Went to Tractor Supply today to get feed, and they had organic tomato plants on sale for $1. I wanted to get a million of them but my husband was with me so I behaved (since I have like 20 in the garden). So I bought an Early Girl for my mom and a roma plant for me. And my parents gave us a bunch of squash plants (zucchini and butternut) that I'll also need to get in the ground after dinner or tomorrow, we are supposed to be getting storms this evening and it's pretty dark out now.
It's going to cool down a lot next week, so I'll get more accomplished. Plus it's about haying time, so we'll be starting to stock up. Last year we got mediocre hay (fine for goats!) for $1.50/square bale. And they were big bales. Decent hay (for milking and kids learning to eat) should run me anywhere from $3-5 I hope, if we get it in the field.
Ooh just realized, if it's going to cool down maybe these pigs can get outta here.... Hmm...
Woohoo! DH agreed to a heavy cull of our non-productive, personality challenged and/or undesired breed poultry. Our numbers aren't super high, so this means 7 chickens and a turkey hen (not including the ones we are raising for fall butcher.
So.... Some of them are gonna be tough. I need to go find those chicken canning threads...
This and the pigs going... Will make my feed bill sooooo happy!
It'll only leave us with 6 adult chickens which, quite frankly, is fine by me. Plus we have 10 chicks (if the easter eggers are still nightmares that'll be 7 instead, lol) we'll be keeping and the broody babies are undetermined until we can tell gender and whether they are purebred or not.
My husband is not always so agreeable about culling, but he actually volunteered 3. We need to focus on our breeds, since we have 3 to focus on. Plus a couple of random hens (our daughter picked out the orpingtons so we're stuck with those two!)