For a while my ducks were free ranging, and they could reach through the goat fence and drink their water. That was annoying, of course then the goats wouldn't drink it.
Ah just went to go put dishes in the sink and glanced out the window and a giant bear was standing up and staring at me. I screamed, lol, because my brain didn't click "bear", it just went "giant intruder looming!" my husband got mad at me because I just screamed and then finally was like oh, it's a bear. I never see them standing up so my brain went 2 feet, human??? I'm not even scared of bears, that was a dumb brain moment!
Anyway he went out with his .45 and emptied the clip to scare it off. Doubt that will keep it away for long, but a few days anyway.
I can't even imagine seeing a bear out of my window, lol! Nope - don't even WANT to see a bear out my window. I'll settle for spiders and frogs on the storm door.
I prefer bears to heat. Heat isn't afraid of gunshots! They are very rarely people aggressive, other then protective mamas and the occasional grumpy bear.
Also... I don't do poisonous snakes. Or spiders. Totally scarier than a bear!