Revolution in Progress
Poor guy, I hope you see some improvement soon!
I have to admit, my family does the same. I just can't handle "using" and animal I've loved... like you said, pets and friends get burials.Occamstazer said:It wasn't very SS of us, but Godzilla did not get processed. Livestock get eaten, pets and friends get burials.
Just a possibility.Occamstazer said:I am not too happy with my rooster situation.
We had to put down Godzilla last week. One night we went out to lock up the birds and he was sprawled out on the ground. Total paralysis in his legs.
It was so frustrating! Bright, clear eyes. Good looking comb, healthy face. Eating and drinking, if you put it in his reach.
And failed legs.
We gave him two days of rest and care, and he was no better.
And I couldn't do it. I lost my nerve.
Josh, being the greatest man on earth, sent me away on a useless errand so he could shoot my rooster, because I'm a big soft coward.
Went to McDonald's, ate a McFlurry with french fries, cried into it. Revolting.
It wasn't very SS of us, but Godzilla did not get processed. Livestock get eaten, pets and friends get burials.
This leaves us with Tufts as our only rooster. Tufts is an Ideal 236 from the same batch. He doesn't *look* like a Leghorn, he looks like a big white EE, but no matter. The MATTER is that his legs are bad too. He's always spent a lot of time resting on his belly, and we noticed awhile back that his legs are crappy. He walks like a stiff old man for a few steps, then lowers himself down to sit on his haunches, if chickens have haunches.
Whatever this is, it's not infectious. All of my hens (none of the roos' breed) are bright and bushy. It has to be something genetic. I'm thinking Tufts isn't failing as obviously because he isn't 14 lbs like Godzilla was. I'm tempted to send him to freezer camp and get a free rooster from some other, less horrible source. I'm fond of Tufts but not madly adoring like I was with Godzilla, it wouldn't require any tears. Totally fed up with Ideal, will never order from them again.
On the bright side, I think I found some 'scovies, thanks to an email from a member here! *Jumps for joy*
Should be taking a duck-hunting road trip this weekend if all goes well!
Think I can quarantine two ducks in a large dog crate? If I add a shelter-box-thing, will they be happy in there for a few weeks?