Super Self-Sufficient

I had only 3, but the second child was autistic. He counted for 2.
Welcome to SS! For that introduction we should give you bonus points
I cannot imagine raising 11 children… I have one, only one, and he's handful enough!
Crealbilly you got my points. Wow someone got me beat on younguns'. We have four grown kids and three still at home (adopted) and a grandson we've raised and are in the process of adopting him and oh yeah, six grandkids altogether. I've got chickens but no turkeys. Do you have separate places for your chickens and turkeys?
Hi & welcome crealbilly. Good to have you here.
Please post some pics from your place.
Also, I for one — and I believe I’m just one of many — would love to see pics of your DIY "makings & buildings". Y’know, everything from shelters & outbuildings to contrivances, devices, contraptions, adaptations, set-ups, etc!
Welcome! What kind of turkeys do you have? My husband and I have chocolate turkeys (as well as chickens, goats and pigs).
Most definitely!!!! Anyone with that many kids deserves a trophy at least once a month anyway.I'm the youngest of 9...I know of which I speak. Takes a special couple to raise that many of their own and then take on more.
Welcome from the other side of Egypt here in WV...not in the middle of nowhere but you can sure see it from here.Glad to have you!
They sure are... Nothing at all like broad breasted / butter ball. So much more Delicious even the texture is better.My husband is obsessed with his turkeys. His next mission is to try to get a few bourbon reds. But we've been so happy with the temperament of the chocolates we might just stick with them.
I agree, heritage turkeys are DELICIOUS!
Wow what a small world... Where in WV? I was born in Davy WV in-between a hill and a holler in the early 60's. My folks moved to northern IL in when I was like 2 years old moved so my dad could have a good job. I grew up on cornbread and pinto beans and have lots of kin in Davy, Welch, Coal wood area.
We might be kin and don't even know it.