colorado
Well, my son and I cleaned up the backyard from trash (a LOT blows into the backyard because of our constant high winds). We moved all the wood and cinderblocks and organized them according to size (to make things easier tonight). Moved a small chicken house where it might provide some spur-of-the-moment protection from hawks or bad weather. Gathered all feeders and waterers that weren't being used and put them in our little plastic kiddie pool for me to take care of another day. Move one of my bantam eggers in with her new hubby, my silkie boys. (Will move the rest of the bantam egger girls in tonight after dark ... thus, silkie boys with egger girls, and the egger boy will already have all the silkie girls).

Then my head started hurting a LOT, from all the bending over. Came in, cleaned up, washed the sweat off my forehead's gash, and let the dog out. Found a baggie on my front doorknob: 237 gallons of propane were delivered even tho I called to postpone until the first of the month. Gotta call and find out if they'd delay payment until then.

Could it have been the propane fairy? Is there a hay and firewood fairy too?

I wish.

I'm making a list for what we need to do to finish getting ready for winter. Last year we just delayed and procrastinated and never got a lot of things done. Stepped on chick feeders and stray pieces of wood all winter. Spent many a blizzard trying to hold up tarps off of chickens and stanching drips into the goat's dog houses. Hurt my back, froze my toes, nose and fingers, and caught numerous colds.

Not this year.

Anyway, then I'll plan out each weekend.

Abi/Val: agreed! Rough winter a-coming!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
eastern plains, Colorado
SIL closed out FIL's bank accounts so Hubby will be getting his check tomorrow. May be as much as a thousand! Woohoo! Can pay that propane bill now.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Hopefully it will come through and you will have a nice full tanks to get you through the winter :D

As for putting off projects....arg! I have to finish the duck pen gate, replace the night pen roof, and winterize the quail pen. I have zero extra cash right now and need to buy more lumber. :tongue

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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You're way ahead of me. How has your leg been holding up w/all of this?


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
eastern plains, Colorado
Thanks for asking. My leg is really bad. Can only get around on crutches. Ortho appt isn't for another 3 weeks or so. Working on the chicken coops for all weekend plus Mon/Tue evenings really really really killed my leg. Luckily, someone responded to my ad for help that I posted in our neighborhood mail box and will be here Fri evening and on to help Hubby finish the coop ... putting up walls and waterproofing the roof. (Bartering eggs for work.) It rained last night. Hope I can hobble out this morning (for feed everyone) to check on how the new roof held up.

Son's out of meds so have to venture into town today. Wish I could get out of it but my son's needs are more important than my lying around waiting for the pain to subside.

Hope the check Hubby picks up today is a lot.

Did anyone else see the news story about how BPA is in a lot more canned products than originally thought? Just caught a glimpse. Usually I stock up when things are on sale around the Nov/Dec holidays but I'm thinking I'll do frozen veggies this year and dehydrate them. But my son loves eating an entire can of fruit for lunch: peaches, pears, and his fav, fruit cocktail. Gotta figure that out. Trying to eliminate everything that can effect him and he really has reactions to chemicals. Been out of canned fruit for about a month so he's been eating apples and pears (fresh ones) but wants to go back to canned.

Maybe if I taught him how to do a smoothie? He loves those and now that we have the upright freezer, we have room for frozen fruit.


Apr 4, 2009
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Sorry your leg still isn't good :(

We don't eat canned fruit or fruit coctail, but I bought a bunch of Bush's canned beans- they have the whole bunch that we use, black beans, cannolini, white beans, pinto, kidney. And as I am using them they all have the plastic coating on the insides of the cans. I guess I will go back to my imported canned beans that are just in cans. I like them to be around for quick ideas instead of having to soak dried beans, although I have a lot of dried beans too.

Why do they do these things? You would think that NOT coating the cans would be cheaper for the companies!


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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MyKidLuvsGreenEgz said:
Did anyone else see the news story about how BPA is in a lot more canned products than originally thought?
Do you have a link??

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