Well now he is motivated but says he doesn't want to pay the butcher, so he's planning on doing it himself. OK by me, I don't like paying people to do things we can do either. So he's off to see about how to hang a pig (our normal contraption has been torn apart).
Pig's going to be tomorrow, but I'll survive as long as it's done this weekend! DH has a friend who is busy today but said he can help tomorrow. It's just so much easier with two people.
Someone has a dog they apparently don't pay much attention to because it's been in my yard pretty much every day. It's lucky, it just missed meeting my dogs by about two minutes earlier. DH shot to scare it off... Much less frightening for it than what my dogs would do. Why can't people watch their animals?
I have no idea... Lol oops? OK I have dates for the new girls, one mid March, one at the end of March. My three... Anytime after February 20th or so. I just let them live with Clifford. Bad me... Next year I'll be better about that! I have my heat lamps and kidding kit ready to go whenever they may need it.