Stanley is an older gentleman (he's 6) but since he only has one lady (she's only 2) it'll be OK. They can breed for a long time! He's also very smart! He respects electric so we're going to make a huge run in the tall grass/brush for them. They'll also have access to the stream. I am going to grab some pig feed and dewormer tomorrow, I just prefer to deworm new to me pigs even if they seem OK.
Gonna try to copper bolus the goats today. Never done it before, any warnings for me goat friends? Lol
Copper bolus - ugh. (the procedure - not the product) I've read conflicting reports that it must be in bolus form or that it can be mixed with something....I'm of the belief that it can be mixed with something (just cuz it's easier). Mine love I mix it with canned pumpkin. Most of mine will eat it right offa spoon. Some I put it in a syringe with the end cut off and they take it pretty easily.
I don't... I've done all kinds of things to my goats, but I've never used the bolus thingy. I don't know why I've never been comfortable with it - one of those things I just need to put on my big girl panties and do it!
That's funny, with all the things you are comfortable doing, that's the one that bothers you? Lol! We'll see how we do! Just the does are getting it today. Or tomorrow, depending on how the day goes. DH is running around returning the trailer and stuff.