Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
Let's update some of our efforts as many things we planned are happening about now.
Or should be. I have 24 chicks on my back porch that are 3-4 wks old, plus 2 trios of Mrans for eggs to hatch later...not laying for another couple months. Most of the chicks are pullets and are some Marans and some blue egg layers I got from Pet Chicken. We'll see how that goes.
My March due does gave me a single doeling, twin doelings & a single buckling. All good. One doe due in early Jun & other 3 had 7 bucklings between them in early Feb...yes, all boys! So there will be sales....Easter is 3/31 and early borns will be ready for those looking for young stock to butcher for that holiday time. I still need to wok on milking the does from all this. Just no time between all else. I see some slowdown after next weeks jobs (gotta get that check!). Milking will start then.
Getting ready to move pigs to their new area. House there for them, fence 3/4 done, just another 100-150' and then they can be "herded" there. THAT will be fun!! Yikes. The garden spot is so very more than plowed.....I will have to get in there with the tractor & tiller to work it over. Probably some grader blading will be needed. Hey, they sure took out some deep grass roots!! With about an acre of pasture in the new lot I hope to have less rooting. If it gets bad, they're gone. LOL Simple.
Should be planting and transplanting in garden by end of March. Chickens are laying very well. In fact, too well. Cooking some tonight for egg salad and even some pig treats. Never ending cycle, right? Almost all the frozen milk/cheese is out of freezer now, too. Milk from the does "training" will be great for both pigs & chickens as it will be far more than I need or can use...even for cheese. Seeds here for the forage patches in the various pastures and hope to get those out next weekend, so some can be grazed early summer. Our grass is just start to wake up!
How is everyone else coming along? This is really everyones busy time with birthings, milkings, gardens, etc., etc. Spring!!
My March due does gave me a single doeling, twin doelings & a single buckling. All good. One doe due in early Jun & other 3 had 7 bucklings between them in early Feb...yes, all boys! So there will be sales....Easter is 3/31 and early borns will be ready for those looking for young stock to butcher for that holiday time. I still need to wok on milking the does from all this. Just no time between all else. I see some slowdown after next weeks jobs (gotta get that check!). Milking will start then.
Getting ready to move pigs to their new area. House there for them, fence 3/4 done, just another 100-150' and then they can be "herded" there. THAT will be fun!! Yikes. The garden spot is so very more than plowed.....I will have to get in there with the tractor & tiller to work it over. Probably some grader blading will be needed. Hey, they sure took out some deep grass roots!! With about an acre of pasture in the new lot I hope to have less rooting. If it gets bad, they're gone. LOL Simple.
Should be planting and transplanting in garden by end of March. Chickens are laying very well. In fact, too well. Cooking some tonight for egg salad and even some pig treats. Never ending cycle, right? Almost all the frozen milk/cheese is out of freezer now, too. Milk from the does "training" will be great for both pigs & chickens as it will be far more than I need or can use...even for cheese. Seeds here for the forage patches in the various pastures and hope to get those out next weekend, so some can be grazed early summer. Our grass is just start to wake up!
How is everyone else coming along? This is really everyones busy time with birthings, milkings, gardens, etc., etc. Spring!!